Niels-IO / next-image-export-optimizer

Use Next.js advanced <Image/> component with the static export functionality. Optimizes all static images in an additional step after the Next.js static export.
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image-manipulation images nextjs react resize



Use Next.js advanced \ component with the static export functionality. Optimizes all static images in an additional step after the Next.js static export.

Placement of the images:

For images using a path string: (e.g. src="/profile.png")

Place the images in a folder inside the public folder like public/images

For images using a static import: (e.g. src={profileImage})

You can place the images anywhere in your project. The images will be optimized and copied to the export folder.

For remote images: (e.g. src="")

Please refer to the section on remote images.


npm install next-image-export-optimizer

# Or
yarn add next-image-export-optimizer
pnpm install next-image-export-optimizer


Basic configuration

Add the following to your next.config.js:

// next.config.js
module.exports = {
  output: "export",
  images: {
    loader: "custom",
    imageSizes: [16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256, 384],
    deviceSizes: [640, 750, 828, 1080, 1200, 1920, 2048, 3840],
  transpilePackages: ["next-image-export-optimizer"],
  env: {
    nextImageExportOptimizer_imageFolderPath: "public/images",
    nextImageExportOptimizer_exportFolderPath: "out",
    nextImageExportOptimizer_quality: "75",
    nextImageExportOptimizer_storePicturesInWEBP: "true",
    nextImageExportOptimizer_exportFolderName: "nextImageExportOptimizer",
    nextImageExportOptimizer_generateAndUseBlurImages: "true",
    nextImageExportOptimizer_remoteImageCacheTTL: "0",

Update the build command in package.json

-  "build": "next build",
+  "build": "next build && next-image-export-optimizer"

Replace the \ component with the \ component:


// Old
import Image from "next/image";

  alt="Large Image"

// Replace with either of the following:

// With static import (Recommended)
import ExportedImage from "next-image-export-optimizer";
import testPictureStatic from "PATH_TO_IMAGE/test_static.jpg";

<ExportedImage src={testPictureStatic} alt="Static Image" />;

// With dynamic import
import ExportedImage from "next-image-export-optimizer";

  alt="Large Image"

Advanced configuration

Remote images

For remote images, you have to specify the src as a string starting with either http or https in the ExportedImage component.

import ExportedImage from "next-image-export-optimizer";

<ExportedImage src="" alt="Remote Image" />;

In order for the image optimization at build time to work correctly, you have to specify all remote image urls in a file called remoteOptimizedImages.js in the root directory of your project (where the next.config.js is stored as well). The file should export an array of strings containing the urls of the remote images. Returning a promise of such array is also supported.


// remoteOptimizedImages.js
module.exports = [
  // ...
// Or with a promise
module.exports = new Promise((resolve) =>
    // ...

// Or with an async API call
module.exports = fetch("").catch((error) => {
  return []; // return an empty array in case of error

At build time, the images will be either downloaded or read from the cache. The image urls will be replaced with the optimized image urls in the Exported Image component.

You can specify the time to live of the cache in seconds by setting the nextImageExportOptimizer_remoteImageCacheTTL environment variable in your next.config.js file. The default value is 0 seconds (as the image might have changed).

Set it to:

If you want to hide the remote image urls from the user, you can use the overrideSrc prop of the ExportedImage component. This will replace the src attribute of the image tag with the value of the overrideSrc prop.

Beware that the Image component cannot fall back to the original image URL if the optimized images are not yet generated when you use the overrideSrc prop. This will result in a broken image link.

Custom next.config.js path

If your Next.js project is not at the root directory where you are running the commands, for example when you are using a monorepo, you can specify the location of the next.config.js as an argument to the script:

"export": "next build && next-image-export-optimizer --nextConfigPath path/to/my/next.config.js"

Custom export folder path

Specify the output folder path either via environment variable:

// next.config.js
{ "env": {
"nextImageExportOptimizer_exportFolderPath": "path/to/my/export/folder"

Or by passing the argument to the script:

 "export": "next build && next-image-export-optimizer --exportFolderPath path/to/my/export/folder"

Base path

If you want to deploy your app to a subfolder of your domain, you can set the basePath in the next.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  basePath: "/subfolder",

The ExportedImage component has a basePath prop which you can use to pass the basePath to the component.

import ExportedImage from "next-image-export-optimizer";
import testPictureStatic from "PATH_TO_IMAGE/test_static.jpg";

  alt="Static Image"

Placeholder images

If you do not want the automatic generation of tiny, blurry placeholder images, set the nextImageExportOptimizer_generateAndUseBlurImages environment variable to false and set the placeholder prop from the \ component to empty.

Custom export folder name

If you want to rename the export folder name, set the nextImageExportOptimizer_exportFolderPath environment variable to the desired folder name. The default is nextImageExportOptimizer.

Image format

By default, the images are stored in the WEBP format.

If you do not want to use the WEBP format, set the nextImageExportOptimizer_storePicturesInWEBP environment variable to false.

Good to know

Live example

You can see a live example of the use of this library at

Warning Version 1.0.0 is a breaking change. It follows the changes introduced in Next 13.0.0 which replaces the next/image component with next/future/image. If you are using Next 12 or below, please use version 0.17.1.