NikkyAI / alpacka

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System: any OS that supports dotnet core will be supported supported runtime ids

As well as all systems that manage to somehow install the runtime and sdk will probably work as well

libgit2 bug

At the moment only Distros based on Ubuntu are supported out of the box (or at least all git related commands are broken on the rest #13 )

Temporary fix

manually for dev environment

replace the file ~/.nuget/packages/libgit2sharp.nativebinaries/1.0.165/runtimes/linux-x64/native/ with the file found on your system (probably in /usr/lib/) and do not forget to rename it to

manually for releases

replace the file in the release folder publish/lib/linux/x86_64/ with the proper file (and rename it to

using a script

Installation > sSimple Script

other requirements

It is recommended to install Git

git is not required for just using install, update etc and no pack authoring functions

it is required for creating packs to have a proper git config set up (,, core.editor) as well as ssh keys

Install dotnet core commandline edition for windows or follow the instruction for linux, maybe look in your package manager for dotnet, dotnet-cli, dotnet-sdk

you will need both the runtime and the sdk



since there are no releases for now, installing means cloning master and running the latest version

git clone
cd alpacka
dotnet restore

now apply the libgit2 fix

edit your .bashrc, .zshrc or equivalent
it is recommended to use gitbash on windows as well.. so create a .bashrc file in your home folder

add the following line

alias alpacka-dev="dotnet run --project PATH_TO_SRC_FOLDER/alpacka/src/Alpacka.CLI/Alpacka.CLI.csproj"

to your bashrc or equivalent

replace PATH_TO_SRC_FOLDER to match your directory structure (in my case it is /d/dev so the full path is /d/dev/alpacka/src/Alpacka.CLI/Alpacka.CLI.csproj)

simple script

make sure you have libgit2 installed

run in a terminal

the last line of the poutput will be like /home/nikky/dev/alpacka/src/Alpacka.CLI/bin/release/netcoreapp1.1/alpacka.dll

add that to your bashrc or equivalent


try running alpacka-dev --help

install packs with alpacka-dev install [multimc|server] [git-url]
only https urls are supported

alpacka-dev init is probably not updated to the newest pack versions

the rest is to be documented, help would be welcome


do not use this yet.. it is not ready :P



MC launcher:

git client / GUI:


almost wherever you catch the authors