NordicPlayground / nrf-doom

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This is a port of Doom (1993) for nRF5340, a dual-core low-power wireless SoC.

.. _nRF5340: .. Doom (1993):

Table of Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


======================= ================= ================================ Feature Status Comment ======================= ================= ================================ Load WAD from SD-card Supported Only small WADs supported as all data is moved to 8MB external flash

Graphics 320x200 30-36fps Resolution is hard-coded

Sound effects Supported

Demo playback Supported Only supports demos in WADs for now

Demo recording Not supported No plans to support

Config files Not supported No plans to support

Music Not supported Can probably not do on-chip MIDI synthesis, but external MIDI should be possible

Multiplayer Not supported May try multiplayer over 802.15.4 radio at some point

PWAD/Mods Not supported No plans to support ======================= ================= ================================

nRF-Doom has only been tested with shareware version of Doom 1 for now

======================= ================= ================================ Game Status Comment ======================= ================= ================================ Doom 1 Shareware OK

Doom 1 Full Version Not Tested External flash memory too small, but should theoretically work

Doom 2 Not Tested External flash memory too small. Should theoretically work, but may struggle with larger levels ======================= ================= ================================

Getting started

If you want to build this project, you'll need:

Steps to build """""""""""""""""""""

Network processor code:

Application processor code:


The project is forked from Chocolate Doom_ version 3.0.0

.. _Chocolate Doom:

Most changes are related to reducing memory usage, and replacing IO/Video/Sound interfaces with new ones for nRF5340 and external peripherals.

All the drivers/modules specific to this project is prefixed with n_ in the sourcecode.

Summary of Changes """""""""""""""""""""

Future improvements """""""""""""""""""""

It should be possible to add multiplayer support over Nordic proprietary or 802.15.4 radio.

It might be possible to use spare processing power and RAM on the Network MCU core to synthesize MIDI for music. But it might actually be more in spirit with the original version of Doom to use an external hardware MIDI synthesizer.

Support for Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse would be great, but the project will have to be ported to Zephyr RTOS / nRF Connect SDK first, which will likely be done as a different project or branch.

.. _Zephyr RTOS: .. _nRF Connect SDK:


CPU """""""""""""""""""""""""

Application Core: Cortex-M33 @ 128Mhz

Used for all game logic, rendering, sound processing, etc.

Network Core: Cortex-M33 @ 64Mhz

Only used for gamepad support for now

Memory """""""""""""""""""""""""

The original system requirements for Doom was 8MB RAM. The biggest challenge with this project has been fitting the game in the memory available to nRF5340. This table gives an overview of how the data has been ditsributed.

======================= ================= ================================ Memory Size Usage ======================= ================= ================================ App Single-cycle RAM 256KiB Main static memory and stack for game, video/sound buffers

App Multi-cycle RAM 256KiB Main heap memory for game

App Flash NVM 1MiB Game code and static data

App Cache 8KiB Caches access to NVM and external QSPI flash

Network RAM 64KiB Only used for network firmware to communicate with gamepad

Network Flash NVM 256KiB Only used for network firmware to communicate with gamepad

External QSPI flash 8MiB Used for fast memory-mapped access to WAD, and pre-generated composite textures

External SD-card Variable Used to transfer WAD from PC ======================= ================= ================================

The external QSPI flash is accessed through the Excecute-In-Place (XIP) functionality, so that the data can be accessed through a memory mapped region, and have it cached.

Display """"""""""""""""""""""""

The display is driven over SPI at 32MHz. This is technically higher than the maximum spec listed in the datasheets, but tends to work fine, depending on the signal integratity of the connection. The frames are transferred as 320x200 paletted images (8 bit per pixel), and the FT810 takes care of palette lookup and scaling the image to 800x480

The display driver supports QSPI, but unfortunately there's not a general purpose QSPI interface on nRF5340

Sound """"""""""""""""""""""""

nRF-Doom has been tested with two I2S_ DACs

Texas Instruments PCM5102 <>_

Maxim Integrated MAX98357 <>_

The sound samples in Doom is 8-bit mono PCM_ with a sample rate of 11025Hz. The I2S DAC is driven with 16-bit stereo format at 10869.5Hz.

.. _I2S: .. _PCM:

Gamepad """"""""""""""""""""""""

The demo uses a gamepad module for the BBC micro:bit. It can be found on eg. AliExpress.

The Doom port communicates with the micro:bit gamepad over Nordic proprietary radio with a custom protocol. In addition to providing inputs for the game, the gamepad uses the LED-matrix on the micro:bit to show a represantation of the Doom-guys face.

The source code for the micro:bit gamepad can be found in the microbit_ctrl_ folder, and the corresponding source code for the Network MCU to communicate with the gamepad can be found under nrfdoom_net_, and the code for interfacing with the Doom event system is in n_rjoy.c_

.. _BBC micro:bit:

.. _AliExpress:

.. _microbit_ctrl:

.. _nrfdoom_net:

.. _n_rjoy.c:

Pin Mapping

======================= ================= ================================ Peripheral Function nRF5340 Pin ======================= ================= ================================ Buttons Button 1 P0.23

Buttons Button 2 P0.24

Buttons Button 3 P0.8

Buttons Button 4 P0.9

LEDs LED 1 P0.28

LEDs LED 2 P0.29

LEDs LED 3 P0.30

LEDs LED 4 P0.31

UART Debug TX P0.20

UART Debug RX P0.22

QSPI Memory SCK P0.17

QSPI Memory CSN P0.18

QSPI Memory IO0 P0.13

QSPI Memory IO1 P0.14

QSPI Memory IO2 P0.15

QSPI Memory IO3 P0.16

SPI/SD card SCK P1.14

SPI/SD card MOSI P1.13

SPI/SD card MISO P1.15

SPI/SD card CS P1.12

SPI/FT810 Display SCK P0.06

SPI/FT810 Display MISO P0.05

SPI/FT810 Display MOSI P0.25

SPI/FT810 Display CS_N P0.07

SPI/FT810 Display PD_N P0.26

I2S/PCM5102 DAC SCK P1.09

I2S/PCM5102 DAC BCK P1.08

I2S/PCM5102 DAC DIN P1.07

I2S/PCM5102 DAC LRCK P1.06 ======================= ================= ================================