NotNotQuinn / twitch-chat-colorchanger

Changes your chat color on to random colors, every so often.
MIT License
11 stars 9 forks source link

This script won't work after 24 Feb 2023, because twitch.

I won't be updating it to the new API, see my comment on issue #3.

Original description:


Changes your chat color on to random colors, every so often, or optionally in a rainbow!


  1. Make sure you have NodeJS installed, you can install it here:
  2. Either clone the repository if you have git installed, or download the zip file of the code. Image showing download button
  3. Open a terminal in the directory the code is in.
  4. Run npm i in the command line to install dependencies.
  5. Copy the config.example.js file to a file called config.js
  6. Edit the contents of the config file to hold your information, there is instructions in the file.
  7. Register a chat bot application on (top right)
  8. Run node . in the command line to start the program.


  • username
    • This is your username, it must be in lowercase
    • This must be a string
  • oauth
    • This is an oauth token to login to chat, you can get one here: (you dont need the "oauth:" part)
    • This must be a string
  • seconds
    • This is how often the script will send a new color, you have to keep this in twitch ratelimits. See for more information.
    • Just dont set it super low basicly, 10 seconds is as low as I would go. Its good to keep in mind that if you plan on spamming, you can only spam up to 20 messages per 30 seconds without mod/vip and this will be part of that. (if you go over you wont be able to send any messages in channels you arent a sub/mod/vip in for about 30 mins)
    • This must be a number
  • usePrimeColors
    • If this is set to true, it will use prime colors, otherwise it uses the basic twitch colors.
    • Requires Prime Gaming, or Twitch Turbo, they both give access to extended colors.
    • This must be a bool (true or false)
  • useRainbow
    • Does NOTHING if usePrimeColors is false
    • If this is set to true, it will send a color from the rainbow and go through it.
    • This must be a bool (true or false)
  • rainbowSpeed
    • This is how much the hue of the rainbow changes every color.
    • Negative numbers will go through the rainbow backwords.
    • This must be a number
  • rainbowStartHue
    • This is an offset added to the color's hue before the first color is sent.
    • This must be a number
  • onlyChangeColorOnMessageSent
    • If this is true your color will only change when you send a message, but the script will only see messages in the list of channels to check, seen below.
    • This must be a bool (true or false)

Also to note:

  • channels.txt
    • every line in this file will be a channel that the script joins (if you have it set up that way.) Lines starting with a '#' are ignored, and so are empty lines.


Chat commands

This script has a few chat commands. They will only respond in your channel to avoid "adding bots" to peoples chats that they dont want. Only you can use these commands. The commands:

  • "toggleColor"
    • Turn color on/off
  • "addColor"
    • adds the channel to the channels that change color for example: "addColor justin" will add justin to the channels text file and join it.