Nmags7 / csPortfolio

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Mags's Portfolio

The starfield project is an area of pride to me, not because of uniqueness, but because I was able to finish early and assist others. Here is possibly the only unique thing in my project. I decrement speed rather than leaving it constant.

```Java void move(){ x+=sin((float)angle)*speed; y+=cos((float)angle)*speed; angle+=.05; speed-=.01; } ```
  • Identify the most significant hurdle you encountered last trimester. Write about what it was and how it was resolved
  • Learning how to navigate github was an area of struggle for me. Specifically, creating repositories and using gh-pages to create links to my work stressed me out. I understand that forking from ACS curriculum creates a repository for me, but thanks to LightningJS, I'm confident in my ability to create my own repository and find the link to work I decide to make public.

  • Once you are ready to submit your writing and code examples, study markdown (language used on github to format text
  • Done in this portfolio.

  • Describe the incremental and iterative development process of your included code, focusing on two distinct points in the development process. Describe the difficulties and/ or opportunities you encountered and how they were resolved or incorporated. In your description clearly indicate whether the development described was collaborative or independent. At least one of these points must refer to independent program development.
    1. This is my code for constant speed motion in my chemotaxis project. I learned how to make use of component vectors, and make ever updating horazontal and vertical velocity variables.

    2. ```Java void move(){ x+=sin((float)angle)*speed; y+=cos((float)angle)*speed; angle+=.05; speed-=.01 } ```
    3. Here is my code for creating a button on my webpage. My button is a link to my football highlight tape. Orininally, I had created a link, but the alternate color made for weird display of the text itself. Instead, I created a white button that was a bridge between the webpage and my highlight tape.

    4. ```HTML

      Football Highlight Tape
