Niels-Be / Coffee-light

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Rest API

Rest API is mounted in /api/v1. e.g /api/v1/channels

POST /register
body: { name, token }
Registers the current session and assosiate is with an user

GET /channels
query: { search: "" }
Get all channels with optional filter.

GET /channel
query: {channelId }
Get more details about a channel

PUT /channel
body: { name, password, ttl, requestText, message, title, icon }
Create new channel and subscribe to it

POST /channel
body: { channelId, name, password, ttl, requestText, message, title, icon }
Update an existing channel

POST /channel/subscription
body: { channelId, password }
Subscribe to channel, optional password

DELETE /channel/subscription
body: { channelId }
Unsubscribe from channel

DELETE /channel/notify
body: { channelId }
Notify that channel

GET /subscriptions
Get all subscribed channel ids

Websocket API

WebSocket Endpoint is /websocket

Message exchange is in JSON format. Each message is structured like: { cmd: { content } } while a message can contain multiple cmds and multiple instances of the same cmd by an array.

Towards Server:

Towards Client: