NotToDisturb / Decomp-Trainer-Editor

A simple and dynamic trainer editor for
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Decomp Trainer Editor

DTE allows you to modify every trainer's properties (and there are around 850 of them), as well as their Pokémon parties dynamically. What does this mean? You can add new items, Pokémon or moves to your repo and the tool shouldn't have any problem loading them, as long as you keep the few things that the tool uses as a base for loading everything. This will be further explained later.


Trainer list

Trainer searching: Shown trainers are filtered from text in the field below the list

General trainer editingenter image description here

Trainer editing:

enter image description here

Party editing:

Named constants and limitations

Some constant values have been made into named constants and placed in to allow for an easier modification when needed. These are:

Even though the editor is dynamic, it's only so to an extent. Here's what the editor will recognize:

The problem comes when we look at trainer and party structures, which are hard coded as of now and will only recognise the following fields (use CTRL + F to find if a field is recognised):

Adding new fields won't result in an error, but saving will ignore them and will only store the default values.