Closed engmsaleh closed 4 years ago
Did you try setting the paramter fallbackButtonTitle
to show
Please check
@NiklasMerz Hello, I have the same problem. This is how I use it{
}, successCallback, errorCallback);
I tried to add two parameters. I wrote the values at will. What should they be set correctly{
@NiklasMerz I don't think this is the problem as I see that all the show options are optional and I have already tried with all of them set and still getting the same error
@xiaohuoni I have tried to do that, but both clientId
& clientSecret
are removed from FAIO Options now and it will give an error when I add them
@NiklasMerz I don't think this is the problem as I see that all the show options are optional and I have already tried with all of them set and still getting the same error
should be mandatory. We may need to fix the Ionic native typing and docs. As always with plugin updates/changes try deleting the platforms and addding the again.
@xiaohuoni I have tried to do that, but both
are removed from FAIO Options now and it will give an error when I add them
Yes those are needed for the old version 2.x or below.
@NiklasMerz Adding fallbackButtonTitle
solved the issue, thanks a lot
Yes those are needed for the old version 2.x or below.
@NiklasMerz Why do I use yarn to install is 1.6.0 version?
@xiaohuoni I don't know why it happens when I use it on ionic, but I solved it by installing the plugin first, then the ionic-native wrapper
If I go the other way around I will get version 1.6
Bug report
I'm getting
Missing required parameters
when I'm trying to show the Fingerprint dialog on AndroidDescription
Here is the snippet of the code that I'm using
What did you do? I have integrated the plugin and I'm trying to show the fingerprint dialog
What did happen? It always gives error on catch block with error
Missing required parameters
What did you expect to happen? The flow should open up and work normally
Plugin version
Build environment (
cordova info
)Environment: OS: darwin Node: v10.16.3 npm: 6.13.3
Plugins: cordova-plugin-add-swift-support cordova-plugin-device cordova-plugin-dialogs cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio cordova-plugin-globalization cordova-plugin-inappbrowser cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard cordova-plugin-ionic-webview cordova-plugin-mfp cordova-plugin-nativestorage cordova-plugin-okhttp cordova-plugin-splashscreen cordova-plugin-statusbar cordova-plugin-whitelist cordova-sqlite-storage
Android platform: ERROR: android: Command failed with exit code ENOENT
iOS platform: Xcode 11.3 Build version 11C29
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