Noah-Huppert / jira-to-github

Migrates Jira issues to Github
MIT License
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github github-api github-issues golang jira jira-issue jira-rest-api migrate migration migration-tool transfer

Jira To GitHub

Migrates Jira issues to Github

Table Of Contents


Jira to GitHub is a command line tool for migrating Jira issues to GitHub.

It is built from the ground up to ensure a smooth migration from Jira to GitHub. Jira to GitHub will never modify existing GitHub issues. Nor will it ever create duplicates.

See the Setup and Running sections for more information.


To install Jira To GitHub you must build from source. In the future binary distributions may be provided.

First clone down this repository with go get
Then run make install.

The Jira to GitHub migration tool will then be installed in $GOPATH/bin with the name j2gh.


To run Jira To GitHub you must edit the configuration file.

The configuration file holds the following values:

First copy config.example.toml to config.toml.
Then modify it with your own values.


To run Jira to GitHub simply run the executable which is named j2gh.

Usage: j2gh <Command>.

There are 3 commands:

Jira to GitHub is safe to run multiple times. As it is aware of the issues which it has already transfered over.