NilsB98 / Diffusion-Based-AD

Diffusion Based Anomaly Detection.
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In this project different approaches of anomaly detection with Diffusion Models are explored and implemented.
With a focus on industrial anomaly detection the test are currently run for the MVTec Dataset but can easily setup for your own data.


Depending on your preferences you can either run the environemnt.yml to create a conda environemnt, or the requirements.txt in your virtual env.
The project is configured to use Python 3.10, and uses the huggingface diffusers library as a backbone.

Run experiments

You can either run individual parts you are interested in via their respective scripts (i.e. training the diffusion model, training the feature extractor, evaluate the model etc.) or use the train-tune-eval script, which can be also be adjusted via cli parameters to your needs.

For the most simple approach you can run the following command:
python --diffusion_checkpoint_dir checkpoints/hazelnut --run_id hazelnut --diffusion_checkpoint_name --extractor_path checkpoints/ --item hazelnut --dataset_path PATH/TO/YOUR/DATASET --plt_imgs --recon_weight .1 --eta .1 --pxl_threshold 0.029 --feature_threshold 0.33

You might want to add --skip_threshold for better results, as the static threshold estimation for the difference map is not as good atm. This will train the diffusion model, train the extractor for the feature extractor which is used by the diffmap and evaluate it on the test-set. Depending on the dataset you use you'll probably want to tune the parameters used during inference to get better results.

You can also individually run the train-script, threshold-evaluation script, feature-extractor training script or the evaluation script.

Add custom datasets

To use custom data you can either implement your own data loader or structure your data like the MVTec Dataset.
The folder-structure would the look like this:
│      ├───ground_truth
│      │      ├───broken_large
│      │      ├───broken_small
│      │      └───contamination
│      ├───test
│      │      ├───broken_large
│      │      ├───broken_small
│      │      ├───contamination
│      │      └───good
│      └───train
│             └───good

Related Papers and Features


  1. Evaluate the full MVTec Dataset
  2. Implement LafitE: Latent Diffusion Model with Feature Editing for Unsupervised Multi-class Anomaly Detection