Nosferaschu / dh2e_resources

Dark Heresy 2nd Edition resource pack
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 6 forks source link

This is a fork of dedicated to add Foundry 9 and 11 compatibility and fix some errors. Thanks Nosferaschu for his work.

Dark Heresy 2nd Edition resource pack

To-Install use Link:

We switched to foundry and i am kind of an perfectionist so i added over 750 entrys from 4 rulebooks and we created some for ourselfs =)

The entrys are all items so this is an Compendium archive.
The items are from the 4 books:
-Core Rulebook
-Enemies Beyond
-Enemies Within
-Enemies Without

This took me a lot of work and i just wanted to share it =)
Maybe someone will play it now, because he does not have to do it.
The Folders you see is how i implemented it in our game, you have to redo it yourself.

What is included:

Psychic Powers: 73 Powers in 8 trees

In reality there are only 72, but Vortex of doom needs 2 entrys, because it is an insane ability.

Talents: 122 Talents in 3 Trees


Ammunition: 133 types of Ammunition or Explosives in 4 trees

This needs a little discription:
Explosives are idicated as weapons, but i still think they are ammunition, because they are one time use and grenades can be used with launchers. And Why are there so many types? because every weapon has its on clip with its own weight and clip size.
Yes i did clips instead of ammunition because they make things easier.
First the player just needs to get clips for his weapon and that's it. The clip has a fixed weight value so no weight calculation and you can track used ammo. The Quantity is used to display the rounds in the clip so if a user reloads you can eddt the clip to the right amount of rounds in the not empty clip. If a clip is empty, just delete it, and if its a power cell for a lasgun, just empty it and you know you have an empty power cell you need to recharge. If a player has the clips with him just add 3 clips to his inventory.
The weight and availability is always the same: 10% weight of the gun and one step easyer to get. (Core Rulebook says so)


Cybernetics: 27

Drugs & Consumables: 13

Force Fields: 10

Gear: 23

Meele Weapons: 59 in 7 Trees

Some things were added in the special row oder in the notes (f.e. dmg+sb*2), just keep that in mind.

Range Weapons: 90 in 10 trees

Yes i know that evrything ist Las and displayed as meele. This is not on my end, but i will fix it as soon as it is fixed in the game. But this does not hinder the game it is just display.

Armor: 27 in 5 Trees



Tools: 37 + 1 torch

The torch is added, because i edited the torchlight mod from PhilippeK to funktion with dark heresy and i needed a 3rd ligh source.

Weapon & Armor Modifications: 42


Traits: 41

Aptitudes: 19

Yes I know the game has them (the only ones) but i did it with the books discription and without it woul not be complete.

Special Abilities: 41 in 3 Trees

I think the background boni are ment to be the special abilities, only thing i could think of, could be wrong =)

And that is it. If you have suggestions, better discriptions or even better Images/Icons i could use, let me know.

Most of the items used are thought of by Fantasy Flight Games and Games Workshop. You still need the Rule books for rollable tables, critical injuries, Game Mechanics and the rules, so buy them you can't play the game without them! If providing this package for you gives me troubles it will be deleted asap, i do this just so more can enjoy this awesome peace of art, in the best syfy usinvere i ever heard of and never wanna miss, though i hope it does not com reaelity =D