An AFC client meant to interface with the iPhone.
NOTE: Currently getting this to build in windows is probably a HUGE pain. If someone would like to contribute to the windows side of this app please let us known in #iphone.iphuc on
OS X Build Instructions:
1) Make sure you have readline from macports.
As os x readline does not provide certain features we require, please install macports ( and use it to build the most recent version of readline.
2) Retrieve a copy of the most recent MobileDevice.h from and save it to this directory. We apologize for this inconvenience.
3) Execute the following commands from within this directory: ./ && ./configure --with-readline=/opt/local && make
4) Execute iPHUC by typing ./iPHUC
iphuc accepts 6 command line options:
-q Quiet. Repress most output. -v Verbose. Emit as much information as possible. -d Debug. Emits the maximum amount of information. -s [path] Script. Run script at [path] and then exit. -o [command] Oneshot. Run [command], and then exit. -a [name] Afcname. Connect to afc service [name] at startup.
To display as little output as possible, set -q. To display all possible output, set -vd.
Soon we will include a script that will automatically jailbreak and install a package manager.
Known Issues: If you attempt to putfile a file with size of zero, it messes up the AFC connection. Restart iPHUC
License: This software is released under the GPL v2.0. For more information please see 'COPYING' in this directory.