NordicPlayground / nRF5-universal-prog

The nrfjprog command line tool implemented in Python.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
30 stars 6 forks source link

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Note: nRF5-universal-prog is not supported by Nordic Semiconductor. It is uploaded to GitHub to serve as a guide to using pynrfjprog/pyOCD/openOCD with nRF5 devices. However it works, and may be useful. For an officially supported, production quality, command line tool, see:

nRF5-universal-prog is a tool to program and debug Nordic Semiconductor's nRF5 series devices. Using a tool such as PyInstaller or py2exe this module can be converted to a stand-alone (cross-platform) executable. The user has the option to run nRF5-universal-prog without worrying about a python environment (as an exe), to run nRF5-universal-prog from python, or to use this module in their custom scripts as a higher-level alternative/supplement to pynrfjprog/pyOCD.

nRF5-universal-prog will by default assume that the PC is connected to a JLink debugger and use pynrfjprog accordingly. Add the --daplink argument to any command to tell nRF5-universal-prog that the PC is connected to a CMSIS-DAP/DAP-Link debugger and to use pyOCD instead of pynrfjprog.

Note, nRF5-universal-prog is slightly faster when running as a built executable instead of as a Python script.

Running the .exe

  1. In Releases, download the correct compressed folder for your operating system and extract it.
  2. Either add the path containing 'nRF5-universal-prog.exe' to your environment variables or navigate to it's directory.
  3. $ nRF5-universal-prog -h (nRF5-universal-prog.exe -h if path not added to your environment variables).
  4. $ nRF5-universal-prog program -h
  5. $ nRF5-universal-prog program -f PATH_TO_APP.hex -e -v -r

Running in Python

  1. Clone or download this repository and navigate to the repo's root directory ~/nRF5-universal-prog/.
  2. $ python install or $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
    • If installing via, the nRF5-universal-prog package will be installed in your system's Python environment.
  3. $ python --help
  4. $ python program --help
  5. $ python program --file PATH_TO_APP.hex --eraseall --verify --systemreset (--daplink)


  # LICENSE,, and requirements.txt (used to install this module). # Located outside the nRF5-universal-prog package so PyInstaller can build into an .exe properly. nRF5-universal-prog can be run in python with this file as well.
  nrfjprog\ # Package marker to make nrfjprog a module. # This is where the command line interface is implemented. It parses arguments using argparse and fowards them to # A global variable containing the current version number of nRF5-universal-prog.
      model\ # Package marker to make model a module. # Determines if a CMSIS-DAP/DAP-Link or JLink debugger is connected to the PC and fowards the command accordingly. # This is where the functionality of each command is implemented. Relies on the pyOCD module. # This is where the functionality of each command is implemented. Relies on the pynrfjprog module. # Implements a class to represent the specs of a specific device (i.e. NRF52_FP1).
tests\ # All of the unit tests for nRF5-universal-prog.exe. Requires that dist/OS/ to be present on system which contains the built .exe for the system's OS.


Detailed below is how our software is stacked. Each layer depends on the layer below.
nRF5-universal-prog.exe # Command line tool providing high level programming functionality for nRF5x devices.

pynrfjprog # Imports the nrfjprog DLL into Python and wraps it to be used in applications like this one or directly in scripts.
nrfjprogdll # A DLL that does some error checking and calls SEGGER's JLink API. Wraps JLink API specifically for nRF5x devices.
JLinkARMDLL # A DLL provided by SEGGER that works with SEGGER debuggers. Performs all low level operations with target device.

or, if using a CMSIS-DAP/DAP-Link debugger, then only:
pyOCD #

Bundling as an executable

PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package and is tested against Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
We will use PyInstaller to create an executable to distribute to the end user from our nRF5-universal-prog Python application. It will be multi platform.
Currently we bundle into a single package but we can also bundle into a single executable (one file) using PyInstaller.
  1. $ sudo pip install pyinstaller
  2. Navigate to root directory of this repo and run $ pyinstaller --clean --name nRF5-universal-prog
  3. Move the DLL's required by the official nrfjprog.exe into ~/dist/nRF5-universal-prog/
  4. Navigate to ~/dist/nRF5-universal-prog and run $ nRF5-universal-prog.exe --help
  5. Add ~/dist/nRF5-universal-prog to your path and call $ nRF5-universal-prog -h from any directory.

Coding Standard


We want nRF5-universal-prog to be flexible and open. We want it to be an option for our users all the way from development and testing to production programming.