Noita-Together / noita-together

Play alone together
MIT License
44 stars 13 forks source link

Noita Together

Play alone together click here to downloads

What is Noita Together?

Noita Together is an attempt to bring a slight multiplayer aspect to the game, think of it more like everyone is in different dimensions yet you can still see other players and somewhat interact with each other you can not directly affect other player's worlds

it consists of an app made with electron for the twitch authentication and making/joining rooms and some other things and a lua mod that communicates with the app in-game mod uses pollws made by probable-basilisk (fakepyry / pyry)

How to install (click here)

How to use (click here)

FAQ (click here)


Running locally for development

Noita Together consists of a number of cooperating pieces, which currently live in various repositories:

In addition, the auth server requires a Twitch app and a database, currently postgres. The components can be run directly, but you will benefit from having Docker available.

Gather requirements

Configure the auth server

Create the file noita-together/nt-web-app/.env with the following contents. (Note: Lines beginning with # are comments and can be removed.)

# The auth server will sign your username and userid after successful Twitch OAuth
# with these keys. The lobby server will authenticate you by the JWT, so these values
# must match the lobby-server's values.
SECRET_JWT_ACCESS=<one of the passwords you generated above>
SECRET_JWT_REFRESH=<the other password you generated above>

# The auth server needs these to successfully complete the OAuth handshake with Twitch
TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=<the Client ID of the twitch app you made above>
TWITCH_API_KEY=<the API Key of the twitch app you made above>

# Despite the name, this is the _origin_ of your redirect URI. Do not include /api/auth/login
# Include the full path of the redirect URI

# Hardcoded in the companion app, use as-is

# This URL will depend on how you run and configure the lobby server (below)
# use https if you launch the lobby server with a certificate, http if you don't.
# use port 4444 if you run the lobby server directly (ts-node or similar), use
# port 4433 if you use docker and the default blue/green settings and run the
# "blue" configuration. This only affects the "Server Status" check in the
# auth server's landing page.


# Database credentials
DATABASE_HOST=<your postgres host>
DATABASE_PORT=<your postgres port>
DATABASE_NAME=<your postgres database name>
DATABASE_USERNAME=<your postgres username>
DATABASE_SECRET=<your postgres password>

If your database requires SSL, supply the certificate to connect with in the environment variable DATABASE_CA_CERT. This is the contents of the certificate, not the path to it.

To set up the database (one time only), run yarn workspace nt-web-app init-db. To launch the server locally in dev mode, run yarn workspace nt-web-app dev.

Configure the lobby server

NOTE: Unlike the noita-together repository code, the lobby server does not use the dotenv node module for configuration, preferring instead to leave the environment to the shell. Windows users will probably have a bad time unless they use WSL or Cygwin. PRs welcome for supporting batch files or Powershell scripts. If nothing else, you can just run set ENV_VAR=value in a command prompt before running things manually.

In your clone of the noita-together/lobby-server repository:

Create the file lobby-server/deploy/.env with the following contents. (Note: Lines beginning with # are comments and can be removed.)

Most values can be left empty (KEY=) for the defaults, but secrets and URLs are required.

# Docker build/run configuration

# The auth server will sign your username and userid after successful Twitch OAuth
# with these keys. The lobby server will authenticate you by the JWT, so these values
# must match the lobby-server's values.
JWT_SECRET=<same as SECRET_JWT_ACCESS in nt-web-app>
JWT_REFRESH=<same as SECRET_JWT_REFRESH in nt-web-app>

# Leave empty unless you want the lobby server to listen on a TLS websocket.
# If a value is set here, you should either have a Let's Encrypt certificate
# by the same name at /etc/letsencrypt/{live,archive}/TLS_SERVER_NAME, _or_
# have a `privkey.pem` and `fullchain.pem` in `lobby-server/deploy/tls`

# Leave empty unless you want the lobby server to listen on a UNIX domain socket.
# If a value is set here, it should be a path to the desired socket file. You will
# need to ensure the file does not exist before running the server.
# The listen address to bind. Default ``.
# The listen port to bind. Default `4444`.

# These must line up with the companion app. Set to these values.

# When true, only privileged users can create rooms. Default `false`.

# Used for CORS. Set to the origin of the auth server (the URL without any path)

## Server graceful shutdown configuration

# The server will exit after the drop dead timeout if users haven't already left.
# Default 1 hour.
# Inactive rooms will be destroyed after the grace timeout. Default 5 minutes.
# The server will notify active rooms of a pending shutdown at this interval.
# Default 1 minute.

## uWS configuration

# uWS will close websockets that are unresponsive and inactive after this duration.
# Pings are sent to keep connections alive, but proxies may also drop connections,
# so this value should be set lower than any proxy timeout to ensure pings are sent
# in time.

# uWS will close a websocket immediately if it sends a message larger than this
# size. This is fatal to a game if the host is the one that is disconnected.
# Default 16 MiB - the fridge size can get big in large runs

# Log a warning message when receiving large payloads. Default 80% of max payload

To launch the server locally in dev mode, run ./deploy/

Docker blue/green env config:

Create a Docker network named nt: docker network create nt

Create the following directories and files:









To build a docker image, run ./deploy/ dev blue.

To start/restart a docker container, run ./deploy/ dev blue

Configure the companion app (Electron app)

Create the file noita-together/nt-app/.env with the following contents. (Note: Lines beginning with # are comments and can be removed.)

# Deprecate this at some point. Used to construct the URL for refresh tokens.
# Should match the origin of the auth server, with `/api` after it
# The URL that the companion app sends users to for OAuth login. Should match
# your OAuth redirect URL
# The base URL for lobby server websocket connections. Should match the
# configuration in lobby-server's `.env` file: use `wss` for TLS, `ws`
# for no TLS. If running in Docker, the port is the docker-mapped port
# from the blue/green config. If running directly, it's the app listen
# port configured in `.env`. Include lobby-server's configured WS_PATH
# at the end.

Be sure you're using Node.JS version 16.20.0: nvm use 16.20.0

To start the companion app in dev mode, run yarn client

To build an installer for release, run yarn buildClient, and look for the output in noita-together/dist_electron

While NextJS has hot reload support, the companion app doesn't really support any change or interruption, so you'll be relaunching it frequently.

Noita Mods

Building new mods

run the following:

yarn install
node ./build-mods.js

Commit the following files afterwards:


Core mod

Location: noita_mod/core


Location: noita_mod/nemesis