Nordix / eredis_cluster

eredis_cluster is a Redis Cluster client in Erlang. This is an actively maintained fork used and sponsored by Ericsson via Nordix Foundation.
MIT License
17 stars 19 forks source link


eredis_cluster is a wrapper for eredis to support cluster mode of Redis 3.0.0+

Build Status Hex pm



This project was started by Adrien Moreau in 2015. In 2021, maintainance was taken over by the Nordix Foundation (backed by Ericsson) and the Hex package is released from the Nordix fork since 0.6.0.

See also


For the full reference manual, see the generated documentation in doc/

%% Start the application and, if init nodes are defined in the application
%% configuration, connect to the cluster (otherwise use connect/1,2)

%% Simple command

%% Pipeline
eredis_cluster:qp([["LPUSH", "a", "a"], ["LPUSH", "a", "b"], ["LPUSH", "a", "c"]]).

%% Pipeline in multiple node (keys are sorted by node, a pipeline request is
%% made on each node, then the result is aggregated and returned. The response
%% keep the command order
eredis_cluster:qmn([["GET", "a"], ["GET", "b"], ["GET", "c"]]).

%% Transaction (a pipeline wrapped in MULTI-EXEC; returns the result of EXEC)
eredis_cluster:transaction([["LPUSH", "a", "a"], ["LPUSH", "a", "b"], ["LPUSH", "a", "c"]]).

%% Transaction Function
TransactionFun = fun(Worker) ->
    eredis_cluster:qw(Worker, ["WATCH", "abc"]),
    {ok, Var} = eredis_cluster:qw(Worker, ["GET", "abc"]),

    %% Do something with Var %%
    Var2 = binary_to_integer(Var) + 1,

    {ok, Result} = eredis_cluster:qw(Worker,[["MULTI"], ["SET", "abc", Var2], ["EXEC"]]),
eredis_cluster:transaction(TransactionFun, "abc").

%% Optimistic Locking Transaction
Function = fun(GetResult) ->
    {ok, Var} = GetResult,
    Var2 = binary_to_integer(Var) + 1,
    {[["SET", Key, Var2]], Var2}
Result = optimistic_locking_transaction(Key, ["GET", Key], Function),
{ok, {TransactionResult, CustomVar}} = Result.

%% Atomic Key update (using optimistic locking transaction)
Fun = fun(Var) -> binary_to_integer(Var) + 1 end,
eredis_cluster:update_key("abc", Fun).

%% Atomic Field update (using optimistic locking transaction)
Fun = fun(Var) -> binary_to_integer(Var) + 1 end,
eredis_cluster:update_hash_field("abc", "efg", Fun).

%% Pre-load Lua script on all nodes
Script = "return'set', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);",
{ok, ScriptHash} = eredis_cluster:load_script(Script),

%% Execute pre-loaded script based on hash (EVALSHA) on the node where
%% the key "abs" is, with a fallback to load it if needed.
eredis_cluster:eval(Script, ScriptHash, ["abc"], ["123"]).

%% Flush DB

%% Query on all cluster server

%% Execute a query on the server containing the key "TEST"
eredis_cluster:qk(["FLUSHDB"], "TEST").


If you need to work with multiple Redis clusters in the same application, the functions connect/3, disconnect/1, q/2, qk/3, qa/2, qa2/2, qmn/2, transaction/3, get_pool_by_command/2, get_pool_by_key/2, get_all_pools/1 accept a named cluster parameter. Multi-cluster support was added in eredis_cluster 0.7.0.

eredis_cluster:connect(mycluster, [{"", 30001},
                                   {"", 30002}], []).

{ok, Result} = eredis_cluster:q(mycluster, ["GET", "foo"]),

%% Query on all cluster nodes
eredis_cluster:qa(mycluster, ["FLUSHDB"]).

%% Execute a query on the server containing the key "TEST"
eredis_cluster:qk(mycluster, ["FLUSHDB"], "TEST").

%% Scan one of the nodes in a cluster
[MyclusterNode1 | _] = eredis_cluster:get_all_pools(mycluster),
eredis_cluster:qn(["SCAN", 0, "COUNT", 10], MyclusterNode1),

%% Transaction (See above for TransactionFun example)
eredis_cluster:transaction(TransactionFun, mycluster, "abc").

Compilation and tests

The directory contains a Makefile that uses rebar3.

Setup Redis clusters and start the tests using following commands:

make        # ... or rebar3 compile
make start  # Start local Redis clusters using Docker
make test   # Run tests towards the clusters
make stop   # Teardown the Redis clusters


To configure the Redis cluster client, you can use an application variable (probably in your app.config):

            {"", 30001},
            {"", 30002}
        {pool_size, 5},
        {pool_max_overflow, 10},
        {username, "redis_user"},
        {password, "redis_pw"},
        {socket_options, [{send_timeout, 500},
                          {send_timeout_close, true},
                          {nodelay, true},
                          {keepalive, true}]},
        {tls, [{cacertfile, "ca.crt"}, ...]}

You don't need to specify all nodes of your configuration as eredis_cluster will retrieve them through the command CLUSTER SLOTS at runtime.

Configuration parameters

Configuring via API

An alternative is to set configurations programmatically via set_env() and eredis_cluster:connect/1.

application:set_env(eredis_cluster, pool_size, 5),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, pool_max_overflow, 10),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, password, "redis_pw"),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, socket_options, [{send_timeout, 6000}]),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, tls, [{cacertfile, "ca.crt"},
                                          {certfile, "client.crt"},
                                          {keyfile, "client.key"}]),

%% Set initial nodes and perform a controlled connect
eredis_cluster:connect([{"", 30001},
                        {"", 30002}]).

Configuring using connect/2

It is also possible to give options while doing a connect using eredis_cluster:connect/2. The given options will override options set via application configuration, i.e will be prepended to the property list.

Options = [{tls, [{cacertfile, "ca.crt"},
                  {certfile, "client.crt"},
                  {keyfile, "client.key"}]}],
eredis_cluster:connect([{"", 30001},
                        {"", 30002}], Options).


The following Redis-log indicates that Redis accepts TLS, but the client is not configured for TLS.

# Error accepting a client connection: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number (conn: fd=12)

Debug logging for TLS connections can be enabled in eredis_cluster by the connect option: {log_level, debug}

See also