Nitheeshkumar521 / asic-design-class

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LAB 1 - Create a C program which will caluculate sum from 1 to n, And compile it using GCC compilier

1)- Write a C program in text editor as sum 1 to n

Following image will show about the image of the C program


2- Compile the code using GCC compiler and run the code to see the output

Image will show about the commands used and output of sum1ton


LAB 2 - Compiling Lab1(sum 1 to n) C program with RISCV Compiler

1) We will run lab 1 program using RISCV Gcc compiler


2)In a new tab we will check the assembly code for C program we Run

Here we went to the "main" when I calculted using calculator got (35)dec and (23)hex


4) Hence now we will use Ofast on the RISCV compiler and we will use the same C code image which describes about the commands


5) We got 12 instructions(byte adressing) in the main section (adress 100bo)


6) RISCV compilation output Code Compilation using RISC-V GCC compiler with a different optimization flag (Ofast) we will compile the code with compiler flag set as -Ofast and then we will check the assembly code again lab 2 8 lab 2 9


1) Debug it in spike using below command and we need our program counter to run till 100b0 by using the below command lab 3 1

2) Next we have to modify the content of a0 below command press enter then it will run the next instruction is lui a0,0*21 And then we will ger the next instruction as addi sp,sp,-16 lab 3 3

3)As stack pointer content updated by -16. Quit the spike by pressing q lab 3 4

4)And we will follow the steps as follow from step1(Enter the spike stimulation again) Screenshot 2024-07-28 131139

Hex value 3ffffffb50-3ffffffb40=10 , Dec value 274877905744-274877905728=16

task 4

RISC-V Instruction Types and Formats

R-type: Used for register-register operations.

Format: funct7 (7 bits) | rs2 (5 bits) | rs1 (5 bits) | funct3 (3 bits) | rd (5 bits) | opcode (7 bits)

I-type: Used for immediate operations.

Format: imm[11:0] (12 bits) | rs1 (5 bits) | funct3 (3 bits) | rd (5 bits) | opcode (7 bits)

S-type: Used for store operations.

Format: imm[11:5] (7 bits) | rs2 (5 bits) | rs1 (5 bits) | funct3 (3 bits) | imm[4:0] (5 bits) | opcode (7 bits)

B-type: Used for branch operations.

Format: imm[12] (1 bit) | imm[10:5] (6 bits) | rs2 (5 bits) | rs1 (5 bits) | funct3 (3 bits) | imm[4:1] (4 bits) | imm[11] (1 bit) | opcode (7 bits)

U-type: Used for upper immediate operations.

Format: imm[31:12] (20 bits) | rd (5 bits) | opcode (7 bits)

J-type: Used for jump operations.

Format: imm[20] (1 bit) | imm[10:1] (10 bits) | imm[11] (1 bit) | imm[19:12] (8 bits) | rd (5 bits) | opcode (7 bits)

Encoded Instructions

ADD r0, r1, r2

Type: R
Encoding: 0000000 00010 00001 000 00000 0110011
Binary: 00000000001000001000000000110011

SUB r2, r0, r1

Type: R
Encoding: 0100000 00000 00001 000 00010 0110011
Binary: 01000000000000001000000010110011

AND r1, r0, r2

Type: R
Encoding: 0000000 00010 00000 111 00001 0110011
Binary: 00000000001000000111000010110011

OR r8, r1, r5

Type: R
Encoding: 0000000 00101 00001 110 01000 0110011
Binary: 00000000010100001110010000110011

XOR r8, r0, r4

Type: R
Encoding: 0000000 00100 00000 100 01000 0110011
Binary: 00000000010000000100010000110011

SLT r0, r1, r4

Type: R
Encoding: 0000000 00100 00001 010 00000 0110011
Binary: 00000000010000001010000000110011

ADDI r2, r2, 5

Type: I
Encoding: 000000000101 00010 000 00010 0010011
Binary: 00000000010100010000000010010011

SW r2, r0, 4

Type: S
Encoding: 0000000 00010 00000 010 00100 0100011
Binary: 00000000001000000010001000100011

SRL r6, r1, r1

Type: R
Encoding: 0000000 00001 00001 101 00110 0110011
Binary: 00000000000100001101000110110011

BNE r0, r0, 20

Type: B
Encoding: 000000 00000 00000 001 01000 1100011
Binary: 00000000000000000001001000110011

BEQ r0, r0, 15

Type: B
Encoding: 000000 00000 00000 000 01111 1100011
Binary: 00000000000000000000001111110011

LW r3, r1, 2

Type: I
Encoding: 000000000010 00001 010 00011 0000011
Binary: 00000000001000001010000011000011

SLL r5, r1, r1

Type: R
Encoding: 0000000 00001 00001 001 00101 0110011
Binary: 00000000000100001001000101110011


Instruction Type 32-bit Binary Representation Hexadecimal
ADD r0, r1, r2 R 0000000 00010 00001 000 00000 0110011 0x00008033
SUB r2, r0, r1 R 0100000 00001 00000 000 00010 0110011 0x40000033
AND r1, r0, r2 R 0000000 00010 00000 111 00001 0110011 0x0000F033
OR r8, r1, r5 R 0000000 00101 00001 110 01000 0110011 0x0050C333
XOR r8, r0, r4 R 0000000 00100 00000 100 01000 0110011 0x00408333
SLT r0, r1, r4 R 0000000 00100 00001 010 00000 0110011 0x00408033
ADDI r2, r2, 5 I 000000000101 00010 000 00010 0010011 0x00510113
SW r2, r0, 4 S 0000000 00010 00000 010 00100 0100011 0x00202223
SRL r6, r1, r1 R 0000000 00001 00001 101 00110 0110011 0x0012D333
BNE r0, r0, 20 B 000000 00000 00000 001 00101 1100011 0x01400063
BEQ r0, r0, 15 B 000000 00000 00000 000 00011 1100011 0x00F00063
LW r3, r1, 2 I 000000000010 00001 010 00011 0000011 0x00212283
SLL r5, r1, r1 R 0000000 00001 00001 001 00101 0110011 0x00109133
Instruction Type 32-bit Instruction Code Binary Representation Hexadecimal Representation
ADD r0, r1, r2 R 0000000 00010 00001 000 00000 0110011 00000000001000001000000000110011 0x00028233
SUB r2, r0, r1 R 0100000 00001 00000 000 00010 0110011 01000000000100000000000000110011 0x40028033
AND r1, r0, r2 R 0000000 00010 00000 111 00001 0110011 00000000001000000111100000110011 0x0000f033
OR r8, r1, r5 R 0000000 00101 00001 110 01000 0110011 00000000010100001110010000110011 0x0002e433
XOR r8, r0, r4 R 0000000 00100 00000 100 01000 0110011 00000000010000000100100000110011 0x00029033
SLT r00, r1, r4 R 0000000 00100 00001 010 00000 0110011 00000000010000001010000000110011 0x0002a033
ADDI r02, r2, 5 I 000000000101 00010 000 00010 0010011 0000000001010001000000000010011 0x0002a013
SW r2, r0, 4 S 000000000100 00000 010 00010 0100011 00000000010000000001000000100011 0x00008023
SRL r06, r01, r1 R 0000000 00001 00001 101 00110 0110011 00000000001000001010100110011001 0x0002a033
BNE r0, r0, 20 B 000000000101 00000 001 00000 1100011 00000000010100000001000001100011 0x00014063
BEQ r0, r0, 15 B 000000000111 00000 000 00000 1100011 00000000011100000000000001100011 0x0000c063
LW r03, r01, 2 I 000000000010 00001 010 00011 0000011 00000000001000001010000010000011 0x00010283
SLL r05, r01, r1 R 0000000 00001 00001 001 00101 0110011 00000000001000001001000100110011 0x00024033



Operation Standard RISC-V ISA (Hex) Standard RISC-V ISA (Binary) Hardcoded ISA (Hex) Hardcoded ISA (Binary)
ADD 32'h00008033 000000000010 00001 000 00000 0110011 32'h02208300 00000010001000000 100 00000 01100000
SUB 32'h40000033 010000000001 00000 000 00010 0110011 32'h02209380 00000010001001000 100 10000 01100000
AND 32'h0000f033 000000000010 00000 111 00001 0110011 32'h0230a400 00000010001101000 101 00100 01100000
OR 32'h0050c333 000000000101 00001 110 01000 0110011 32'h02513480 00000010010100010 110 10100 01100000
XOR 32'h00408333 000000000100 00000 100 01000 0110011 32'h0240c500 00000010010000000 100 11000 01100000
SLT 32'h00408033 000000000100 00001 010 00000 0110011 32'h02415580 00000010010000010 101 01010 01100000
ADDI 32'h00510113 000000000101 00010 000 00010 0010011 32'h00520600 00000010010000010 010 00010 01100000
SW 32'h00202223 000000000010 00000 010 00100 0100011 32'h00209181 00000010001000000 010 00001 01100000
SRL 32'h0012d333 000000000001 00001 101 00110 0110011 32'h00271803 00000010001000000 011 00110 01100000
BNE 32'h01400063 000000000000 00000 001 00101 1100011 32'h01409002 00000000000000010 001 00100 11000000
BEQ 32'h00f00063 000000000000 00000 000 00011 1100011 32'h00f00002 00000000000000000 000 00000 11000000
LW 32'h00212283 000000000010 00001 010 00011 0000011 32'h00208681 00000010001000000 010 01100 01100000
SLL 32'h00109133 000000000001 00001 001 00101 0110011 32'h00208783 00000010001000000 111 01111 01100000


Using above RISC-V Core Verilog netlist and testbench in functional test bench simulation experiment

We are running this code with gtkwave and icarur

Identifying Instruction Types

Given hardcoded instructions are:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 075657

1.ADD r6,r1,r2

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 082834

2. SUB r7,r1,r2

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 083019

3.AND r8.r1,r3

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 084628

4.OR r9,r2,r5

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 084710

5. XOR r10,r1,r4

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 084741

6.SLT r1,r2,r4

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 084816

7. ADDI r12,r4,5

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 084857

8. SW r3,r1,2

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 084929

9. LW r13,r01,2

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 085008

10. BEQ r0,r0,15

Waveform of the hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 085036


B. Given instructions of our verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 183414

1.ADD r0,r1,r2

Operation : 32'h00028233

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 192846

2.SUB r2,r0,r1

Operation : 32'h40028033

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193033

3.AND r1,r0,r2

Operation : 32'h0000f033

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193117

4.OR r8,r1,r5

Operation : 32'h0002e433

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193201

5.XOR r8,r0,r4

Operation : 32'h00029033

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193253

6.SLT r00,r1,r4

Operation : 32'h0002a033

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193335

7.ADDI r02,r2,5

Operation : 32'h0002a013

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193702

8.SW r2,r0,4

Operation : 32'h00008023

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193746

9.SRL r06,r01,r1

Operation : 32'h0002a033

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 193829

10.BNE r0,r0,20

Operation : 32'h00014063

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 194255

11.BEQ r0,r0,15

Operation : 32'h000c063

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 194945

12.LW r03,r01,2

Operation : 32'h00010283

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 195401

13.SLL r05,r01,r1

Operation : 32'h00024033

Waveform of the given hardcopy verilog program:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 195522

Task 5 : Create a C program for Parity checker. Execute same C program in GCC and RISC-V GCC compiler.

Code for Parity checker

#include <stdio.h>

// Function to check the parity of a number
void check_parity(int number) {
    if (number & 1) {
        printf("The number %d has odd parity.\n", number);
    } else {
        printf("The number %d has even parity.\n", number);

int main() {
    int number;

    // Prompt the user to enter a number
    printf("Enter an integer: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);

    // Check and print the parity

    return 0;

Output for Parity Checker program in from GCC Compiler:

Screenshot 2024-08-14 102656 Screenshot 2024-08-14 102900 Screenshot 2024-08-14 102912

Output for the Parity checker from RISC-V GCC compiler(O1 flag):

output of the parity checker C program using RISCV GCC compiler Screenshot 2024-08-14 104839 Screenshot 2024-08-14 104910

Output for the parity checker from RISC-V GCC compiler(ofast flag):

Screenshot 2024-08-14 104910

Hence,we got same output for both GCC and RISCV compilers.

Assembly insturctions for the main function RISC-V compiler using O1 flag:

Screenshot 2024-08-14 161420

Assembly instructions for the main function using RISC-V compiler using Ofast Flag:

Screenshot 2024-08-14 112431

Task 6 : DAY3 Digital Logic with TL-Verilog and Maker chip

In this particular Task we will use Makerchip where we can design and stimulation of digital ciruits using TL verilog, with out installing any additional software.


It is modern hardware description language designed to simplify and accelerate digital design by reducing complicity we were facing in verilog and VHDL.

STEP1 Building Combinational Circuit for Caluculator in Makerchip:

Lab on Combinational Logic:

A combinational calculator using TL verilog code on Makerchip. Screenshot of the implementation of the basic combinational circuit in makerchip. Screenshot 2024-08-21 050404

STEP2 Sequential Logic:

Sequential Calculator Lab:

Screenshot of the implementation of Sequential Calculator on makerchip. Screenshot 2024-08-20 150204

STEP3 Pipelined Logic:

It is a technique used in digital system design to improve the efficiency of the process by dividing complex tasks into smaller and sequential stages. Every stage performs a specific operation on the data and these stages are arranged in a pipeline. In a pipeline architecture, the processing of an instruction is divided into several stages. This allows for overlapping the execution of multiple instructions, reducing the overall time needed to complete a sequential of tasks. Hence, circuit can be operated in higher frequencies.

Screen shot shows the implementation of the pipelined logic in makerchip. Screenshot 2024-08-21 053824

STEP4 Validity:

Validity is used to track the state and timing of transactions within a design description. In TL-verilog transactions are used to represent higher level actions that occur in a design. Validity refers to whether a transaction is considered valid or invalid based on its state. Validity provides easier debug,cleaner design , error checking , automated clock.

a) Lab on 2-Cycle calculator with validity:

Below is the screen shot of the 2-cycle calculator with validity: Screenshot 2024-08-21 064245

b) Lab on 2-Cycle Calculator with Single valued memory:

TL verilog code:

         $reset = *reset;
         $clk_nit = *clk;
         $valid = $reset ? 0 : >>1$valid + 1;
         $valid_or_reset = $valid || $reset; 

            $val1[31:0] = >>2$out[31:0];
            $val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
            $sel[2:0] = $rand3[2:0];

            $sum[31:0] = $val1[31:0] + $val2[31:0];
            $diff[31:0] = $val1[31:0] - $val2[31:0];
            $prod[31:0] = $val1[31:0] * $val2[31:0];
            $quot[31:0] = $val1[31:0] / $val2[31:0];

            $mem[31:0] = $reset ? '0 : ($sel == 3'd5) ? >>2$out[31:0]
                                                      : >>2$mem[31:0];
            $recall[31:0] = >>2$mem[31:0];                                          

            $out[31:0] = $reset ? '0 : ($sel == 3'd0) ? $sum[31:0]
                                     : ($sel == 3'd1) ? $diff[31:0]
                                     : ($sel == 3'd2) ? $prod[31:0]
                                     : ($sel == 3'd3) ? $quot[31:0]
                                     : ($sel == 3'd4) ? $recall[31:0]
                                     : '0;

Below is the screenshot of the implementation of code in makerchip


Task6- DAY4- Basic RISC-V CPU Micro-Architecture:

Starting point code for RISC-V CPU

\m4_TLV_version 1d:
   // This code can be found in:


   m4_makerchip_module   // (Expanded in Nav-TLV pane.)

   // /====================\
   // | Sum 1 to 9 Program |
   // \====================/
   // Program for MYTH Workshop to test RV32I
   // Add 1,2,3,...,9 (in that order).
   // Regs:
   //  r10 (a0): In: 0, Out: final sum
   //  r12 (a2): 10
   //  r13 (a3): 1..10
   //  r14 (a4): Sum
   // External to function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r0, r0)             // Initialize r10 (a0) to 0.
   // Function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r10, r0)            // Initialize sum register a4 with 0x0
   m4_asm(ADDI, r12, r10, 1010)         // Store count of 10 in register a2.
   m4_asm(ADD, r13, r10, r0)            // Initialize intermediate sum register a3 with 0
   // Loop:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r13, r14)           // Incremental addition
   m4_asm(ADDI, r13, r13, 1)            // Increment intermediate register by 1
   m4_asm(BLT, r13, r12, 1111111111000) // If a3 is less than a2, branch to label named <loop>
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r14, r0)            // Store final result to register a0 so that it can be read by main program

   // Optional:
   // m4_asm(JAL, r7, 00000000000000000000) // Done. Jump to itself (infinite loop). (Up to 20-bit signed immediate plus implicit 0 bit (unlike JALR) provides byte address; last immediate bit should also be 0)
   m4_define_hier(['M4_IMEM'], M4_NUM_INSTRS)

         $reset = *reset;

      // ...

      // Note: Because of the magic we are using for visualisation, if visualisation is enabled below,
      //       be sure to avoid having unassigned signals (which you might be using for random inputs)
      //       other than those specifically expected in the labs. You'll get strange errors for these.

   // Assert these to end simulation (before Makerchip cycle limit).
   *passed = *cyc_cnt > 40;
   *failed = 1'b0;

   // Macro instantiations for:
   //  o instruction memory
   //  o register file
   //  o data memory
   //  o CPU visualization
      //m4+imem(@1)    // Args: (read stage)
      //m4+rf(@1, @1)  // Args: (read stage, write stage) - if equal, no register bypass is required
      //m4+dmem(@4)    // Args: (read/write stage)

   //m4+cpu_viz(@4)    // For visualisation, argument should be at least equal to the last stage of CPU logic. @4 would work for all labs.


Program counter

In the stage of fetch CPU fetches the next instruction to be executed from instruction memory, The address where the instruction will be fetched is given by program counter. The program counter is implemented according to the condition,Fetching instruction from the instruction memory is given by

Code for fetch:

         $reset = *reset;

         $pc[31:0] = $reset ? '0 : >>1$pc + 32'd4;

         $imem_rd_en = !$reset ? 1 : 0;
         $imem_rd_addr[31:0] = $pc[M4_IMEM_INDEX_CNT+1:2];

         $instr[31:0] = $imem_rd_data[31:0];

Value of the PC will be fed as input to instruction memory to be fetched the instruction from particular address location. Screenshot of implementation of the fetch logic in Makerchip Screenshot 2024-08-21 100217

STEP2- Decode

a)Lab for Instruction type Decode logic

b)Lab for Instruction immediate decoding

c)Lab for Instruction Field Decode logic

Code for all above decode logics labs

         $is_i_instr = $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b0000x ||
                       $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b001x0 ||
                       $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b11001;

         $is_u_instr = $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b0x101;

         $is_r_instr = $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b01011 ||
                       $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b011x0 ||
                       $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b10100;

         $is_b_instr = $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b11000;

         $is_j_instr = $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b11011;

         $is_s_instr = $inst[6:2] ==? 5'b0100x;

         $imm[31:0] = $is_i_instr ? {{21{$inst[31]}}, $inst[30:20]} :
                      $is_s_instr ? {{21{$inst[31]}}, $inst[30:25], $inst[11:8], $inst[7]} :
                      $is_b_instr ? {{20{$inst[31]}}, $inst[7], $inst[30:25], $inst[11:8], 1'b0} :
                      $is_u_instr ? {$inst[31], $inst[30:20], $inst[19:12], 12'b0} :
                      $is_j_instr ? {{12{$inst[31]}}, $inst[19:12], $inst[20], $inst[30:21], 1'b0} :

         $rs1_use = $is_r_instr || $is_i_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr;
            $rs1[4:0] = $inst[19:15];

         $rs2_use = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr;
            $rs2[4:0] = $inst[24:20];

         $funct3_use = $is_r_instr || $is_i_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr;
            $funct3[2:0] = $inst[14:12];

         $funct7_use = $is_r_instr ;
            $funct7[6:0] = $inst[31:25];

         $rd_use = $is_r_instr || $is_i_instr || $is_u_instr || $is_j_instr;
            $rd[4:0] = $inst[11:7];

         $opcode[6:0] = $inst;

Screenshot for Lab for Instruction type Decode logic ,Lab for Instruction immediate decoding,Lab for Instruction Field Decode logic Screenshot 2024-08-21 104357

d) Lab for decode individual instruction

code for above decode logic

 $dec_bits [10:0] = {$funct7[5], $funct3, $opcode};
         $is_add = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_000_0110011;
         $is_addi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0010011;
         $is_beq = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100011;
         $is_bne = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_1100011;
         $is_blt = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_1100011;
         $is_bge = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_101_1100011;
         $is_bltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_1100011;
         $is_bgeu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_1100011;

Screen shot of Decode logic

Screenshot 2024-08-21 105420

STEP3 - RISC-V Control Logic:

a) Lab for Register Read

Code for the Register read

$rf_rd_en1 = $rs1_use;
         $rf_rd_index1[4:0] = $rs1;
         $rf_rd_en2 = $rs2_use;
         $rf_rd_index2[4:0] = $rs2;

         $src1_value[31:0] = $rf_rd_data1;
         $src2_value[31:0] = $rf_rd_data2;

b) Lab for ALU operations for add/addi:

code for the above lab

$result[31:0] = $is_addi ? $src1_value + $imm :
                $is_add ? $src1_value + $src2_value :
                32'bx ;

c) Lab for Register file write:

code for the above lab

 $rf_wr_en = $rd_use;
         $rf_wr_index[4:0] = $rd;
         $rf_wr_data[31:0] = $rd == 0 ? 0 : $result;

Screen shot below shows about Register read, ALU operation on ADD,ADDI,Register file write Screenshot 2024-08-21 203421

d) Lab for Implementing Branch Instructions:

code for the above lab

$taken_branch = $is_beq ? ($src1_value == $src2_value):
                         $is_bne ? ($src1_value != $src2_value):
                         $is_blt ? (($src1_value < $src2_value)^($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])):
                         $is_bge ? (($src1_value >= $src2_value)^($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])):
                         $is_bltu ? ($src1_value < $src2_value):
                         $is_bgeu ? ($src1_value >= $src2_value):
         $br_tgt_pc[31:0] = $pc + $imm;

e) Lab for creating test bench:

*passed = |cpu/xreg[10]>>5$value == (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) ;

Screen shot for the implementation of the branch logic and overall STEP 3 RISC-V control logic:


DAY 5 - Complete Pipelined RISC-V CPU micro Architecture:

STEP-1 Pipelining the CPU:

Pipelined CPU

Code for pipelined cpu

//\m4_TLV_version 1d:
   // This code can be found in:


   m4_makerchip_module   // (Expanded in Nav-TLV pane.)

   // /====================\
   // | Sum 1 to 9 Program |
   // \====================/
   // Program for MYTH Workshop to test RV32I
   // Add 1,2,3,...,9 (in that order).
   // Regs:
   //  r10 (a0): In: 0, Out: final sum
   //  r12 (a2): 10
   //  r13 (a3): 1..10
   //  r14 (a4): Sum
   // External to function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r0, r0)             // Initialize r10 (a0) to 0.
   // Function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r10, r0)            // Initialize sum register a4 with 0x0
   m4_asm(ADDI, r12, r10, 1010)         // Store count of 10 in register a2.
   m4_asm(ADD, r13, r10, r0)            // Initialize intermediate sum register a3 with 0
   // Loop:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r13, r14)           // Incremental addition
   m4_asm(ADDI, r13, r13, 1)            // Increment intermediate register by 1
   m4_asm(BLT, r13, r12, 1111111111000) // If a3 is less than a2, branch to label named 
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r14, r0)            // Store final result to register a0 so that it can be read by main program

   // Optional:
   // m4_asm(JAL, r7, 00000000000000000000) // Done. Jump to itself (infinite loop). (Up to 20-bit signed immediate plus implicit 0 bit (unlike JALR) provides byte address; last immediate bit should also be 0)
   m4_define_hier(['M4_IMEM'], M4_NUM_INSTRS)

         $reset = *reset;
         $clk_nitheesh = *clk;
         $start = >>1$reset ? !$reset ? '1 :'0 :'0;
         //$valid = $reset ? '0 : $start ? '1 : >>3$valid ? '1 : '0;

         $pc[31:0] = (>>1$reset) ? '0 :
                     (>>3$valid_taken_br) ? >>3$br_tgt_pc :

         $imem_rd_en = !$reset;
         $imem_rd_addr[31:0] = $pc[M4_IMEM_INDEX_CNT+1:2];

         $inc_pc[31:0] = $pc[31:0] + 32'd4;
         $instr[31:0] = $imem_rd_data[31:0];

         $is_i_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0000x ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b001x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11001;

         $is_r_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b01011 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b011x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b10100;

         $is_s_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0100x;

         $is_b_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11000;

         $is_j_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11011;

         $is_u_instr = $instr[6:2] ==?  5'b0x101;

         $imm[31:0] = $is_i_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:20]} :
                      $is_s_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:25], $instr[11:7]} :
                      $is_b_instr ? {{20{$instr[31]}}, $instr[7], $instr[30:25], $instr[11:8], 1'b0}:
                      $is_u_instr ? {$instr[31:12], 12'b0} :
                      $is_j_instr ? {{12{$instr[31]}}, $instr[19:12], $instr[20], $instr[30:21], 1'b0} :

         $rs2_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr;
         $rs1_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $rd_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_i_instr || $is_u_instr || $is_j_instr;
         $funct3_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $funct7_valid = $is_r_instr;

            $rs2[4:0] = $instr[24:20];

            $rs1[4:0] = $instr[19:15];

            $rd[4:0] = $instr[11:7];

            $funct3[2:0] = $instr[14:12];

            $funct7[6:0] = $instr[31:25];

         $opcode[6:0] = $instr[6:0];

         $dec_bits[10:0] = {$funct7[5],$funct3,$opcode};

         // Branch Instruction
         $is_beq = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100011;
         $is_bne = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_1100011;
         $is_blt = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_1100011;
         $is_bge = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_101_1100011;
         $is_bltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_1100011;
         $is_bgeu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_1100011;

         // Arithmetic Instruction
         $is_add = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_000_0110011;
         $is_addi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0010011;
         $is_or = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_110_0110011;
         $is_ori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_0010011;
         $is_xor = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_100_0110011;
         $is_xori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_0010011;
         $is_and = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_111_0110011;
         $is_andi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_0010011;
         $is_sub = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_000_0110011;
         $is_slti = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0010011;
         $is_sltiu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_011_0010011;
         $is_slli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0010011;
         $is_srli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0010011;
         $is_srai = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0010011;
         $is_sll = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0110011;
         $is_slt = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_010_0110011;
         $is_sltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_011_0110011;
         $is_srl = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0110011;
         $is_sra = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0110011;

         // Load Instruction
         $is_load = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0000011;

         // Store Instruction
         $is_sb = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0100011;
         $is_sh = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_0100011;
         $is_sw = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0100011;

         // Jump Instruction
         $lui = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0110111;
         $auipc = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0010111;
         $jal = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_1101111;
         $jalr = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100111;


         $br_tgt_pc[31:0] = $pc + $imm;

         // Register File Read Logic
         $rf_rd_en1 = $rs1_valid;
            $rf_rd_index1[4:0] = $rs1[4:0];

         $rf_rd_en2 = $rs2_valid;
            $rf_rd_index2[4:0] = $rs2[4:0];

         $src1_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs1) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data1[31:0];
         $src2_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs2) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data2[31:0];


         $sltu_result = $src1_value < $src2_value ;
         $sltiu_result = $src1_value < $imm ;

         $result[31:0] = $is_addi ? $src1_value + $imm :
                         $is_add ? $src1_value + $src2_value :
                         $is_or ? $src1_value | $src2_value :
                         $is_ori ? $src1_value | $imm :
                         $is_xor ? $src1_value ^ $src2_value :
                         $is_xori ? $src1_value ^ $imm :
                         $is_and ? $src1_value & $src2_value :
                         $is_andi ? $src1_value & $imm :
                         $is_sub ? $src1_value - $src2_value :
                         $is_slti ? (($src1_value[31] == $imm[31]) ? $sltiu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltiu ? $sltiu_result :
                         $is_slli ? $src1_value << $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srli ? $src1_value >> $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srai ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $imm[4:0]) :
                         $is_sll ? $src1_value << $src2_value[4:0] :
                         $is_slt ? (($src1_value[31] == $src2_value[31]) ? $sltu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltu ? $sltu_result :
                         $is_srl ? $src1_value >> $src2_value[5:0] :
                         $is_sra ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $src2_value[4:0]) :
                         $lui ? ({$imm[31:12], 12'b0}) :
                         $auipc ? $pc + $imm :
                         $jal ? $pc + 4 :
                         $jalr ? $pc + 4 : 32'bx;

         // Register File Write
         $rf_wr_en = $valid ? ($rd == 5'b0) ? 1'b0 : $rd_valid : 1'b0;
            $rf_wr_index[4:0] = $rd[4:0];

         $rf_wr_data[31:0] = $result[31:0];

         //Branch Instructions
         $taken_br = $is_beq ? ($src1_value == $src2_value) :
                     $is_bne ? ($src1_value != $src2_value) :
                     $is_blt ? (($src1_value < $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bge ? (($src1_value >= $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bltu ? ($src1_value < $src2_value) :
                     $is_bgeu ? ($src1_value >= $src2_value) : 1'b0;

         $valid_taken_br = $valid && $taken_br;
         $valid = !(>>1$valid_taken_br || >>2$valid_taken_br);
         //`BOGUS_USE($is_beq $is_bne $is_blt $is_bge $is_bltu $is_bgeu)

      // Note: Because of the magic we are using for visualisation, if visualisation is enabled below,
      //       be sure to avoid having unassigned signals (which you might be using for random inputs)
      //       other than those specifically expected in the labs. You'll get strange errors for these.

   // Assert these to end simulation (before Makerchip cycle limit).
   //*passed = *cyc_cnt > 40;
   *passed = |cpu/xreg[10]>>5$value == (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9);
   *failed = 1'b0;

   // Macro instantiations for:
   //  o instruction memory
   //  o register file
   //  o data memory
   //  o CPU visualization
      m4+imem(@1)    // Args: (read stage)
      m4+rf(@2, @3)  // Args: (read stage, write stage) - if equal, no register bypass is required
      //m4+dmem(@4)    // Args: (read/write stage)
   m4+cpu_viz(@4)    // For visualisation, argument should be at least equal to the last stage of CPU logic. @4 would work for all labs.

Screen shot of the pipelined cpu


it took 56 cycles for executing the program from 1to9


STEP-2 Load and store operations:

Code for load and store operations
\m4_TLV_version 1d:
   // This code can be found in:


   m4_makerchip_module   // (Expanded in Nav-TLV pane.)

   // /====================\
   // | Sum 1 to 9 Program |
   // \====================/
   // Program for MYTH Workshop to test RV32I
   // Add 1,2,3,...,9 (in that order).
   // Regs:
   //  r10 (a0): In: 0, Out: final sum
   //  r12 (a2): 10
   //  r13 (a3): 1..10
   //  r14 (a4): Sum
   // External to function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r0, r0)             // Initialize r10 (a0) to 0.
   // Function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r10, r0)            // Initialize sum register a4 with 0x0
   m4_asm(ADDI, r12, r10, 1010)         // Store count of 10 in register a2.
   m4_asm(ADD, r13, r10, r0)            // Initialize intermediate sum register a3 with 0
   // Loop:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r13, r14)           // Incremental addition
   m4_asm(ADDI, r13, r13, 1)            // Increment intermediate register by 1
   m4_asm(BLT, r13, r12, 1111111111000) // If a3 is less than a2, branch to label named 
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r14, r0)            // Store final result to register a0 so that it can be read by main program
   m4_asm(SW, r0, r10, 100)
   m4_asm(LW, r15, r0, 100)

   // Optional:
   // m4_asm(JAL, r7, 00000000000000000000) // Done. Jump to itself (infinite loop). (Up to 20-bit signed immediate plus implicit 0 bit (unlike JALR) provides byte address; last immediate bit should also be 0)
   m4_define_hier(['M4_IMEM'], M4_NUM_INSTRS)

         $reset = *reset;
         $clk_nitheesh = *clk;
         $start = >>1$reset ? !$reset ? '1 :'0 :'0;
         //$valid = $reset ? '0 : $start ? '1 : >>3$valid ? '1 : '0;

         $pc[31:0] = (>>1$reset) ? '0 :
                     (>>3$valid_taken_br) ? >>3$br_tgt_pc :
                     (>>3$is_load) ? >>3$inc_pc : >>1$inc_pc;

         $imem_rd_en = !$reset;
         $imem_rd_addr[31:0] = $pc[M4_IMEM_INDEX_CNT+1:2];

         $inc_pc[31:0] = $pc[31:0] + 32'd4;
         $instr[31:0] = $imem_rd_data[31:0];

         $is_i_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0000x ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b001x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11001;

         $is_r_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b01011 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b011x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b10100;

         $is_s_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0100x;

         $is_b_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11000;

         $is_j_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11011;

         $is_u_instr = $instr[6:2] ==?  5'b0x101;

         $imm[31:0] = $is_i_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:20]} :
                      $is_s_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:25], $instr[11:7]} :
                      $is_b_instr ? {{20{$instr[31]}}, $instr[7], $instr[30:25], $instr[11:8], 1'b0}:
                      $is_u_instr ? {$instr[31:12], 12'b0} :
                      $is_j_instr ? {{12{$instr[31]}}, $instr[19:12], $instr[20], $instr[30:21], 1'b0} :

         $rs2_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr;
         $rs1_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $rd_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_i_instr || $is_u_instr || $is_j_instr;
         $funct3_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $funct7_valid = $is_r_instr;

            $rs2[4:0] = $instr[24:20];

            $rs1[4:0] = $instr[19:15];

            $rd[4:0] = $instr[11:7];

            $funct3[2:0] = $instr[14:12];

            $funct7[6:0] = $instr[31:25];

         $opcode[6:0] = $instr[6:0];

         $dec_bits[10:0] = {$funct7[5],$funct3,$opcode};

         // Branch Instruction
         $is_beq = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100011;
         $is_bne = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_1100011;
         $is_blt = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_1100011;
         $is_bge = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_101_1100011;
         $is_bltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_1100011;
         $is_bgeu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_1100011;

         // Arithmetic Instruction
         $is_add = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_000_0110011;
         $is_addi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0010011;
         $is_or = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_110_0110011;
         $is_ori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_0010011;
         $is_xor = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_100_0110011;
         $is_xori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_0010011;
         $is_and = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_111_0110011;
         $is_andi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_0010011;
         $is_sub = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_000_0110011;
         $is_slti = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0010011;
         $is_sltiu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_011_0010011;
         $is_slli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0010011;
         $is_srli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0010011;
         $is_srai = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0010011;
         $is_sll = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0110011;
         $is_slt = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_010_0110011;
         $is_sltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_011_0110011;
         $is_srl = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0110011;
         $is_sra = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0110011;

         // Load Instruction
         $is_load = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0000011;

         // Store Instruction
         $is_sb = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0100011;
         $is_sh = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_0100011;
         $is_sw = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0100011;

         // Jump Instruction
         $lui = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0110111;
         $auipc = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0010111;
         $jal = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_1101111;
         $jalr = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100111;


         $br_tgt_pc[31:0] = $pc + $imm;

         // Register File Read Logic
         $rf_rd_en1 = $rs1_valid;
            $rf_rd_index1[4:0] = $rs1[4:0];

         $rf_rd_en2 = $rs2_valid;
            $rf_rd_index2[4:0] = $rs2[4:0];

         $src1_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs1) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data1[31:0];
         $src2_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs2) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data2[31:0];


         $sltu_result = $src1_value < $src2_value ;
         $sltiu_result = $src1_value < $imm ;

         $result[31:0] = $is_addi ? $src1_value + $imm :
                         $is_add ? $src1_value + $src2_value :
                         $is_or ? $src1_value | $src2_value :
                         $is_ori ? $src1_value | $imm :
                         $is_xor ? $src1_value ^ $src2_value :
                         $is_xori ? $src1_value ^ $imm :
                         $is_and ? $src1_value & $src2_value :
                         $is_andi ? $src1_value & $imm :
                         $is_sub ? $src1_value - $src2_value :
                         $is_slti ? (($src1_value[31] == $imm[31]) ? $sltiu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltiu ? $sltiu_result :
                         $is_slli ? $src1_value << $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srli ? $src1_value >> $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srai ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $imm[4:0]) :
                         $is_sll ? $src1_value << $src2_value[4:0] :
                         $is_slt ? (($src1_value[31] == $src2_value[31]) ? $sltu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltu ? $sltu_result :
                         $is_srl ? $src1_value >> $src2_value[5:0] :
                         $is_sra ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $src2_value[4:0]) :
                         $lui ? ({$imm[31:12], 12'b0}) :
                         $auipc ? $pc + $imm :
                         $jal ? $pc + 4 :
                         $jalr ? $pc + 4 :
                         ($is_load || $is_s_instr) ? $src1_value + $imm : 32'bx;

         // Register File Write
         $rf_wr_en = $valid ? ($rd == 5'b0) ? 1'b0 : $rd_valid : >>2$ld_data;
            $rf_wr_index[4:0] = !$valid ? >>2$rd[4:0] : $rd[4:0];

         $rf_wr_data[31:0] = !$valid ? >>2$ld_data[31:0] : $result[31:0];

         //Branch Instructions
         $taken_br = $is_beq ? ($src1_value == $src2_value) :
                     $is_bne ? ($src1_value != $src2_value) :
                     $is_blt ? (($src1_value < $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bge ? (($src1_value >= $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bltu ? ($src1_value < $src2_value) :
                     $is_bgeu ? ($src1_value >= $src2_value) : 1'b0;

         $valid_taken_br = $valid && $taken_br;

         // Load
         $valid_load = $valid && $is_load;
         $valid = !(>>1$valid_taken_br || >>2$valid_taken_br || >>1$valid_load || >>2$valid_load);

         $dmem_rd_en = $valid_load;
         $dmem_wr_en = $valid && $is_s_instr;
         $dmem_addr[3:0] = $result[5:2];
         $dmem_wr_data[31:0] = $src2_value[31:0];

         $ld_data[31:0] = $dmem_rd_data[31:0];
         //`BOGUS_USE($is_beq $is_bne $is_blt $is_bge $is_bltu $is_bgeu)

      // Note: Because of the magic we are using for visualisation, if visualisation is enabled below,
      //       be sure to avoid having unassigned signals (which you might be using for random inputs)
      //       other than those specifically expected in the labs. You'll get strange errors for these.

   // Assert these to end simulation (before Makerchip cycle limit).
   //*passed = *cyc_cnt > 40;
   *passed = |cpu/xreg[15]>>5$value == (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9);
   *failed = 1'b0;

   // Macro instantiations for:
   //  o instruction memory
   //  o register file
   //  o data memory
   //  o CPU visualization
      m4+imem(@1)    // Args: (read stage)
      m4+rf(@2, @3)  // Args: (read stage, write stage) - if equal, no register bypass is required
      m4+dmem(@4)    // Args: (read/write stage)
   m4+cpu_viz(@4)    // For visualisation, argument should be at least equal to the last stage of CPU logic. @4 would work for all labs.

Screenshot of the load and store operations Screenshot 2024-08-21 214639

Screen shot of the load and store operations


STEP-3 Completing RISC-V CPU

Code complete RISC-V CPU

\m4_TLV_version 1d:
   // This code can be found in:


   m4_makerchip_module   // (Expanded in Nav-TLV pane.)

   // /====================\
   // | Sum 1 to 9 Program |
   // \====================/
   // Program for MYTH Workshop to test RV32I
   // Add 1,2,3,...,9 (in that order).
   // Regs:
   //  r10 (a0): In: 0, Out: final sum
   //  r12 (a2): 10
   //  r13 (a3): 1..10
   //  r14 (a4): Sum
   // External to function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r0, r0)             // Initialize r10 (a0) to 0.
   // Function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r10, r0)            // Initialize sum register a4 with 0x0
   m4_asm(ADDI, r12, r10, 1010)         // Store count of 10 in register a2.
   m4_asm(ADD, r13, r10, r0)            // Initialize intermediate sum register a3 with 0
   // Loop:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r13, r14)           // Incremental addition
   m4_asm(ADDI, r13, r13, 1)            // Increment intermediate register by 1
   m4_asm(BLT, r13, r12, 1111111111000) // If a3 is less than a2, branch to label named 
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r14, r0)            // Store final result to register a0 so that it can be read by main program
   m4_asm(SW, r0, r10, 100)
   m4_asm(LW, r15, r0, 100)

   // Optional:
   // m4_asm(JAL, r7, 00000000000000000000) // Done. Jump to itself (infinite loop). (Up to 20-bit signed immediate plus implicit 0 bit (unlike JALR) provides byte address; last immediate bit should also be 0)
   m4_define_hier(['M4_IMEM'], M4_NUM_INSTRS)

         $reset = *reset;
         $clk_nitheesh = *clk;
         $start = >>1$reset ? !$reset ? '1 :'0 :'0;
         //$valid = $reset ? '0 : $start ? '1 : >>3$valid ? '1 : '0;

         $pc[31:0] = (>>1$reset) ? '0 :
                     (>>3$valid_taken_br) ? >>3$br_tgt_pc :
                     (>>3$is_load) ? >>3$inc_pc :
                     (>>3$valid_jump && >>3$is_jal) ? >>3$br_tgt_pc :
                     (>>3$valid_jump && >>3$is_jalr) ? >>3$jalr_tgt_pc : >>1$inc_pc;

         $imem_rd_en = !$reset;
         $imem_rd_addr[31:0] = $pc[M4_IMEM_INDEX_CNT+1:2];

         $inc_pc[31:0] = $pc[31:0] + 32'd4;
         $instr[31:0] = $imem_rd_data[31:0];

         $is_i_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0000x ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b001x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11001;

         $is_r_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b01011 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b011x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b10100;

         $is_s_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0100x;

         $is_b_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11000;

         $is_j_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11011;

         $is_u_instr = $instr[6:2] ==?  5'b0x101;

         $imm[31:0] = $is_i_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:20]} :
                      $is_s_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:25], $instr[11:7]} :
                      $is_b_instr ? {{20{$instr[31]}}, $instr[7], $instr[30:25], $instr[11:8], 1'b0}:
                      $is_u_instr ? {$instr[31:12], 12'b0} :
                      $is_j_instr ? {{12{$instr[31]}}, $instr[19:12], $instr[20], $instr[30:21], 1'b0} :

         $rs2_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr;
         $rs1_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $rd_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_i_instr || $is_u_instr || $is_j_instr;
         $funct3_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $funct7_valid = $is_r_instr;

            $rs2[4:0] = $instr[24:20];

            $rs1[4:0] = $instr[19:15];

            $rd[4:0] = $instr[11:7];

            $funct3[2:0] = $instr[14:12];

            $funct7[6:0] = $instr[31:25];

         $opcode[6:0] = $instr[6:0];

         $dec_bits[10:0] = {$funct7[5],$funct3,$opcode};

         // Branch Instruction
         $is_beq = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100011;
         $is_bne = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_1100011;
         $is_blt = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_1100011;
         $is_bge = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_101_1100011;
         $is_bltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_1100011;
         $is_bgeu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_1100011;

         // Arithmetic Instruction
         $is_add = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_000_0110011;
         $is_addi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0010011;
         $is_or = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_110_0110011;
         $is_ori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_0010011;
         $is_xor = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_100_0110011;
         $is_xori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_0010011;
         $is_and = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_111_0110011;
         $is_andi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_0010011;
         $is_sub = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_000_0110011;
         $is_slti = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0010011;
         $is_sltiu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_011_0010011;
         $is_slli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0010011;
         $is_srli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0010011;
         $is_srai = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0010011;
         $is_sll = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0110011;
         $is_slt = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_010_0110011;
         $is_sltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_011_0110011;
         $is_srl = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0110011;
         $is_sra = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0110011;

         // Load Instruction
         $is_load = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0000011;

         // Store Instruction
         $is_sb = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0100011;
         $is_sh = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_0100011;
         $is_sw = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0100011;

         // Jump Instruction
         $lui = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0110111;
         $auipc = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0010111;
         $jal = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_1101111;
         $jalr = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100111;

         $is_jump = $is_jal || $is_jalr;


         // Branch Target PC
         $br_tgt_pc[31:0] = $pc + $imm;

         // Jump Target PC
         $jalr_tgt_pc[31:0] = $src1_value + $imm;

         // Register File Read Logic
         $rf_rd_en1 = $rs1_valid;
            $rf_rd_index1[4:0] = $rs1[4:0];

         $rf_rd_en2 = $rs2_valid;
            $rf_rd_index2[4:0] = $rs2[4:0];

         $src1_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs1) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data1[31:0];
         $src2_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs2) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data2[31:0];


         $sltu_result = $src1_value < $src2_value ;
         $sltiu_result = $src1_value < $imm ;

         $result[31:0] = $is_addi ? $src1_value + $imm :
                         $is_add ? $src1_value + $src2_value :
                         $is_or ? $src1_value | $src2_value :
                         $is_ori ? $src1_value | $imm :
                         $is_xor ? $src1_value ^ $src2_value :
                         $is_xori ? $src1_value ^ $imm :
                         $is_and ? $src1_value & $src2_value :
                         $is_andi ? $src1_value & $imm :
                         $is_sub ? $src1_value - $src2_value :
                         $is_slti ? (($src1_value[31] == $imm[31]) ? $sltiu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltiu ? $sltiu_result :
                         $is_slli ? $src1_value << $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srli ? $src1_value >> $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srai ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $imm[4:0]) :
                         $is_sll ? $src1_value << $src2_value[4:0] :
                         $is_slt ? (($src1_value[31] == $src2_value[31]) ? $sltu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltu ? $sltu_result :
                         $is_srl ? $src1_value >> $src2_value[5:0] :
                         $is_sra ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $src2_value[4:0]) :
                         $lui ? ({$imm[31:12], 12'b0}) :
                         $auipc ? $pc + $imm :
                         $jal ? $pc + 4 :
                         $jalr ? $pc + 4 :
                         ($is_load || $is_s_instr) ? $src1_value + $imm : 32'bx;

         // Register File Write
         $rf_wr_en = $valid ? ($rd == 5'b0) ? 1'b0 : $rd_valid : >>2$ld_data;
            $rf_wr_index[4:0] = !$valid ? >>2$rd[4:0] : $rd[4:0];

         $rf_wr_data[31:0] = !$valid ? >>2$ld_data[31:0] : $result[31:0];

         //Branch Instructions
         $taken_br = $is_beq ? ($src1_value == $src2_value) :
                     $is_bne ? ($src1_value != $src2_value) :
                     $is_blt ? (($src1_value < $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bge ? (($src1_value >= $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bltu ? ($src1_value < $src2_value) :
                     $is_bgeu ? ($src1_value >= $src2_value) : 1'b0;

         $valid_taken_br = $valid && $taken_br;

         // Load
         $valid_load = $valid && $is_load;
         $valid = !(>>1$valid_taken_br || >>2$valid_taken_br || >>1$valid_load || >>2$valid_load || >>1$valid_jump || >>2$valid_jump);

         $valid_jump = $valid && $is_jump;

         $dmem_rd_en = $valid_load;
         $dmem_wr_en = $valid && $is_s_instr;
         $dmem_addr[3:0] = $result[5:2];
         $dmem_wr_data[31:0] = $src2_value[31:0];

         $ld_data[31:0] = $dmem_rd_data[31:0];
         //`BOGUS_USE($is_beq $is_bne $is_blt $is_bge $is_bltu $is_bgeu)

      // Note: Because of the magic we are using for visualisation, if visualisation is enabled below,
      //       be sure to avoid having unassigned signals (which you might be using for random inputs)
      //       other than those specifically expected in the labs. You'll get strange errors for these.

   // Assert these to end simulation (before Makerchip cycle limit).
   //*passed = *cyc_cnt > 40;
   *passed = |cpu/xreg[15]>>5$value == (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9);
   *failed = 1'b0;

   // Macro instantiations for:
   //  o instruction memory
   //  o register file
   //  o data memory
   //  o CPU visualization
      m4+imem(@1)    // Args: (read stage)
      m4+rf(@2, @3)  // Args: (read stage, write stage) - if equal, no register bypass is required
      m4+dmem(@4)    // Args: (read/write stage)
   m4+cpu_viz(@4)    // For visualisation, argument should be at least equal to the last stage of CPU logic. @4 would work for all labs.

Screenshot of RISC-V CPU Code,Diagram,waveform,clock signal, reset signal in makerchip:

Final Diagram


Clock signal Screenshot 2024-08-21 220434

Reset Signal Screenshot 2024-08-21 220931

Screenshot 2024-08-21 221320

Hence we can see in the below waveform that in r[14] we can see the sum from 1 to 9

Screenshot 2024-08-21 221552

Completed in 58 cycles.

TASK 7 Converting RISC-V CPU TLV code to Verilog code :

Steps to be followed :

1) Installing tools:

Follow the process:

python3-pip git iverilog gtkwave

cd ~

sudo apt-get install python3-venv

python3 -m venv .venv

source ~/.venv/bin/activate

pip3 install pyyaml click sandpiper-saas

Screenshot 2024-08-27 061421

2)Installing the required set of commands in virtual environment:

$ sudo apt install make python python3 python3-pip git iverilog gtkwave
$ sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
$ cd ~
$ pip3 install pyyaml click sandpiper-saas

Screenshot 2024-08-27 061529 Screenshot 2024-08-27 061647

3)Cloning Github Repo:

git clone
cd VSDBabySoc

Screenshot 2024-08-27 061938


cd /home/vsduser/VSDBabySoC
make pre_synth_sim

Screenshot 2024-08-27 062037


Replace the rvmyth.tlv file in VSDBabySoc/src/module folder with RISC-V tlv from maker chip. convert tlv to verilog we will use the code we build in previous lab

\m4_TLV_version 1d:
   // This code can be found in:


   m4_makerchip_module   // (Expanded in Nav-TLV pane.)

   // /====================\
   // | Sum 1 to 9 Program |
   // \====================/
   // Program for MYTH Workshop to test RV32I
   // Add 1,2,3,...,9 (in that order).
   // Regs:
   //  r10 (a0): In: 0, Out: final sum
   //  r12 (a2): 10
   //  r13 (a3): 1..10
   //  r14 (a4): Sum
   // External to function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r0, r0)             // Initialize r10 (a0) to 0.
   // Function:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r10, r0)            // Initialize sum register a4 with 0x0
   m4_asm(ADDI, r12, r10, 1010)         // Store count of 10 in register a2.
   m4_asm(ADD, r13, r10, r0)            // Initialize intermediate sum register a3 with 0
   // Loop:
   m4_asm(ADD, r14, r13, r14)           // Incremental addition
   m4_asm(ADDI, r13, r13, 1)            // Increment intermediate register by 1
   m4_asm(BLT, r13, r12, 1111111111000) // If a3 is less than a2, branch to label named <loop>
   m4_asm(ADD, r10, r14, r0)            // Store final result to register a0 so that it can be read by main program
   m4_asm(SW, r0, r10, 100)
   m4_asm(LW, r15, r0, 100)

   // Optional:
   // m4_asm(JAL, r7, 00000000000000000000) // Done. Jump to itself (infinite loop). (Up to 20-bit signed immediate plus implicit 0 bit (unlike JALR) provides byte address; last immediate bit should also be 0)
   m4_define_hier(['M4_IMEM'], M4_NUM_INSTRS)

         $reset = *reset;
         $clk_nitheesh = *clk;
         $start = >>1$reset ? !$reset ? '1 :'0 :'0;
         //$valid = $reset ? '0 : $start ? '1 : >>3$valid ? '1 : '0;

         $pc[31:0] = (>>1$reset) ? '0 :
                     (>>3$valid_taken_br) ? >>3$br_tgt_pc :
                     (>>3$is_load) ? >>3$inc_pc :
                     (>>3$valid_jump && >>3$is_jal) ? >>3$br_tgt_pc :
                     (>>3$valid_jump && >>3$is_jalr) ? >>3$jalr_tgt_pc : >>1$inc_pc;

         $imem_rd_en = !$reset;
         $imem_rd_addr[31:0] = $pc[M4_IMEM_INDEX_CNT+1:2];

         $inc_pc[31:0] = $pc[31:0] + 32'd4;
         $instr[31:0] = $imem_rd_data[31:0];

         $is_i_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0000x ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b001x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11001;

         $is_r_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b01011 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b011x0 ||
                       $instr[6:2] ==  5'b10100;

         $is_s_instr = $instr[6:2] ==? 5'b0100x;

         $is_b_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11000;

         $is_j_instr = $instr[6:2] ==  5'b11011;

         $is_u_instr = $instr[6:2] ==?  5'b0x101;

         $imm[31:0] = $is_i_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:20]} :
                      $is_s_instr ? {{21{$instr[31]}}, $instr[30:25], $instr[11:7]} :
                      $is_b_instr ? {{20{$instr[31]}}, $instr[7], $instr[30:25], $instr[11:8], 1'b0}:
                      $is_u_instr ? {$instr[31:12], 12'b0} :
                      $is_j_instr ? {{12{$instr[31]}}, $instr[19:12], $instr[20], $instr[30:21], 1'b0} :

         $rs2_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr;
         $rs1_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $rd_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_i_instr || $is_u_instr || $is_j_instr;
         $funct3_valid = $is_r_instr || $is_s_instr || $is_b_instr || $is_i_instr;
         $funct7_valid = $is_r_instr;

            $rs2[4:0] = $instr[24:20];

            $rs1[4:0] = $instr[19:15];

            $rd[4:0] = $instr[11:7];

            $funct3[2:0] = $instr[14:12];

            $funct7[6:0] = $instr[31:25];

         $opcode[6:0] = $instr[6:0];

         $dec_bits[10:0] = {$funct7[5],$funct3,$opcode};

         // Branch Instruction
         $is_beq = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100011;
         $is_bne = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_1100011;
         $is_blt = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_1100011;
         $is_bge = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_101_1100011;
         $is_bltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_1100011;
         $is_bgeu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_1100011;

         // Arithmetic Instruction
         $is_add = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_000_0110011;
         $is_addi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0010011;
         $is_or = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_110_0110011;
         $is_ori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_110_0010011;
         $is_xor = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_100_0110011;
         $is_xori = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_100_0010011;
         $is_and = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_111_0110011;
         $is_andi = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_111_0010011;
         $is_sub = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_000_0110011;
         $is_slti = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0010011;
         $is_sltiu = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_011_0010011;
         $is_slli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0010011;
         $is_srli = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0010011;
         $is_srai = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0010011;
         $is_sll = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_001_0110011;
         $is_slt = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_010_0110011;
         $is_sltu = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_011_0110011;
         $is_srl = $dec_bits ==? 11'b0_101_0110011;
         $is_sra = $dec_bits ==? 11'b1_101_0110011;

         // Load Instruction
         $is_load = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0000011;

         // Store Instruction
         $is_sb = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_0100011;
         $is_sh = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_001_0100011;
         $is_sw = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_010_0100011;

         // Jump Instruction
         $lui = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0110111;
         $auipc = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_0010111;
         $jal = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_xxx_1101111;
         $jalr = $dec_bits ==? 11'bx_000_1100111;

         $is_jump = $is_jal || $is_jalr;


         // Branch Target PC
         $br_tgt_pc[31:0] = $pc + $imm;

         // Jump Target PC
         $jalr_tgt_pc[31:0] = $src1_value + $imm;

         // Register File Read Logic
         $rf_rd_en1 = $rs1_valid;
            $rf_rd_index1[4:0] = $rs1[4:0];

         $rf_rd_en2 = $rs2_valid;
            $rf_rd_index2[4:0] = $rs2[4:0];

         $src1_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs1) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data1[31:0];
         $src2_value[31:0] = ((>>1$rd == $rs2) && (>>1$rf_wr_en ==1'b1)) ? >>1$result : $rf_rd_data2[31:0];


         $sltu_result = $src1_value < $src2_value ;
         $sltiu_result = $src1_value < $imm ;

         $result[31:0] = $is_addi ? $src1_value + $imm :
                         $is_add ? $src1_value + $src2_value :
                         $is_or ? $src1_value | $src2_value :
                         $is_ori ? $src1_value | $imm :
                         $is_xor ? $src1_value ^ $src2_value :
                         $is_xori ? $src1_value ^ $imm :
                         $is_and ? $src1_value & $src2_value :
                         $is_andi ? $src1_value & $imm :
                         $is_sub ? $src1_value - $src2_value :
                         $is_slti ? (($src1_value[31] == $imm[31]) ? $sltiu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltiu ? $sltiu_result :
                         $is_slli ? $src1_value << $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srli ? $src1_value >> $imm[5:0] :
                         $is_srai ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $imm[4:0]) :
                         $is_sll ? $src1_value << $src2_value[4:0] :
                         $is_slt ? (($src1_value[31] == $src2_value[31]) ? $sltu_result : {31'b0,$src1_value[31]}) :
                         $is_sltu ? $sltu_result :
                         $is_srl ? $src1_value >> $src2_value[5:0] :
                         $is_sra ? ({{32{$src1_value[31]}}, $src1_value} >> $src2_value[4:0]) :
                         $lui ? ({$imm[31:12], 12'b0}) :
                         $auipc ? $pc + $imm :
                         $jal ? $pc + 4 :
                         $jalr ? $pc + 4 :
                         ($is_load || $is_s_instr) ? $src1_value + $imm : 32'bx;

         // Register File Write
         $rf_wr_en = $valid ? ($rd == 5'b0) ? 1'b0 : $rd_valid : >>2$ld_data;
            $rf_wr_index[4:0] = !$valid ? >>2$rd[4:0] : $rd[4:0];

         $rf_wr_data[31:0] = !$valid ? >>2$ld_data[31:0] : $result[31:0];

         //Branch Instructions
         $taken_br = $is_beq ? ($src1_value == $src2_value) :
                     $is_bne ? ($src1_value != $src2_value) :
                     $is_blt ? (($src1_value < $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bge ? (($src1_value >= $src2_value) ^ ($src1_value[31] != $src2_value[31])) :
                     $is_bltu ? ($src1_value < $src2_value) :
                     $is_bgeu ? ($src1_value >= $src2_value) : 1'b0;

         $valid_taken_br = $valid && $taken_br;

         // Load
         $valid_load = $valid && $is_load;
         $valid = !(>>1$valid_taken_br || >>2$valid_taken_br || >>1$valid_load || >>2$valid_load || >>1$valid_jump || >>2$valid_jump);

         $valid_jump = $valid && $is_jump;

         $dmem_rd_en = $valid_load;
         $dmem_wr_en = $valid && $is_s_instr;
         $dmem_addr[3:0] = $result[5:2];
         $dmem_wr_data[31:0] = $src2_value[31:0];

         $ld_data[31:0] = $dmem_rd_data[31:0];
         //`BOGUS_USE($is_beq $is_bne $is_blt $is_bge $is_bltu $is_bgeu)

      // Note: Because of the magic we are using for visualisation, if visualisation is enabled below,
      //       be sure to avoid having unassigned signals (which you might be using for random inputs)
      //       other than those specifically expected in the labs. You'll get strange errors for these.

   // Assert these to end simulation (before Makerchip cycle limit).
   //*passed = *cyc_cnt > 40;
   *passed = |cpu/xreg[15]>>5$value == (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9);
   *failed = 1'b0;

   // Macro instantiations for:
   //  o instruction memory
   //  o register file
   //  o data memory
   //  o CPU visualization
      m4+imem(@1)    // Args: (read stage)
      m4+rf(@2, @3)  // Args: (read stage, write stage) - if equal, no register bypass is required
      m4+dmem(@4)    // Args: (read/write stage)
   m4+cpu_viz(@4)    // For visualisation, argument should be at least equal to the last stage of CPU logic. @4 would work for all labs.


sandpiper-saas -i ./src/module/rvmyth.tlv -o rvmyth.v --bestsv --noline -p verilog --outdir ./src/module/

Step6 Compiling and Stimulation:

iverilog -o output/RV_CPU.out src/module/RV_CPU_tb.v -I src/include -I src/module
cd output
gtkwave RV_CPU_tb.vcd

Screenshot 2024-08-27 062350

Step8 Results:


GTK wave

Here we will see detail waveforms of clk,reset,10 bit out signals out from sum of numbers from 1to 9.

Wave form of clk Screenshot 2024-08-21 220931 waveform of reset Screenshot 2024-08-21 221320 10 bit out signals,sum of numbers from 1to 9 xreg[14] contents Screenshot 2024-08-21 221552

Stimulation of verilog code in gtk wave: Screenshot 2024-08-27 073848

Hence,On comparing above waveforms we can tell the result is same for code that stimulated using tlv is same as verilog code.

TASK 8 - Addition of Peripherals to convert the Digital output to analog output using DAC and PLL:

Step1 -Tools to be installed:

Installing yosys in linux:

    $ git clone
    $ cd yosys
    $ sudo apt install make (If make is not installed) 
    $ sudo apt-get install build-essential clang bison flex \
        libreadline-dev gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git \
        graphviz xdot pkg-config python3 libboost-system-dev \
        libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev
    $ make config-gcc
    $ make 
    $ sudo make install

Screenshot from 2024-09-03 05-45-57 Verifying that yosys is installed

Step2 -Commands used for installing iverilog:

    sudo apt-get install iverilog

Screenshot from 2024-09-03 05-46-58 Screenshot that iverilog installed

Step3 -Commands for installtion of gtkwave :

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gtkwave

Screenshot from 2024-09-03 05-48-13 Screenshot from 2024-09-03 05-48-57 Screenshot that gtkwave installed in linux

BabySoC Simulation

Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL)

Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

Step4 -Files required for stimulation of BabySoC:

src/module - contains all RTL files and testbench.v used for simulating our BabySoC design src/include - contains RTL files used in `include define in main RTL files in src/module These files except the RV_CPU.v have been taken from reposatory,

Step5 -Run Funtional Stimulation:

    iverilog -o output/RV_CPU.out src/module/testbench.v -I src/include -I src/module
    gtkwave dump.out

The output of the sum 1 to 9 can be observed Screenshot from 2024-09-03 06-03-37

Screenshot from 2024-09-02 17-42-27