Novactive / NovaCollection

Collection implementation that wraps regular PHP arrays.
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array collection functional-programming php php7 symfony
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Nova Collection

Because we did not find any Collection for PHP as simple as we wanted, we did ours.

Simpler, Better, Faster, Stronger

Using *array_* functions against foreach* is not an easy pick. As this library is made to manage low level actions. We wanted it to be fast, then we compared and we implemented the best choices. (have a look: PHP7.2)

Fully unit tested it is reliable.


Advanced Selection by range

$collection = NovaCollection([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]);
$collection([2,4], 1, 2, '4-2', '3,2;5-2;10')->toArray();

Result: [2,3,4,1,2,4,3,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,10]

Standard Manipulation Methods

Method Description
toArray() Get the raw Array.
set($key, $value) Set the value to the key no matter what.
get($key, $default) Get the value related to the key.
atIndex(int $index) Get the item at the given index (numerically).
keyOf($value) Get the key of a value if exists.
indexOf($value) Get the index of a value if exists (numerically).
containsKey($key) Test is the key exists.
contains($value) Test if this values exists.
add($item) Add a new value to the collection, next numeric index will be used. (in-place).
append(iterable $values) Append the items at the end of the collection not regarding the keys. (in-place).
clear() Clear the collection of all its items. (in-place).
remove($key) Remove the $key/value in the collection. (in-place).
pull($key) Remove the $key/value in the collection and return the removed value. (in-place).
first(callable $callback) Get the first time and reset and rewind.
shift() Shift an element off the beginning of the collection. (in-place).
pop() Shift an element off the end of the collection. (in-place).
last(callable $callback) Get the last item.
map(callable $callback) Map and return a new Collection.
mapKeys(callable $callback, callable $callbackValue) Map keys (and/or value) and return a new Collection.
transform(callable $callback) Map. (in-place).
filter(callable $callback) Filter and return a new Collection.
prune(callable $callback) Filter. (in-place).
combine(iterable $values, bool $inPlace) Combine and return a new Collection.
replace(iterable $values) Combine. (in-place).
combineKeys(iterable $keys) Opposite of Combine It keeps the values of the current Collection and assign new keys.
reindex(iterable $keys) CombineKeys. (in-place).
reduce(callable $callback, $initial) Reduce.
each(callable $callback) Run the callback on each element. (passive).
flip() Flip the keys and the values and return a new Collection.
invert() Flip. (in-place).
merge(iterable $items, bool $inPlace) Merge the items and the collections and return a new Collection.
coalesce(iterable $items) Merge. (in-place).
union(iterable $items, bool $inPlace) Union the collection with Items and return a new Collection.
absorb(iterable $items) Union. (in-place).
assert(callable $callback, bool $expected) Assert that the callback result is $expected for all.
values() Return all the values.
keys() Return all the keys.
pipe(callable $callback) Pass the collection to the given callback and return the result.
shuffle() Random. (in-place).
random() Shuffle and return a new Collection.
unique() Deduplicate the collection and return a new Collection.
implode(string $separator) Join the items using the $separator.
distinct() Unique. (in-place).
zip(iterable $items) Merge the values items by items and return a new Collection.
reverse() Reverse the collection and return a new Collection.
inverse() Reverse. (in-place).
isEmpty() Tells if the collection is empty.
split(int $count) Split in the collection in $count parts and return a new Collection.
chunk(int $size) Chunk of $size sub collection and return a new Collection.
slice(int $offset, int $length) Get a slice of the collection and inject it in a new Collection.
keep(int $offset, int $length) Keep a slice of the collection. (in-place).
applyOn($key, callable $onKeyFound, callable $onKeyNotFound) Apply the callback $onKeyFound on the key/value if the key exists. (passive).
cut(int $offset, int $length) Cut a slice of the collection. (in-place).
diff(iterable $items) Compares the collection against $items and returns the values that are not present in the collection.
diffKeys(iterable $items) Compares the collection against $items and returns the keys that are not present in the collection.
intersect(iterable $items) Compares the collection against $items and returns the values that exist in the collection.
intersectKeys(iterable $items) Compares the collection against $items and returns the keys that exist in the collection.
exists(callable $callback) Return true if one item return true to the callback.


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To ease the validation process, you can use these 2 scripts:

Coding Standards and syntax

make codeclean

will check and fix the Coding Standards


make tests

will run the tests



