Ninlives / misskey.nix

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Since Misskey has been packaged in nixpkgs and nixos module is also provided, this repository will be archived.


This flake provides the Misskey package and a very basic module for running Misskey instances.


An example flake.nix:

  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
  inputs.misskey = {
    url = "github:Ninlives/misskey.nix";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  output = { self, nixpkgs, misskey }: {
    nixosConfigurations.instance = with nixpkgs.lib; nixosSystem {
      modules = [
        ({ ... }: {
          services.misskey.enable = true;
          environment.etc."misskey/default.yml".text = generators.toYAML { } {
            url = "https://example.tld/";
            port = 3000;
            db = {
              host = "/run/postgresql";
              db = "misskey";
              user = "misskey";
            dbReplications = false;
            redis = {
              host = "";
              port = 6379;
            id = "aid";
            signToActivityPubGet = true;
            allowedPrivateNetworks = [

          services.nginx.enable = true;
          services.nginx.virtualHosts."example.tld" = {
            locations."/" = { 
              proxyPass = "";
              proxyWebsockets = true;
              recommendedProxySettings = true;
              extraConfig = ''
                proxy_redirect off;

          services.postgresql = {
            enable = true;
            ensureDatabases = [ "misskey" ];
            ensureUsers = [{
              name = "misskey";
              ensurePermissions."DATABASE misskey" = "ALL PRIVILEGES";
            identMap = ''
              misskey misskey misskey
            authentication = ''
              local misskey misskey peer map=misskey

          services.redis.servers.misskey = {
            enable = true;
            port = 6379;

Why Not Push to nixpkgs?

There are 2 reasons:

  1. The misskey package depends on pnpm2nix, which should be pushed to nixpkgs in a separated PR, but it is only tested with this package, i.e. it overfits with misskey.
  2. pnpm2nix uses a lot of IFD, which is not allowed in nixpkgs, but I do not like generated code.

If you want to take the responsibility, feel free to reuse code in this flake. Ping me after you finish it, so this flake can be archived.