No-57 / orange-frontstage-api

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API Disign


Build docker env for orange-frontstage-api


  1. Open the Docker Desktop.

  2. Change the current path to the location of orange-frontstage-api project.

  3. Use Dockerfile build tomcat env image.

    docker image build -f Dockerfile -t orange-tomcat:1.0 .
  4. Check image as this command.

    docker image ls -a
  5. Run container use image.

    docker container run --name orange-frontstage-service -itd --rm -p 8080:8080 orange-tomcat:1.0
  6. Check logs with container, it show tomcat logs.

    docker logs --details orange-frontstage-service

    also can enter container check logs

    docker container exec -it orange-frontstage-service /bin/bash
    cd /usr/local/apache-tomcat-10.1.16/logs/
    ls -la
    cat logfile
  7. Test API use curl command or use browser.

    curl http://localhost:8080/main-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/