Nolo001-Aha / SourceMod-ReBanner

Rebans alt accounts of banned players through fingerprinting via SteamID, IP addresses and clientside cookies
GNU General Public License v3.0
28 stars 5 forks source link

SourceMod Re-Banner

Designed to work autonomously.

Keeps track of and bans alt accounts of players through fingerprinting via SteamID, IP addresses and clientside "cookies".

Relies on security through obscurity, and this repo being public undermines it's effectiveness to some extent.

People who want to avoid their ban and who know that this system exists will find the weak spots quite easily. Nothing is perfect, especially a server-side only solution.

Nevertheless, Re-Banner should be capable of combatting most ban evasion attempts and it is fully functional with default client ConVar values.

All relevant information can be found in the Wiki section:


Known issues:
