NiklasMerz / cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio

Cordova Plugin for fingerprint sensors (and FaceID) with Android and iOS support
MIT License
315 stars 189 forks source link
android biometric biometrics cordova cordova-android cordova-ios cordova-plugin cordova-plugin-fingerprint faceid fingerprint fingerprint-authentication hacktoberfest ionic ios touchid

Cordova Plugin Fingerprint All-In-One

For Android and iOS

GitHub license Issue Count


This plugin provides a single and simple interface for accessing fingerprint APIs on both Android 6+ and iOS.


Version 4.0

Version 4.0 of this plugin is a significant upgrade over the previous versions. Previous versions only allowed a visual fingerprint prompt. Version 4.0 allows saving an encrypted secret behind the biometric prompt for true security. Please test it out and report any issues. If this plugin has security issues please check the security policy. If you do audits using this plugin please let me know the results. My email is on my Github profile.

Version 4 was developed almost 100% by other people than me (@NiklasMerz). Please thank these awesome people for their work: @exxbrain, @leolio86400. This is a community driven plugin and I don't do any real development anymore. But triaging issues and rewiewing and testing PRs is cumbersome work. If you depend on this plugin for your product please consider becoming my sponsor on Github to keep it going for a while. Some day I may consider stop working on it and pass it on to somebody interested.

Version 4.0 is awesome so please us it and let us fix it:smile:.


How to use

Tutorial about using this plugin with Ionic thanks to Paul Halliday (old plugin version!!)


Install from NPM

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio --save

If you want to set a FaceID description use:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio --variable FACEID_USAGE_DESCRIPTION="Login now...."

Use the release candidate for testing the latest fixes

You can use preview versions with the rc tag on npm.

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio@rc

Use this Github repo

Get the latest development version. Not recommended!

cordova plugin add

Check if fingerprint authentication is available

Fingerprint.isAvailable(isAvailableSuccess, isAvailableError, optionalParams);

    function isAvailableSuccess(result) {
      result depends on device and os. 
      iPhone X will return 'face' other Android or iOS devices will return 'finger' Android P+ will return 'biometric'
      alert("Fingerprint available");

    function isAvailableError(error) {
      // 'error' will be an object with an error code and message

Optional parameters

Show authentication dialogue{
      description: "Some biometric description"
    }, successCallback, errorCallback);

    function successCallback(){
      alert("Authentication successful");

    function errorCallback(error){
      alert("Authentication invalid " + error.message);

Optional parameters

Register secret

      description: "Some biometric description",
      secret: "my-super-secret",
      invalidateOnEnrollment: true,
      disableBackup: true, // always disabled on Android
    }, successCallback, errorCallback);

    function successCallback(){
      alert("Authentication successful");

    function errorCallback(error){
      alert("Authentication invalid " + error.message);

This may show an authentication prompt.

Optional parameters

Show authentication dialogue and load secret

      description: "Some biometric description",
      disableBackup: true, // always disabled on Android
    }, successCallback, errorCallback);

    function successCallback(secret){
      alert("Authentication successful, secret: " + secret);

    function errorCallback(error){
      alert("Authentication invalid " + error.message);

Optional parameters


Thanks to the authors of the original fingerprint plugins

Some code is refactored from their projects and I learned how to make Cordova plugins from their great plugins:

@EddyVerbruggen and @mjwheatley



Starting with version 3.0.0 the iOS and Android parts are written from scratch.


The project is MIT licensed: MIT.