NomisNostab / Topo

Topo is a helper application to assist scout leaders in getting meaningful reports out of the Scouts Australia Terrain application.
MIT License
30 stars 3 forks source link
scouts terrain


Topo is a helper application to assist scout leaders in getting meaningful reports out of the Scouts Australia Terrain application.

Topo now runs as a Blazor Webassembly app in the browser and doesn't need to be installed.

The project can be found at

To run Topo just go to and it will download and start, be patient while it downloads.

All new development will be done against the Topo-Blazor project, not this one.



To run Topo just go to and it will download and start, be patient while it downloads.


Download the latest file from the releases page.

Create a folder in your Documents folder called Topo.

Unzip the file to the Documents/Topo folder.


Download the latest file from the releases page.

Create a folder called Topo.

Extract the file to the Topo folder.

cd to the Topo folder.

Mark Topo as executable

chmod +x Topo

OSX (Not tested by me)

Download the latest file from the releases page.

Open terminal in that folder.

Mark Topo as executable

chmod +x Topo

Start Topo server using port 5010 to stop conflict with AirPlay

./Topo --urls "http://localhost:5010"

This should give an error.


Trust Topo app

Got to System Preferences


Then Security and Privacy


Click Allow Anyway for Topo


Click Open in Warning

Start Topo server using port 5010 to stop conflict with AirPlay

./Topo --urls "http://localhost:5010"

Run Topo Reporting app by going to http://localhost:5010 login using your Terrain credentials.

Run a report, you will get an error.


Trust the "libSkiaSharp.dylib" as before.


Click Allow Anyway.

Stop and start the Topo server.

Run Topo Reporting app by going to http://localhost:5010 login using your Terrain credentials and run a report, you should get a report generated.

Running the Server App


To run the app server, double click the Topo.exe file.

If you get an error when using the reporting app, run the app server by right clicking on the Topo.exe file and select Run as Administrator.


To run the server app, in the Topo folder ./Topo


To run the server app, in the Topo folder ./Topo --urls "http://localhost:5010"

This will open a terminal window similar to


When you are finished you can either type Ctrl+c in the window or close the window.

Remember that the Topo server must be running in a terminal window for the Topo reporting browser app to work.

Using the Reporting App

Windows and Linux

To access the Reporting application, ctrl-click on http://localhost:5000 to open in your browser. You could also open a browser and put http://localhost:5000 into the address bar.


To access the Reporting application, ctrl-click on http://localhost:5010 to open in your browser. You could also open a browser and put http://localhost:5010 into the address bar.


Logging In

Click Login, enter your current Terrain credentials and click Sign in


The home page now shows your available options.


Member Lists

Select your unit and the list of members for that unit will be shown.


At the bottom of the list are buttons to print the patrol list and the patrol sheets. The patrol sheets list each patrol on a single A4 to be attached to the patrol corners.


These will download as pdf documents.

Program Events

Select your unit and the date range to search, click Show Unit Calendar. This will show the unit events for the selected date range.


The Generate Sign In Sheet link, to the right of the event, will download a sign in sheet pdf document to facilitate recording attendance, leaders are included.

The Download Attendance link will download an attendance list in csv format, if such a report is required.

The Generate Attendance report button will generate and download the report.

It shows all events between two dates with a breakdown of the number of events in each challenge area. The events are colour coded as well. Each row shows the attendance of the youth and adult with a total at the end. Appended to the name is a percentage attendance rate based on attendance from the starting date to the ending date (or the current date if the ending date is in the future).

The Generate Attendance csv button will generate and download the same data in a csv file.


OAS Reports

The OAS Report shows for a given unit, stream and stage what each I Statement a youth member has completed and when.

This can be handy when planning events around OAS streams.


The OAS Stages are grouped by Stream.


The select list can be filtered, all stages containing the filter value will be shown.


Multiple stages can be selected at once by holding the ctrl key when clicking on items.


Select the Unit and Stage(s) and click Generate OAS Report to download the report. Use the Hide completed members option to only show in progress members in the report. One page will be created per selected stage. Use the Break by Patrol option to break each stage into one page per patrol.


SIA Report

The SIA Report shows for the selected Unit and members the status of each SIA project undertaken by all the members of the Unit.


Select the Unit, select the member(s) or use Select All and click Generate SIA Report to download the report.


Milestone Report

The Milestone Report shows for the selected Unit the current milestone progress for all members of the Unit.


Select the Unit and click Generate Milestone Report to download the report.


Logbook Report

The Logbook Report shows for the selected Unit and members the complete logbook history and a total for the KMs hiked and nights camped.


Select the Unit, select the member(s) or use Select All and click Generate Logbook report to download the report.


Wallchart Report

The Wallchart Report provides a report of the Group Life page for a Unit. There is also a csv downlod for Excel.


Select the Unit and click Generate Wallchart report to download the report. The report is designed for an A3 landscape page but will shrink to A4. Click Generate Wallchart csv to download the Excel csv file.



Additional Awards Report

The Additional Awards Report provides a report of all additional awards awarded to the youth members. Due to the large number of possible additional awards, only those that have been awarded are shown. Also for each member a summary of the KMs hiked and Nights camped is shown against their name to make it easier to determine if a new KMs or Nights badge needs to be given out. There is also an option to create an Excel xlsx download as well.


Select the Unit, select the member(s) or use Select All and click Generate Additional Awards report to download the report.


Click Generate Additional Awards xls to download the report in Excel format.


Approvals Report

The Approvals Report and Page will list both pending and approved achievements from the Approvals page in Terrain.

Select the date range the achievement was awarded in Terrain. When you click out of the date field the list will refresh.

The full name of the achievement is shown, the status of the achievement, when it was awarded and when the badge was presented.

The presented date will be initialised to the awarded date the very first time the page is used. From then on any new approvals will have an empty presented date. Double click on the row to enter the date the badge was presented. The saved dates are only stored on the machine they were entered, not in Terrain, so they won't be shared between unit leaders of the same unit.


The view can be grouped by member name instead of achievement by clicking on the x next to Achievement above the row headings and then dragging the Name row heading up.





Double click anywhere on a row to show an edit window where you can enter the date the badge was presented.


The list of names can be filtered with an Excel style filter. Click on the filter icon to show the filter window and select the members to show.


The Only show awards to be presented option will limit the list to those rows without a presentd date, this is the list you would use to work out who needs to be given what badge on a night.

The Only show awards that are presented option will limit the list to those rows with a presentd date.

The report will reflect all of the filter and grouping options set on the page.
