NilFoundation / zkllvm-rust-template

Template repository for zkLLVM-based Rust projects
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zkLLVM Rust template

Tutorial check

This repository goes step-by-step through the process of using zkLLVM toolchain to generate zero-knowledge proof for Rust code.


Supported platforms:


On most of the modern Linux-based platforms you will already have these installed.

Table of contents


This turorial goes step-by-step through the process of circuit development.

Overall process includes:

TODO: fix this section

Getting started

First you need to install zkLLVM compilers and tools.

Install zkLLVM toolchain

  1. Install zkllvm and proof-producer DEB-packages:

    bash -c "echo 'deb [trusted=yes] all main' >>/etc/apt/sources.list"
    apt update
    apt install -y zkllvm proof-producer
  2. Install zkLLVM Rust toolchain:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | python - --channel nightly
  3. Check the installation:

    rustc +zkllvm --version && assigner --version

    You must see something like this:

    rustc 1.73.0-nightly (a516bc539 2023-12-14) (zkLLVM 0.1.14)

Clone repository

git clone
cd zkllvm-rust-template

Now you are ready build something.

Building Rust code

As you can see, this repository has a simple Rust project structure. It has a single binary crate zkllvm-rust-template with all the code contained in src/

The function field_arithmetic_example, defining the circuit is marked with #[circuit] attribute.

To build the code, use this command:

cargo +zkllvm build --release --target assigner-unknown-unknown --features=zkllvm

Pay attention to a couple of things:

As a result you will get a file target/assigner-unknown-unknown/release/zkllvm-rust-template.ll. This is LLVM assembly file, which we now will use to produce circuit and assignment table.

Generating circuit

Previously you used Rust compiler to generate intermediate representation of your code. Now it's time to produce a circuit itself from it. For this purpose assigner tool is used. assigner requires the following files for input:

We have an example input file inputs/example.inp. As a result you will have a circuit file circuit.crct and an assignment file assignment.tbl.

To generate circuit, use command:

assigner -b target/assigner-unknown-unknown/release/zkllvm-rust-template.ll -i inputs/example.inp -t assignment.tbl -c circuit.crct -e pallas

Generating proof locally

As soon as you get circuit and assignment table, you are ready to generate the proof. If the circuit is not too large (like in our example code), you can do it locally on your machine. For this purpose tool called proof-generator is used. We will use multi-threaded version of it:

proof-generator-multi-threaded --circuit circuit.crct --assignment assignment.tbl --proof proof.bin

You will see something like this:

[info]    Preprocessing public data...
[info]    Preprocessing private data...
[info]    Generating proof...
[info]    Proof Type = N3nil7crypto32zk5snark17placeholder_proofINS0_7algebra6fields17pallas_base_fieldENS2_18placeholder_paramsINS2_26placeholder_circuit_paramsIS6_NS2_28plonk_arithmetization_paramsILm15ELm1ELm35ELm36EEEEENS1_11commitments21lpc_commitment_schemeINSC_34batched_list_polynomial_commitmentIS6_NSC_33list_polynomial_commitment_paramsINS0_6hashes11keccak_1600ILm256EEESI_Lm9ELm2ELb0ENSC_13proof_of_workISI_jLj4294901760EEEEEEENS0_4math14polynomial_dfsINS5_6detail10element_fpINS5_6paramsIS6_EEEESaIST_EEEEEEEEE
[info]    Proof generated
[info]    Verifying proof...
[info]    Proof is verified
[info]    Writing proof to "proof.bin"
[info]    Proof written

As a result, you will have the file proof.bin, which is a serialized proof from Placeholder proof system. As you can see, your proof got already verified just before the serialization.

Uploading circuit statement to Proof Market

TODO: fill this section

Verifying proof on EVM

TODO: fill this section