Nikronic / Deep-Halftoning

"Deep Context-Aware Descreening and Rescreening of Halftone Images" paper implementation.
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Deep Halftoning

"Deep Context-Aware Descreening and Rescreening of Halftone Images" paper implementation.


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This project pertains automated Descreening process. Descreening is the task that we try to reconstruct the halftoned image (which is the mandatory process to interact images with printers, scanners, monitors, etc) meanwhile reducing the amount of data loss.


Paper Authors

Tae-hoon Kim and Sang Il Park. 2018. Deep Context-Aware Descreening and Rescreening of Halftone Images. ACM Trans. Graph. 37, 4, Article 48 (August 2018), 12 pages. DOI

This Implementation

Nikan Doosti. (2021). Nikronic/Deep-Halftoning: v0.1-Zenodo-pre-alpha (v0.1-Zenodo-pre-alpha). Zenodo.