Noam-Dori / ros-integrate

Extends IntelliJ-Based IDEs with ROS specific development tools
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Distribution dependencies not resolved properly #47

Closed Doomerdinger closed 3 years ago

Doomerdinger commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Packages found in distribution ROSDep source lists are not properly found. Autocomplete does not function on them either.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open a valid package.xml file
  2. Observe that standard ros packages (such as roscpp or catkin) are not found properly, indicating an unresolved dependency.

Expected behavior Dependency is properly found, and autocomplete works just as it would on packages found in the base.yaml dependency list.

Environment Information:

Stack Trace N/A

Screenshots image Note: roscpp is a distribution package. eigen is from the base yaml.

Additional context Issue persists even if the distribution is added directly. To be more clear, rosdep itself gets the location from index.yaml but assuming this plugin cannot do what rosdep does, the plugin does not work even when adding the distribution itself (in my case to the "Online ROSDep Source Lists".

Noam-Dori commented 3 years ago

This is actually not a bug with rosdep, but a bug with the compiled packages finder. Related issues/PRs:

As of now, the issue was solved for older versions of CLion with the current commits, but not the current version.

I provided a more technical explanation of the bug here

Noam-Dori commented 3 years ago

Small technical update: The issue is probably caused because the plugin is failed to update components properly. What I did was convert the package manager to a "Project Service" whcih does not work on startup... It only works when explicitly requested, which may break things... What I should've done is convert it two pieces: a "project startup activity" which boots all the library things, and a project service which takes care of package indexing and retrieval.

So far, I created a test class for the library indexing (this part is what currently causes the bug):

public class AbridgedLibrary implements StartupActivity {
    public void runActivity(@NotNull Project project) {
        ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
            Library lib = WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(project,
                    (Computable<Library>) () -> loadLibrary(project));
                    .forEach(module -> setDependency(module, lib));

    private @NotNull Library loadLibrary(Project project) {
        LibraryTable table = LibraryTablesRegistrar.getInstance().getLibraryTable(project);
        Library lib = table.getLibraryByName("my_lib");
        if (lib == null) {
            lib = table.createLibrary("my_lib");
            String path = "C:\\my\\path\\to\\ros\\kinetic";
            Library.ModifiableModel model = lib.getModifiableModel();
            String url = VirtualFileManager.constructUrl(LocalFileSystem.PROTOCOL, path);
            VirtualFile file = VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(url);
            if (file != null) {
                model.addRoot(file, OrderRootType.CLASSES);
        return lib;

    private void setDependency(Module module, Library lib) {
        ModifiableRootModel model = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getModifiableModel();
        LibraryOrderEntry entry = model.findLibraryOrderEntry(lib);
        if (entry == null) {
            ModuleRootModificationUtil.addDependency(module, lib);

I also tested it on:

So far, seems promising. Working now on figuring out how exactly I want to apply this change on the actual component

Noam-Dori commented 3 years ago

Extra details on this commit: I tested this commit on the following platforms:

In CLion 2020.2 I found that the "Relead CMake" event completely erases the dependencies of the CMake module to the ROS libraries. This probably also happens in CLion 2019.3 To fix this, I need to subscribe to the CMake actions topic (CMakeWorkspaceListener) and trigger dependency reload manually. However, the topic only exists in CLion code, not in IntelliJ SDK code. I'm working on figuring out a way to do some level of "conditional compilation" so I don't have to publish two separate plugins

Noam-Dori commented 3 years ago

Update: after doing some testing, I added a pre-release with the plugin binaries to test out.

It is currently untested on Ubuntu, so feedback for testing on Ubuntu will help out a lot. This release should fix both this issue and #46

Noam-Dori commented 3 years ago

This issue seems to be solved with the latest commits. These commits have been up as binaries and source code for about two weeks, so I assume the inactivity on this issue means the commits worked.

I also finalized the version and uploaded it to the plugin repository If you still see this problem in the plugin, please open a new issue