NovaGaia / strapi-plugin-generic-publisher

A flexible and generic plugin for triggering publications on multiple instances and hosting
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Strapi plugin Nova Publisher

by NovaGaïa.

Plugin dedicated to call multiple webhooks for publishing actions.

View on Strapi Marketplace

This plugin does several things:

  1. Flexible publishing, a URL, in POST or GET, with or without headers ;
  2. Allows you to publish to multiple instances (Prod, Preview, etc.);
  3. Adds a publishing component to override Strapi's state management, useful with CRON in particular (no obligation to use);
  4. Activate a cron that will update the active instances that need to be rebuilt every day at 1am (no obligation to use).

1. Installation

a. How to Install

Copy the following code and run from your terminal

npm i nova-publisher


yarn add nova-publisher

b. Configuration

I. plugins.js

The configuration is done in the environment variables and in the plugin configuration.

Here there are two instances configured, but you can add more or put only one.

// ./config/plugins.js
// if change, run `npm run build --clean`

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  // ...
  'nova-publisher': {
    enabled: true,
    config: {
      dateConfiguration: {
        dateLocaleString: 'fr-FR', // sample
        options: {
          // sample
          timeZone: 'Europe/Paris',
          timeZoneName: 'short',
          hour12: false,
      addPublishComponent: false,
      instances: [
          name: env('INSTANCE_0_NAME'),
          icon: '🚀', // sample
          enabled: env('INSTANCE_0_ENABLED'),
          cron: env('INSTANCE_0_USE_CRON'),
          url: env('INSTANCE_0_URL'),
          web_url: env('INSTANCE_0_WEB_URL'),
          method: 'post',
          headers: {
            // sample
            Authorization: `Beaver ${env('INSTANCE_0_BEAVER')}`,
          name: env('INSTANCE_1_NAME'),
          icon: '👁️', // sample
          enabled: env('INSTANCE_1_ENABLED'),
          cron: env('INSTANCE_1_USE_CRON'),
          url: env('INSTANCE_1_URL'),
          web_url: env('INSTANCE_1_WEB_URL'),
          method: 'post',
          headers: {
            // sample
            Authorization: `Beaver ${env('INSTANCE_1_BEAVER')}`,
  // ...
Variable Description Type Default value
dateConfiguration Configuration of the date format in the messages, see (1). Object (See below)
dateConfiguration.dateLocaleString Date local to use, see (1) String en-EN
dateConfiguration.options Date formatting options, see (1) Object { timeZone: 'Europe/London', timeZoneName: 'short', hour12: false }
addPublishComponent Adds the helper component to manage more finely the publications. Boolean false
instances Configuration of the instances where to launch the publication. Object (See below) * Name of the intance. String Mandatory
instances.icon * Emoji. String Mandatory
instances.enabled * Enables or disables the display of the instance. Boolean Mandatory
instances.url * Target publish url. String Mandatory
instances.web_url URL of your instance to open it from Nova-Publisher page. String -
instances.method POST ou GET. String POST
instances.headers Headers to send, see (2). Object -

* Mandatory field

(1) Pour dateConfiguration, see Date.prototype.toLocaleString()

(2) pour instances.headers, see HTTP headers

II. server.js

Enabled internal Strapi CRON

// ./config/server.js
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  // ...
  cron: {
    enabled: true,
  // ...

2. Utilisation


Warning Before any use, the `Publication Status' displays a generic message.

Note The Publication Status' message is not stored in the database (in case it is copied to other instances), but in a file under./public/status-${instances[id].name}.txt`.

If several instances are configured, the block is repeated.

Auto-publish enabledindicates whether CRON is enabled for this instance, seeinstances.enabled`.


Click on Publish to initiate the action.

Return management

When the action returns, the Publish Status will be updated with a success or error message and the time.

In case of an error, a Toast is displayed with the error message returned by the remote server, which you can find in the Strapi server logs.

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