NikkelM / Game-Pass-API

Get all games currently available for Xbox Game Pass on any platform, with their features and properties formatted just the way you need.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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api game-pass javascript js json node npm xbox xbox-game-pass

Game Pass API

Game Pass API banner

This project provides a quick and easy way to get a list of all games currently available on Xbox Game Pass on a given platform (Console, PC or through EA Play) in a given region.

Using the configuration file, the type and format of many properties can be customized, from simply getting the game's names all the way to fetching store prices at the moment of the request.

Take a look at the section below to learn how to use the configuration file, or take a look at the examples and work from there.


Run npm install to install the required dependencies first.

Following this, create a config.json file in the root directory of the project and fill it with your desired configuration.


After providing the config.json configuration file, you can run the script using

node index.js

You will find the resulting data in the created output folder.

Unsure how it works? Take a look at the examples for some inspiration.


Schema validation

The project provides an extensive JSON validation schema for the required configuration file, which offers guidance on the possible properties that can be extracted from the API, as well as options for formatting the resulting data.

Are you missing a property? Feel free to open an issue and I will see what I can do. Alternatively, fork the repository and open a Pull Request.

The schema can be found in the config.schema.json file and used within your config.json by adding the following property:

"$schema": "config.schema.json"

NOTE: The script will test your provided config.json against this schema, so make sure your configuration is valid.


The following is a list of all configuration items, their defaults in the config.default.json and the values you can assign to them.

If a given property is not present in the configuration file, it will automatically be assumed to have a value of false (or equivalent, depending on the property type), and not be included in the output.

Top-level properties

Required properties:

markets The two letter market codes for which to fetch games. The script will run once for each market code. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `array` | `["US"]` | `US`, `DZ`, `AR`, `AU`, `AT`, `BH`, `BD`, `BE`, `BR`, `BG`, `CA`, `CL`, `CN`, `CO`, `CR`, `HR`, `CY`, `CZ`, `DK`, `EG`, `EE`, `FI`, `FR`, `DE`, `GR`, `GT`, `HK`, `HU`, `IS`, `IN`, `ID`, `IQ`, `IE`, `IL`, `IT`, `JP`, `JO`, `KZ`, `KE`, `KW`, `LV`, `LB`, `LI`, `LT`, `LU`, `MY`, `MT`, `MR`, `MX`, `MA`, `NL`, `NZ`, `NG`, `NO`, `OM`, `PK`, `PE`, `PH`, `PL`, `PT`, `QA`, `RO`, `RU`, `SA`, `RS`, `SG`, `SK`, `SI`, `ZA`, `KR`, `ES`, `SE`, `CH`, `TW`, `TH`, `TT`, `TN`, `TR`, `UA`, `AE`, `GB`, `VN`, `YE`, `LY`, `LK`, `UY`, `VE`, `AF`, `AX`, `AL`, `AS`, `AO`, `AI`, `AQ`, `AG`, `AM`, `AW`, `BO`, `BQ`, `BA`, `BW`, `BV`, `IO`, `BN`, `BF`, `BI`, `KH`, `CM`, `CV`, `KY`, `CF`, `TD`, `TL`, `DJ`, `DM`, `DO`, `EC`, `SV`, `GQ`, `ER`, `ET`, `FK`, `FO`, `FJ`, `GF`, `PF`, `TF`, `GA`, `GM`, `GE`, `GH`, `GI`, `GL`, `GD`, `GP`, `GU`, `GG`, `GN`, `GW`, `GY`, `HT`, `HM`, `HN`, `AZ`, `BS`, `BB`, `BY`, `BZ`, `BJ`, `BM`, `BT`, `KM`, `CG`, `CD`, `CK`, `CX`, `CC`, `CI`, `CW`, `JM`, `SJ`, `JE`, `KI`, `KG`, `LA`, `LS`, `LR`, `MO`, `MK`, `MG`, `MW`, `IM`, `MH`, `MQ`, `MU`, `YT`, `FM`, `MD`, `MN`, `MS`, `MZ`, `MM`, `NA`, `NR`, `NP`, `MV`, `ML`, `NC`, `NI`, `NE`, `NU`, `NF`, `PW`, `PS`, `PA`, `PG`, `PY`, `RE`, `RW`, `BL`, `MF`, `WS`, `ST`, `SN`, `MP`, `PN`, `SX`, `SB`, `SO`, `SC`, `SL`, `GS`, `SH`, `KN`, `LC`, `PM`, `VC`, `TJ`, `TZ`, `TG`, `TK`, `TO`, `TM`, `TC`, `TV`, `UM`, `UG`, `VI`, `VG`, `WF`, `EH`, `ZM`, `ZW`, `UZ`, `VU`, `SR`, `SZ`, `AD`, `MC`, `SM`, `ME`, `VA`, `NEUTRAL` | Yes, at least one market code. |
language The language to use when fetching game properties. Properties such as the game description will be in this language. *This does not impact the tool's language.* | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `string` | `"en-us"` | `es-ar`, `pt-br`, `en-ca`, `fr-ca`, `es-cl`, `es-co`, `es-mx`, `en-us`, `nl-be`, `fr-be`, `cs-cz`, `da-dk`, `de-de`, `es-es`, `fr-fr`, `en-ie`, `it-it`, `hu-hu`, `nl-nl`, `nb-no`, `de-at`, `pl-pl`, `pt-pt`, `de-ch`, `sk-sk`, `fr-ch`, `fi-fi`, `sv-se`, `en-gb`, `el-gr`, `ru-ru`, `en-au`, `en-hk`, `en-in`, `id-id`, `en-my`, `en-nz`, `en-ph`, `en-sg`, `vi-vn`, `th-th`, `ko-kr`, `zh-cn`, `zh-tw`, `ja-jp`, `zh-hk`, `en-za`, `tr-tr`, `he-il`, `ar-ae`, `ar-sa` | Yes |
platformsToFetch Which platforms to fetch games for, any of `console`, `pc` and `eaPlay`. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `array` | `["console", "pc", "eaPlay"]` | `console`, `pc`, `eaPlay` | Yes, at least one platform. |
outputFormat What kind of format the top-level JSON output should have. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `string` | `"array"` | `array`: The resulting data structure is an array. Each entry is a dictionary holding the properties of a separate game.
`productTitle`: The resulting data structure is a dictionary. The games' titles are used as keys.
`productId`: The resulting data structure is a dictionary. The games' product IDs are used as keys.
`0-indexed`: The resulting data structure is a dictionary. 0-indexed integers are used as keys. | Yes |
includedProperties The properties that should be contained in the filtered version of the API response. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `object` | See subsection below | See subsection below | Yes, and at least one sub-property enabled |

Optional properties (defaults will be applied):

treatEmptyStringsAsNull Whether to treat empty strings as null values. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `true` | `true` or `false` | No |
keepCompleteProperties Whether to keep the original, complete list of properties for the fetched games. Will be saved in a separate file per platform and market. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | No |


If any of these properties are omitted, they will not be included in the output. The Default column indicates the default applied when using the config.default.json file.

productTitle Whether to include the title of the game. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `true` | `true` or `false` | No |
productId Whether to include the product ID of the game. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | No |
developerName Whether to include the name of the game's developer. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | No |
publisherName Whether to include the name of the game's publisher. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | No |
categories Whether to include the game's categories. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | No |
productDescription Whether to include the description of the game. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `object` | See item below | See sections below | No | ```json "productDescription": { "enabled": false, "preferShort": false } ```

Possible values


Whether to include the description of the game. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | Yes |


Whether to prefer the short description of the game over the long description, if one exists. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | No |
images Whether to include image URL's for the game. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `object` | See item below | See sections below | No | ```json "images": { "enabled": false, "imageTypes": { "TitledHeroArt": -1, "SuperHeroArt": -1, "Logo": -1, "Poster": -1, "Screenshot": -1, "BoxArt": -1, "Hero": -1, "BrandedKeyArt": -1, "FeaturePromotionalSquareArt": -1 } } ```

Possible values


Whether to include image URL's for the game. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | Yes |


What kinds of images should be included in the output, and a maximum of how many of each type should be chosen. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `object` | See item below | Any number of image type combinations with values from -1 upwards. A value of -1 indicates no limit. A value of 0 is equal to omitting the item. | Yes, at least one `imageType`. | ```json "imageTypes": { "TitledHeroArt": -1, "SuperHeroArt": -1, "Logo": -1, "Poster": -1, "Screenshot": -1, "BoxArt": -1, "Hero": -1, "BrandedKeyArt": -1, "FeaturePromotionalSquareArt": -1 } ``` Description of the various image types: | Image type | Description | Aspect Ratio | Example | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Screenshot | In-game screenshots. | 16:9 | [Link]( | | TitledHeroArt | Banner featuring the game's name. | 16:9 | [Link]( | | Poster | Banner featuring the game's name in portrait mode, such as for smartphones. | 2:3 | [Link]( | | SuperHeroArt | Artwork without text. | 16:9 | [Link]( | | Hero | Artwork without text. | 2:1 | [Link]( | | BoxArt | Banner featuring the game's logo and name in a square \"box\" format. | 1:1 | [Link]( | | BrandedKeyArt | Banner featuring the game's name with an \"XBOX\" logo on top. | 73:100 | [Link]( | | FeaturePromotionalSquareArt | Banner featuring the game's logo (without name) in a square \"box\" format. | 1:1 | [Link]( | | Logo | Small, square game logo, to be used e.g. as a game library icon. | 1:1 | [Link]( |
releaseDate Whether to include the game's release date. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `object` | See item below | See sections below | No | ```json "releaseDate": { "enabled": false, "format": "date" } ```

Possible Values


Whether to include the game's release date. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | Yes |


How to format the date string. Either the full dateTime (`YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssssssZ`) or just the date (`YYYY-MM-DD`). | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `string` | `"date"` | `"date"` or `"dateTime"` | Yes |
userRating Whether to include the game's user rating. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `object` | See item below | See sections below | No | ```json "userRating": { "enabled": false, "aggregationInterval": "AllTime", "format": "percentage" } ```

Possible Values


Whether to include the game's user rating. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | Yes |


Which kind of interval to use for rating aggregation. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `string` | `"AllTime"` | `"AllTime"`, `"30Days"`, `"7Days"` | Yes |


How to format the rating. Either as the original x-out-of-5 stars value (`0.0 - 5.0`) or as a percentage (`0.0 - 1.0`). | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `string` | `"percentage"` | `"stars"` or `"percentage"` | Yes |
pricing Whether to include the game's price information. The currency that is used is dependent on the chosen `market`. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `object` | See item below | See sections below | No | ```json "pricing": { "enabled": false, "priceTypes": [ "ListPrice", "MSRP", "WholesalePrice" ], "missingPricePolicy": "useZero" } ```

Possible Values


Whether to include the game's price information. The currency that is used is dependent on the chosen `market`. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | Yes |


Which kinds of prices to include. Choose from `ListPrice`, `MSRP` and `WholesalePrice` (i.e. with discounts applied). | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `array` | `["ListPrice", "MSRP", "WholesalePrice"]` | Any combination of:
`"ListPrice"`: The current listing price in the store.
`"MSRP"`: The manufacturer's suggested retail price.
`"WholesalePrice"`: The wholesale price, i.e. the ListPrice after sales have been applied. | Yes, at least one `priceType`. |


What to do if a price is missing. Either `useZero`, `useNull` or `useEmptyString`. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `string` | `"useNull"` | `"useZero"`, `"useNull"` or `"useEmptyString"` | Yes |
storePage Whether to include the game's store page URL. Note that this is not guaranteed to always result in a working URL, as it needs to be inferred and is not available through the API. | Type | Default | Possible values | Required | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `boolean` | `false` | `true` or `false` | No |


If you have any question, feedback or feature requests, feel free to open an issue.


This unofficial project is not affiliated with Microsoft or Xbox in any way. The data provided when using this project is obtained from the public Xbox catalog API and is not guaranteed to be accurate or up-to-date.