Forecasting the whole gas and water costs is actually much more interessting than some years ago. To do so it is neccessary to have smartmeters installed by your utility company. If this is not the case like in my home it is common that most meters provides an impulse counter, simply a magnet. This magnet can be used to record the consumption simply by counting the impulses.
There are some projects included tasmota that provided impulse counters but I decided to create my own to have it specialzed to my purposes included a WebUI.
The reed sensor has to be mounted near to the magnet. For Pietro Florentini/Samgas meters I included a STL to mount the reed sensor. It has to be placed near to the outer wall of the mechanical counter, below the lowest red number.
On first boot the thing opens an Access Point named "Gaszaehler" to provide the setup interface. The interface is still available after the device is connected so you can change everything later. You can compile your own firmware version or use the firmware provided in the releases section.