Falconn++ is a locality-sensitive filtering (LSF) approach, built on top of cross-polytope LSH (FalconnLib) to answer approximate nearest neighbor search with inner product.
The filtering mechanism of Falconn++ bases on the asymptotic property of the concomitant of extreme order statistics where the projections of $x$ onto closest or furthest vector to $q$ preserves the dot product $x^T q$.
Similar to FalconnLib, Falconn++ utilizes many random projection vectors and uses the FFHT to speed up the hashing evaluation.
Apart from many hashing-based approaches, Falconn++ has multi-probes on both indexing and querying to improve the quality of candidates.
Falconn++ also supports multi-threading for both indexing and querying by adding only #pragma omp parallel for
We call Eigen that supports SIMD dot product computation. We have not engineered Falconn++ much with other techniques, e.g. prefetching.
Just clone this repository and run
python3 setup.py install
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
Data and query must be d x n matrices.
import FalconnPP
index = FalconnPP.FalconnPP(n_points, n_features)
index.setIndexParam(n_tables, n_proj, bucketLimit, alpha, iProbes, n_threads)
index.build(dataset_t) # add vectors to the index, must transpose to D x N
index.set_qProbes(qProbes) # set multi-probes for querying
fal_answers = index.query(queries_t, k)
See test/falconnpp.py for Python example and src/main.cpp for C++ example.
It is mainly developed by Ninh Pham. It grew out of a master research project of Tao Liu. If you want to cite FALCONN++ in a publication, please use
Falconn++ Ninh Pham, Tao Liu NIPS 2022