A tab manager plugin based on SpongeAPI 7 and LuckPerms
- New Version 1.4.x now requires PlaceholderApi
- Commands
- tab reload : reload plugin config
- tab refresh : refresh all players' tablist
- tab setheader : set header
- tab setfooter : set footer
- Permissions
- tabmodifier.reload
- tabmodifier.refresh
- tabmodifier.setheader
- tabmodifier.setfooter
- How to set prefix/suffix
- You should use luckperms to set prefix/suffix value
- lp user [username] meta setprefix [weight] [prefix]
- lp user [username] meta setsuffix [weight] [suffix]
- lp group [groupname] meta setprefix [weight] [prefix]
- lp group [groupname] meta setsuffix [weight] [suffix]
- if one player/group has multiple prefix/suffix, tabmodifier will user that has highest weight value
- What does InitialValue mean in config
- tabmodifier has its own priority :
- user's prefix > group's prefix > InitialValue
- user's suffix > group's suffix > InitialValue
- when user's prefix is not found, tabmodifier will try to get user's primary group's prefix, if still not found,
it will use InitialValue
- What does RefreshDelay mean in config
- remember, player's tablist is managed by Sponge/Minecraft, when new player login,
Sponge/Minecraft will generate new tablist entry
- tabmodifier will try to get that entry and update all players' tablist
- but sometimes, because of server lag, that entry will not be generated instantly
- RefreshDelay tells tabmodifier to wait a few ticks before get that entry
- you can simply set RefreshDelay to 0 if you have confidence on your server's performance
- Do you support placeholderapi
- Yeap, you can set placeholder where you want : prefix/suffix/header/footer
- Theoretically tabmodifier support all placeholders
- Do you support multiline header/footer
- Do you support format code