Nightherald / aa-workshop-data-models

MIT License
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data-modeling docker postgresql python sqlalchemy

Data Models Workshop

Table of Contents

  1. Setup
  2. Testing
    1. Unit Testing
    2. Integration Testing
    3. Manual Testing
  3. CI/CD
    1. CI
  4. Code Structure
  5. Git Development


_This workshop took place as part of the TechBiz event for ThinkBiz. The presentation, titled: Bridging the Gap: Translating Business Needs into Data Models with Python & PostgreSQL, explored the concepts of Domain Modeling and Database Architecture using industry-standard tools, including Python, PostgreSQL, ORM, and GitHub. As we embarked on hands-on exercises that simulated real-world engineering challenges, much of the work in this repository has been co-authored and contributed by my colleague, Alexandros Ntelifilippidis (github, linkedin). To learn more about 3-tier architecture, check multi-tier-architecture_



Based on your operating system, please have the following installed on your machine:

Editor of your Choice



Docker Compose


Development Environment

Once you have the prerequisites installed, you can set up your development environment. Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory

cd data-models-workshop

To get started with the project, you first need to clone it to your local machine. You can do this by running:

git clone<your-username>/<repository-name>.git

Then you need to create and switch to a new branch. This ensures that the main branch remains clean and deployable at all times:

git checkout -b <feature-name>   # for features

Or by using a GUI tool, e.g. VS Code has a built-in Git GUI.


  make install-dev

Please do not use pip by hand as the makefile contains the explicit activation of pre-commit hooks which will be necessary.

  make tests
  make create-dev

Setup operational event database

The following are advanced instructions for setting up the operational event database. If you are not working on the operational event database, you can skip this section.

Change the environment variable OPERATIONAL_DB_URL to point to the proper PostgreSQL database. By default points to the one used for integration testing, in docker-compose-test.yaml as


If there are special character in password/username like the ones provided by AWS, you need to url encode them through some service , e.g. here.


Unit Testing

Tested with python 3.10.11.

  pip install -r requirements.txt
  make unit

Integration Testing

Part of the automated tests. If you need to test manually, it is as easy as executing

  make integration

or specifically

    docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yaml up -d --wait

    echo "Running integration tests"
    pytest -v -s tests/integration --no-header -vv || (make integration-teardown && exit 1)
    echo "Tearing down environment"
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yaml down -v

    echo "Clearing caches"
    make clear

The integration tests need a running environment consisting of:

The test is trying to add an object in DB and retrieve it. These test roles are already present in docker-compose-test.yaml

To run both unit and integration together run:

  make tests

Manual Testing

Here we run manually the steps leading to the integration tests. This can be useful for debugging purposes and local development. To create a local environment with prepopulated test data you can run:

  make create-dev

You can find:

(if you need things to be stateful, uncomment postgres and mssql volumes on the docker-compose-test.yaml file)


The CI/CD pipeline is configured in the GitHub actions files.

Continuous integration (CI)

The CI pipeline is configured in the GitHub actions file.:

No Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline is configured yet. We lied sorry :)

Code Structure

├── Dockerfile                   # Docker configuration for building a containerized application
├── LICENSE.txt                  # The license under which the software is released
├── Makefile                     # Contains commands to automate common development tasks
├──                    # Repository documentation with introduction, usage, etc.
├── app                          # Main application code
├── artifacts                    # Supplementary files that support the application
├── data                         # Directory for data-related files
├── docker-compose-test.yaml     # Docker Compose configuration specifically for testing environment
├── docker-compose.yaml          # Docker Compose configuration for local development and deployment
├── pyproject.toml               # Configuration and metadata for Python projects, often used with poetry
├── pytest.ini                   # Configuration file for pytest (testing framework)
├── requirements.txt             # List of Python dependencies
├── setup.cfg                    # General configuration file for Python tools and setup
└── tests                        # Test suite for the application     

Git Development

To ensure smooth development and collaboration, it's essential to familiarize yourself with Git operations. Below are some of the most commonly used Git commands in this workflow:

1. Clone the Repository

To get started with the project, you first need to clone it to your local machine:

git clone<your-username>/<repository-name>.git

2. Navigate to the Project Directory

Once cloned, navigate to the project directory:

cd <repository-name>

3. Create a New Branch

Before starting your work, create a new branch. This ensures that the main branch remains clean and deployable at all times:

git checkout -b feature/<feature-name>   # for features
git checkout -b bugfix/<bug-name>       # for bug fixes

4. Check Branch Status

You can always check which branch you're currently on and see if there are changes to commit:

git status

5. Add and Commit Changes

After making your changes, stage them for a commit:

git add .  # stages all changes in the current directory

Then, commit your changes with a descriptive message:

git commit -m "A meaningful description of what was done"

6. Push Changes to a Remote Repository

Once you've committed your changes, push them to the remote repository:

git push -u origin <branch-name>

7. Switching Between Branches

To switch from one branch to another:

git checkout <branch-name>

8. Update Your Local Repository

Regularly pull from the main branch to get the latest changes:

git checkout main
git pull

9. Merging Changes from Main into Your Branch

If you need to merge changes from the main branch into your current branch:

git merge main

10. Deleting a Branch

If you need to delete a branch after merging it into main:

git branch -d <branch-name>

11. Viewing Commit History

To see a log of all commits:

git log

For a more concise view with a graphical representation of the commit tree:

git log --oneline --graph --all

12. Viewing All Branches

To list all local branches:

git branch

To list all remote branches:

git branch -r

To list both local and remote branches:

git branch -a

13. Fetching Changes

Fetch changes from the remote repository without merging them:

git fetch

This is useful to see changes that are on the remote repository but not in your local repository yet.

14. Reverting Changes

To undo the changes from the last commit:

git reset --hard HEAD~1

15. Stashing Changes

If you're not ready to commit changes but need a clean working directory (e.g., to switch to another branch):

git stash

To apply the stashed changes back into your working directory:

git stash pop

16. Set Upstream for Your Branch

If it's your first time pushing a branch to the remote repository, you might need to set the upstream:

git push --set-upstream origin <branch-name>

17. Comparing Changes

To see the differences between your working directory and the last commit:

git diff

To see the differences between your staged changes and the last commit:

git diff --staged

For more information, check out the Git documentation.