Noway-code / Learn-Python-Course

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Learning Python for Hacklytics

Following the chapters via and commits. This is to prep myself quickly on basic syntax before delving into data science and AI/ML.

In the end, should be a comprehensive list of all syntax I learned in this video with comments. Follow along with my progress in the version control history. Chapter Number Chapter Title
1 Getting Started
2 Working with Strings
3 Working with Numbers
4 Getting Input from Users
5 Building a Basic Calculator
6 Mad Libs Game
7 Lists
8 List Functions
9 Tuples
10 Functions
11 Return Statement
12 If Statements
13 If Statements & Comparisons
14 Building a better Calculator
15 Dictionaries
16 While Loop
17 Building a Guessing Game
18 For Loop
19 Exponent Function
20 2D Lists & Nested Loops
21 Building a Translator
23 Try/Except
24 Reading Files
25 Writing to Files
26 Modules & Pip
27 Classes & Objects
28 Building a Multiple Choice Quiz
29 Object Functions
30 Inheritance
31 Python Interpreter

Following this video: Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners