NimajnebEC / auto-elytra

A client side mod that automatically switches your elytra and chestplate when you go to fly.
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link
fabric fabricmc forge minecraft minecraft-client-side minecraft-mod

Auto Elytra

Auto Elytra is a client-side mod for forge and fabric which will automatically equip your elytra when you go to fly.

Simply keep a pair of elytra in your inventory and fly like normal! Your chestplate will be automatically un-equiped and re-equiuped when you stop flying.

GIF demonstrating functionality of the mod

The mod depends on Fabric API or QSL if you're using Quilt. If Cloth Config API is installed then a configuration menu is accessible through Mod Menu or the Forge Mods menu.


This mod may be considered cheating on some multiplayer servers, use this mod at your own risk.