Noam-Dori / ros-integrate

Extends IntelliJ-Based IDEs with ROS specific development tools
Apache License 2.0
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What is this plugin about?

ROS is a framework that makes writing robot software significantly easier. However, implementing a feature for your robot in ROS requires writing a significant amount of code, which can cause errors that can be prevented using an IDE.

This plugin provides support for implementing ROS features in your code, and improves the experience of using and writing ROS. The plugin has several end-goals:

  1. Allow programming simple robots without boilerplate ("in one click").
  2. Make common ROS features more accessible and user-friendly.
  3. Raise errors in the robot software and suggest fixes, and provide suggestions for more efficient use of ROS.
  4. provide the developer with the means to learn and use the more advanced and less known features ROS provides.

Target platforms

This plugin targets all IntelliJ based IDEs.


Every input helps the plugin improve.

Have a question? need help? ask away!

Want something new? request a feature!

Ran into an issue? report it!

Want to try the latest version or edit the code? here is a guide!

Planned Features

version 0.1.7: CMake in ROS

version 1.0: