NiteSpaceDev / raspicool-environment-sensor

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Environment sensor module based on the ESP32-Wroom Module


This environment sensor is intended to be a low cost sensor that can be deployed throughout the environment controlled by the RaspiCool system.

Recommended sensor locations

Hardware description

The sensor module is built using an esp32-wroom module, providing encryption, wifi, and bluetooth capabilities. The primary sensor included is the BME280, providing temperature, humidity, and pressure data. Power is provided by an 18650 battery.

Sensor Options


Sensor pairing

The base sensor image does not include any wifi configuration or authentication certificates. When the sensor is powered in this state, it will scan bluetooth looking for a RaspiCool thermostat. When it finds one, it will trigger a popup on the thermostat to confirm pairing the sensor.

Pairing causes the following events:

Sensor operation

In normal operation, the sensor spends the majority of the time in a sleep state. During each wake cycle, the following events happen:

TODO: Thermostat data via https api instead of mqtt?

How to install this app

Helpful commands

Built for (MongooseOS)[]