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fourth_robot.urdf.xacro が読めない #21

Closed MoriKen254 closed 6 years ago

MoriKen254 commented 6 years ago





roslaunch fourth_robot_description fourth_robot_description.launch 


... logging to /home/masa/.ros/log/22dde34a-87ce-11e8-8779-000c29a746a8/roslaunch-ubuntu-3808.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

xacro: Traditional processing is deprecated. Switch to --inorder processing!
To check for compatibility of your document, use option --check-order.
For more infos, see
deprecated: xacro tags should be prepended with 'xacro' xml namespace.
Use the following script to fix incorrect usage:
        find . -iname "*.xacro" | xargs sed -i 's#<\([/]\?\)\(if\|unless\|include\|arg\|property\|macro\|insert_block\)#<\1xacro:\2#g'
when processing file: /home/masa/rosbook_ws/src/rosbook_pkgs/chapter6/fourth_robot_description/robots/fourth_robot.urdf.xacro

unknown macro name: xacro:wheel_gazebo_control_v0 None None
when processing file: /home/masa/rosbook_ws/src/rosbook_pkgs/chapter6/fourth_robot_description/robots/fourth_robot.urdf.xacro
Invalid <param> tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]: command [/opt/ros/kinetic/share/xacro/ '/home/masa/rosbook_ws/src/rosbook_pkgs/chapter6/fourth_robot_description/robots/fourth_robot.urdf.xacro'] returned with code [2]. 

Param xml is <param command="$(find xacro)/ '$(arg model)'" name="robot_description"/>
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
yamacir-kit commented 6 years ago

それはそこに書かれている通りのコマンドを実行すれば解決します find . -iname "*.xacro" | xargs sed -i 's#<\([/]\?\)\(if\|unless\|include\|arg\|property\|macro\|insert_block\)#<\1xacro:\2#g'

MoriKen254 commented 6 years ago


プルリク#23 で反映させます。

MoriKen254 commented 6 years ago

23 で解決。ご協力ありがとうございました!