Nitish-Squad / AppBrainstorming

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Short Description of Problem: Cooking can be complicated and overwhelming for people who lack experience. Our app simplifies the process by guiding users through every step of the process, from grocery store to kitchen table.

Basic Functionality: Our app will allow users to choose a dish, search for nearby ingredients, and finally walk through the recipie step-by-step.

Walkthrough of Screens: First Screeen: A list of all available recipes (Recycler View Adapter, MainActivity) Recipie Details: On Clicking a Recipie, Includes a list of ingredients, a short description of the recipie, and estimated cooking times FindIngredients: Show closest location for each ingredient (Stretch Goals: order list by distance or price, seperate link to maps) StartRecipie-- Swipe by swipe walkthrough (each page has an icon and text) (Stretch Goals: built-in timer)