Noobinabox / RotS_Live

The current live code of the MUD Return of the Shadow.
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Return of the Shadow

This is the current live code for the MUD Return of the Shadow. The majority of the code base is C++, but there is still some C that is used to generate the random maze files and the PK Fame.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on the live system.


On your unix based system you'll need to install the following packages.

  1. gcc (This is needed to create the C files)
  2. g++ (This is needed for the main game compiler)
  3. clang-format (We use this to format all the code base)
  4. make (This is just something you should have in general)


Below is a step by step series that help you setup your development environment

Step 1: Fork the Project

First you'll need to fork this repository, and create a local clone of that fork. please follow these instructions on how to fork a project

Step 2: Setup the Player Files

After you have succesfully forked this repository, you'll need to setup the games files. In your terminal navigate to the local repository and run the following commands.

cd src
make setup

This will create all user folder structure that the game needs to run. This will not important any characters to the game, so the first character created will be promoted to a level 100 Implementor.

Step 3: Setting up the World Files

We keep the world files in a seperate git repository to keep from having merge conflicts with the main game code.

You'll need to fork the following repository

Once you have successfully forked the project, copy the files into the main code root directory.

Step 4: Compiling the Game

Once all the game files are setup from Step 2 you'll need to compile the game. In your terminal navigate to the local repository and run the following commands.

cd src
make all

You'll see tons of notifications of deprecated functions, but the game should compile none the less. This will compile all the code and create an executable called ageland in the ./bin folder.

Step 5: Running the Game

In the src directory you can run the following command.

make run

Or if you want you do the following from the root directory in your local repository

./ageland &

Either command will start the game up and put it in a background process.


Please read for details on our codee of conduct, and the process for submitting pull request to us.

Releases and Design Documentation

All releases should be documented on what was changed and added. Please don't documentation line for line what you changed but a summarization so that we can present it to the end-users. You can find all the release notes here.

Design documentation should be added to the following location.
