NopeyBoi / ChatCommands

V Rising Server Mod
7 stars 4 forks source link


Server Only Mod

This Mod will probably crash your Client if you try to install it.\ I am by far not the best programmer so the code might be a little spaghetti here and there. I'm trying my best to get everything as polished as I currently can though. :)

I set up a Patreon for anyone who wants to support me.\ Any amount is greatly appreciated!\ My Patreon Page



You can only decide whether a command is admin only or not at this time.\ The permissions are saved in BepInEx/config/ChatCommands/permissions.json and look like this:

  "blood": true,
  "bloodpotion": true,
  "give": true,
  "health": true,
  "help": false,
  "kit": false,
  "spawnnpc": true,
  "speed": true,
  "sunimmunity": true,
  "waypoint": false

Removing a command from the list will automatically set it's value to false.

Chat Commands

help [<Command>]: Shows a list of all commands.\ kit <Name>: Gives you a previously specified set of items.

How does kit work?   You will get a new config file located in `BepInEx/config/ChatCommands/kits.json` ```json [ { "Name": "Example1", "PrefabGUIDs": { "820932258": 50, <-- 50 Gem Dust "2106123809": 20 <-- 20 Ghost Yarn } }, { "Name": "Example2", "PrefabGUIDs": { "x1": y1, "x2": y2 } } ] ```   A list of all PrefabGUIDs can be found [here](!

blood <BloodType> [<Quality>] [<Value>]: Sets your Blood type to the specified Type, Quality and Value.\   Example: blood Scholar 100 100

bloodpotion <BloodType> [<Quality>]: Creates a Potion with specified Blood Type, Quality and Value.\   Example: bloodpotion Scholar 100

waypoint <Name|Set|Remove|List> [<Name>] [global]: Teleports you to previously created waypoints.\   Example: waypoint set home <-- Creates a local waypoint just for you.\   Example: waypoint set arena global <-- Creates a global waypoint for everyone (Admin-Only).\   Example: waypoint home <-- Teleports you to your local waypoint.\   Example: waypoint remove home <-- Removes your local waypoint.\   Example: waypoint list <-- Shows a list of all to you accessible waypoints.

give <Item Name> [<Amount>]: Adds the specified Item to your Inventory.\   Example: give Stone Brick 17

spawnnpc <Prefab Name> [<Waypoint>]: Spawns a NPC. Optional: To a previously created waypoint.\   Example: spawnatwp CHAR_Cursed_MountainBeast_VBlood arena

health <Amount>: Sets your health to the specified amount.\ speed <Amount|Reset>: Sets your movement speed to the specified amount.\ sunimmunity: Toggles sun immunity. (mind blown)\ There used to be a command that toggles the blood hunger view without the ugly effects but that needs some bug fixing. SoonTM

More Information

Changelog `1.3.0` - Added new command: spawnnpc - Added rather whacky "permissions" - Added a Waypoint Limit per User - Added waypoint list option - Added a reset function to speed - Fixed health command - Having no set parameters on ?health restores max health `1.2.0` - Added new command: waypoint - Added new command: kit - Added new config: DisabledCommands - Fixed console spam when using give `1.1.1` - Tiny fix `1.1.0` - Added new command: bloodpotion - Reworked give command (Send items directly into the inventory now) `1.0.0` - Initial release
Planned Features - Chat Permission Roles - Kits Option: Limited Uses - Teleport Command: Teleport to other Users - Bring back the Blood HUD Command - Anything fun that'll distract me from my initial goals - Few smaller things changes and improvements