NotMRGH / VertusClaimer

Bot that mines coins in VertusBot
2 stars 0 forks source link


Functional Supported
Proxy binding to session
Auto Referral
Auto-complete tasks (sponsor, community, ads)
Auto-collect storage
Upgrade farm
Upgrade storage
Upgrade population
Upgrade cards
Support tdata / pyrogram .session / telethon .session


Setup Description
API_ID / API_HASH Platform data from which to launch a Telegram session (stock - Android)
USE_RANDOM_DELAY_IN_RUN Whether to use random delay at startup (True / False)
RANDOM_DELAY_IN_RUN Random delay at startup (e.g. [0, 15])
COMPLETE_TASK Auto complete tasks (True / False)
UPGRADE_FARM Auto upgrade farm (True / False)
UPGRADE_POPULATION Auto population (True / False)
UPGRADE_CARDS Auto cards (True / False)
MAX_UPGRADE_CARDS_PRICE Determines the maximum amount the bot can spend on purchasing cards if it has sufficient balance. (e.g. 20)
MINIMUM_BALANCE This parameter defines the minimum balance that the bot is guaranteed to keep without spending it on upgrades or purchases. (disable -1)
SLEEP_TIME Pauses the bot in second for each session after completing all operations. This is to replicate human activity. (e.g. 1800)
FAKE_USERAGENT When this option is enabled, the bot will use random User-Agents for each account. This is to replicate human activity. (True / False)
USE_REF_ID Use Referral system (True / False)
REF_ID Your referral id after startapp= (Your telegram ID)
USE_PROXY_FROM_FILE Whether to use a proxy from the bot/config/proxies.txt file (True / False)


You can download Repository by cloning it to your system and installing the necessary dependencies:

~ >>> git clone
~ >>> cd VertusClaimer

# If you are using Telethon sessions, then clone the "converter" branch
~ >>> git clone -b converter
~ >>> cd VertusClaimer

~/VertusClaimer >>> python3.10 -m venv venv
~/VertusClaimer >>> source venv/bin/activate
~/VertusClaimer >>> python3.10 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
~/VertusClaimer >>> cp .env-example .env
~/VertusClaimer >>> nano .env # Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH , the rest is taken by default
~/VertusClaimer >>> python3.10

~/VertusClaimer >>> python -m venv venv
~/VertusClaimer >>> venv\Scripts\activate
~/VertusClaimer >>> pip install -r requirements.txt
~/VertusClaimer >>> copy .env-example .env
~/VertusClaimer >>> # Specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
~/VertusClaimer >>> python

Also for quick launch you can use arguments, for example:

~/VertusClaimer >>> python3.10 --action (1/2)
# Or
~/VertusClaimer >>> python3.10 -a (1/2)

#1 - Create session
#2 - Run clicker