NoxOrg / Nox

Source generator for Nox solutions
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Table of Contents
  1. About
  2. Main Features
  3. Contributing to the Nox library
  4. Using the Nox Library
# About Nox.Lib is a .NET framework that allows developers to rapidly build, maintain and deploy enterprise-grade, production-ready business solutions. > 💡 At its heart, Nox is a code scaffolding engine that is extended through a range of handlers, including message, command, query and event handlers. Nox pivots around the concept of a *solution definition*. This solution describes the domain, application, integrations, infrastructure, version control and project team. The Nox.Generator interprets this *solution* and scaffolds all the necessary code for a working solution. # Main Features - Declaration of your core application and domain (models, data, entities, attributes and bounded contexts) in a declaritive and easily maintainable way (YAML, using YamlDotNet). - Automatic (and selective) Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) API for entities and/or aggregate roots (supports REST with OData, with GraphQL and gRPC in the making). - The choice of persisting your data in any database with current support for Sql Server, PostgreSQL or MySql (using Entity Framework). - Automated Database Migrations (coming soon). - Validation of entities and attributes (using FluentValidation). - Logging, Observability and Monitoring (using SeriLog). - Events and Messaging (In process/Mediator, Azure Servicebus, Amazon SQS, RabbitMQ) using MassTransit. - Extract, transform and load (ETL) definitions from any database, file or API with bulk-load and merge support. - A task scheduler for running recurring tasks at periodic intervals (using Hangfire). - Automated DevOps including testing and deployment. - [Nox.Yaml](src/ is a dotnet standard wrapper to YamlDotnet that takes the pain out of using YAML configuration files for your projects. # Contributing to the Nox library We welcome community pull requests for bug fixes, enhancements, and documentation. See [How to contribute](./docs/ for more information. ## Local Development To run the SampleWebApp you need to have SQL Server running. This is a temporary measure until support for MySQL and PostreSQL is implemented. In the root of your project start SQL Server in a Docker container by running `docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.sqlServer.yml up` Update database with migrations by running the command `dotnet ef database update -c "SampleWebAppDbContext"` Run the Sample the database should be provisioned and properly setup its model. ## Update the Database Model Migration history do not need to be tracked, usually during local development you can delete 'Migration' folder and create a new migration. If you don't have .NET [EF Core Tools]( installed, run `dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef` at the command line. You'll also need to add [EF Core Design]( to your project to run migrations. Simply run `dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design`. To generate initial migration you can use the following command `dotnet ef migrations add "InitialCreate" -c "SampleWebAppDbContext"` ## Odata [OData]( endpoints in debug mode can be found at `\$odata` ## \[Nox.Solution\] Updating Schemas Until this process is automated, whenever a new TypeOption is added to the Nox Solution the following steps must be followed: 1. Add your new type to class NoxSimpleTypeDefinition inside the `#region TypeOptions`; 2. Run the test in **NoxSolutionSchemaGenerate**, this test will generate the new schema files; 3. Add and commit changed `.json` schema files to the solution. ## \[Nox.Types\] ToString conventions Nox does not follow the usual convention for `ToString()`. The `ToString()` method should return the same result independently of the current culture, for example for DateTime, Currency, dependent types. The reasoning behind this is to ensure a fully predictable result that facilitates ETL processes and interoperability with other systems. The same is expected for the `ToString(string format)` overload. If you need a culture dependent representation create an overload with a `IFormatProvider` parameter, example: ```csharp ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider); ``` LatLong Nox.Type example: ```csharp public override string ToString() { return $"{Value.Latitude.ToString("0.000000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {Value.Longitude.ToString("0.000000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"; } public string ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider) { return $"{Value.Latitude.ToString(formatProvider)} {Value.Longitude.ToString(formatProvider)}"; } ``` ## Versioning We are using [SemVer]( for versioning our deliverables. To manage this version we are using [GitVersion]( tool. ### Using it locally You can use gitversion locally to test and setup configuration. To do that intall the dotnet tool `dotnet tool install --global GitVersion.Tool --version 5.*` Run `dotnet-gitversion` to see the current variables of git version Run `dotnet-gitversion /updateprojectfiles` to update csproject files ## Release Create a release in GitHub and tag it properly. In the future we want to automate this process. # Using the Nox Library ## Environment Variables for Sensitive Data Do not commit or keep sensitive data on your yaml solution files. The current way to this is by using Environment Variables. ### Example Nox will expand any text with the following convention `${{ env.VAR_NAME }}` to the value of **VAR_NAME** Environment Variable if found. Sample Yaml: ```yaml databaseServer: name: SampleCurrencyDb serverUri: ${{ env.DB_SERVER }} provider: sqlServer port: 1433 user: ${{ env.DB_USER }} password: ${{ env.DB_PASSWORD }} ``` ## Query and Command Extensibility ### Security and other Validations To add security, or other business rules to generated/custom queries or commands, add an `IValidator` interface for the query. See the example below for securing `GetStoreByIdquery` ```csharp public class GetStoreByIdSecurityValidator : AbstractValidator { public GetStoreByIdSecurityValidator(ILogger logger) { // For the Current User // TODO Get Stores that he can see.... // Do Validation The current user can only see EUR Store RuleFor(query => query.key).Must(key => key == "EUR").WithMessage("No permissions to access this store"); } } ``` The validator will be excuted before the request. Adding the validator to the service collection as per the code snippet below should yield a `ValidationException` at runtime: ```csharp services.AddSingleton, GetStoreByIdSecurityValidator>(); ```

### Queries Filter Extension To add extra filter to generated queries, for security or other purposes, add a new Pipeline behavior (see MediatR), filtering Get Stores example: ```csharp public class GetStoresQuerySecurityFilter : IPipelineBehavior> { public async Task> Handle(GetStoresQuery request, RequestHandlerDelegate> next, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var result = await next(); return result.Where(store => store.Id == "EUR"); } } ``` And register in the container: ```csharp services.AddScoped>, GetStoresQuerySecurityFilter> () ``` ### Add new Queries to Existing Controllers To add a custom query to a generated controller, you need to: 1. Create a partial class with the name of the controller 2. Create a Query Request 3. Create a Query Handler Example: ```csharp /// /// Extending a OData controller example with additional queries (Action) and commands (Functions) /// public partial class CountriesController { [HttpGet("GetCountriesIManage")] public async Task GetCountriesIManage() { var result = await _mediator.Send(new GetCountriesIManageQuery()); return Results.Ok(result); } } namespace SampleWebApp.Application.Queries { /// /// Custom Query and Handler Example /// public record GetCountriesIManageQuery : IRequest>; public class GetCountriesIManageQueryHandler : IRequestHandler> { public GetCountriesIManageQueryHandler(ODataDbContext dataDbContext) { DataDbContext = dataDbContext; } public ODataDbContext DataDbContext { get; } public Task> Handle(GetCountriesIManageQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return Task.FromResult((IQueryable)DataDbContext.Countries.Where(country => country.Population > 12348)); } } } ``` ### Generated API The endpoints below are generated to manage CRUD operations for Entity (e.g. Country), its related and owned entities. #### Entity endpoints ##### GET `/api/` (e.g. `/api/Countries`) - **Description:** Retrieves a list of entities (e.g. countries). OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Query Parameters:** None - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `Dto` (e.g. `CountryDto`) objects. ##### GET `/api//` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1`) - **Description:** Retrieves a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to retrieve. - **Response:** Returns a single queryable `Dto` (e.g. `CountryDto`) object. ##### POST `/api/` (e.g. `/api/Countries`) - **Description:** Creates a new entity (e.g. country). - **Request Body:** `CreateDto` (e.g. `CountryCreateDto`) object. **Owned entities:** `CreateDto` contains `UpsertDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameUpsertDto`) property to create new owned entity. **Related entities:** `CreateDto` contains `Id` (e.g. `TimeZoneId`) property to create a reference between new entity and existing related entity. - **Response:** Returns the newly created `Dto` (e.g. `CountryDto`) object. ##### PUT `/api//` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1`) - **Description:** Updates an existing entity (e.g. a country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to update. - **Request Body:** `UpdateDto` (e.g. `CountryUpdateDto`) object. - **Owned entities:** Since an entity can have a to-one or to-many relationship to owned entitites, there are some behaviors that need to be considered when invoking this endpoint. - To-one owned entity relationship: - If the owned entity property is unspecified or set as null, owned entity will be deleted. - Otherwise, owned entity will be updated according to the provided data. - To-many owned entity relationship: - If the owned entity property has new owned entity entries that don't exist on the entity, new owned entities will be added. - If the owned entity property has fewer entries than the entity, owned entities that were not provided will be deleted. - If the owned entity property is set as an empty collection, all owned entities will be deleted. - If the owned entity property is unspecified of set as null, no changes will be applied. - Otherwise, owned entities will be updated according to the provided data. - **Related entities:** `UpdateDto` does not contains related entity properties. - **Response:** Returns the updated `Dto` (e.g. `CountryDto`) object. ##### PATCH `/api//` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1`) - **Description:** Partially updates an existing entity (e.g. a country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to partially update. - **Request Body:** `Delta<PartialUpdateDto>` (e.g. `Delta`) object. **Owned entities:** `Delta<PartialUpdateDto>` does not contains owned entity properties. **Related entities:** `Delta<PartialUpdateDto>` does not contains related entity properties. - **Response:** Returns the updated `Dto` (e.g. `CountryDto`) object after partial update. ##### DELETE `/api//` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1`) - **Description:** Deletes a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to delete. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. #### Owned Entities endpoints The following endpoints are generated based on `relationship => apiGenerateRelatedEndpoint` yaml configuration. ##### GET `/api///` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames`) - **Description:** Retrieves owned entities (e.g. CountryLocalNames) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country). OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `Dto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameDto`) objects. ##### GET `/api////` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1`) - for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships only - **Description:** Retrieves a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the owned entity. - **Response:** Returns a single queryable `Dto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameDto`) object. ##### POST `/api///` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames`) - **Description:** Creates a new owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) for the existing entity (e.g. country). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Request Body:** `UpsertDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameUpsertDto`) object. - **Response:** Returns the newly created `Dto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameDto`) object. ##### PUT `/api///` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames`) - **Description:** Updates or creates an owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) for the existing entity (e.g. country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to update. - **Request Body:** `UpsertDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameUpsertDto`) object. - **Response:** Returns the updated or created `Dto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameDto`) object. ##### PATCH `/api///` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames`) - **Description:** Partially updates an owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) for the existing entity (e.g. country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to update. - **Request Body:** `Delta<UpsertDto>` (e.g. `Delta`) object. - **Response:** Returns the updated `Dto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameDto`) object after partial update. ##### DELETE `/api////` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1`) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships] - **Description:** Deletes a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the owned entity. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. #### Related Entities endpoints to manage the related entity The following endpoints are generated based on `relationship => apiGenerateRelatedEndpoint` yaml configuration. ##### GET `/api///` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones`) - **Description:** Retrieves all related entities (e.g. time zones) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country). OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `Dto` (e.g. `TimeZoneDto`) object. ##### GET `/api////` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1`) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships] - **Description:** Retrieves a specific related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the related entity. - **Response:** Returns a single queryable `Dto` (e.g. `TimeZoneDto`) object. ##### POST `/api///` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones`) - **Description:** Creates new related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an existing entity (e.g. country). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Request Body:** `CreateDto` (e.g. `TimeZoneCreateDto`) object. - **Response:** Returns the newly created related entity `Dto` (e.g. `TimeZoneDto`) object. ##### PUT `/api////` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1`) - **Description:** Updates a specific related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an entity (e.g. country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the related entity. - **Request Body:** `CreateDto` (e.g. `TimeZoneCreateDto`) object. - **Response:** Returns the updated related entity `Dto` (e.g. `TimeZoneDto`) object. ##### DELETE `/api////` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1`) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships] - **Description:** Deletes a specific related entity (e.g. time zone) associated with an entity (e.g. country) by ID. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the related entity. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. ##### DELETE `/api///` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones`) - **Description:** Deletes all related entities (e.g. time zones) associated with an entity (e.g. country). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. #### Related Entities endpoints to manage the relationship between the existing entities The following endpoints are generated based on `relationship => apiGenerateReferenceEndpoint` yaml configuration. ##### GET `/api////$ref` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/$ref`) - **Description:** Retrieves references to the related entities (e.g. time zones) associated with a specific country. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Response:** Returns a collection of URIs representing related entities resources. ##### POST PUT `/api/////$ref` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1/$ref`) - **Description:** Creates a relationship between the existing entity (e.g. country) and the existing related entity (e.g. time zone). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the related entity. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. ##### PUT `/api////$ref` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/$ref`) - **Description:** Creates a relationship between the existing entity (e.g. country) and the existing related entities (e.g. time zones). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Request Body:** `ReferencesDto` (e.g. `ReferencesDto`) object containing related entities IDs. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. ##### DELETE `/api/////$ref` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/1/$ref`) [only for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships] - **Description:** Deletes the relationship between the entity (e.g. country) and the related entity (e.g. time zone). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the related entity. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. ##### DELETE `/api////$ref` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/TimeZones/$ref`) - **Description:** Deletes all the relationship between the entity (e.g. country) and its the related entities (e.g. time zones). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. #### Languages endpoints ##### GET `/api///Languages` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/Languages`) - **Description:** Retrieves a list of all translations for a specific entity (e.g. countries) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to retrieve translations for. - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `LocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalizedDto`) objects. ##### PUT `/api///Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/Languages/en-GB`) - **Description:** Creates or updates translations for a specific entity (e.g. countries) by ID and for a specific language by CulcutreCode. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to create/update translations for. ``: CultureCode specifying language to create/update translations for. - **Request Body:** `LocalizedUpsertDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalizedUpsertDto`) object. - **Response:** Returns `LocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalizedDto`) object. ##### DELETE `/api///Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/Languages/en-GB`) - **Description:** Deletes translations for a specific entity (e.g. countries) by ID and for a specific language by CultureCode. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity to delete translations for. ``: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. ##### Owned Entities Languages endpoints ##### GET `/api////Languages` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryBarCode/Languages`) - for zeroOrOne/exactlyOne relationships only - **Description:** Retrieves translations for a (zero or one/exactly one) owned entity (e.g. CountryBarCode) associated in a to-one relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country). OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `LocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryBarCodeLocalizedDto`) objects. ##### GET `/api/////Languages` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1/Languages`) - for zeroOrMany/oneOrMany relationships only - **Description:** Retrieves translations for a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated with a specific entity (e.g. country) by ID. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the owned entity. - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `LocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameLocalizedDto`) objects. ##### PUT `/api////Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryBarCode/Languages/en-GB`) - **Description:** Creates or updates translations for a owned entity (e.g. CountryBarCode) associated in a to-one relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: CultureCode specifying language to create/update translations for. - **Request Body:** `LocalizedUpsertDto` (e.g. `CountryBarCodeLocalizedUpsertDto`) object. #### PUT `/api/////Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1/Languages/en-GB`) - **Description:** Creates or updates translations for a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated in a to-many relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the owned entity to create/update translations for. ``: CultureCode specifying language to create/update translations for. - **Request Body:** `LocalizedUpsertDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameLocalizedUpsertDto`) object. ##### DELETE `/api////Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryBarCode/Languages/en-GB`) - **Description:** Deletes translations for a owned entity (e.g. CountryBarCode) associated in a to-one relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. ##### DELETE `/api/////Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/1/CountryLocalNames/1/Languages/en-GB`) - **Description:** Deletes translations for a specific owned entity (e.g. CountryLocalName) associated in a to-many relationship with a specific entity (e.g. Country) and for a specific language. - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the entity. ``: ID of the owned entity to delete translations for. ``: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for. - **Response:** Returns a status code indicating success or failure. #### Enumerations Endpoints ##### GET `/api//` (e.g. `/api/Countries/Continents`) - **Description:** Retrieves non-conventional values of an enumeration (e.g. Continents) for a specific entity (e.g. country). - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `Dto` (e.g. `CountryContinentDto`) objects. - **Query Parameters:** None ##### GET `/api///Languages` (e.g. `/api/Countries/Continents/Languages`) - **Description:** Retrieves localized values of an enumeration (e.g. Continents) for a specific entity (e.g. country). - **Response:** Returns a queryable collection of `LocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryContinentLocalizedDto`) objects. OData query is enabled for this endpoint. - **Query Parameters:** None ##### DELETE `/api////Languages` (e.g. `/api/Countries/CountryContinents/1/Languages/en-US`) - **Description:** Deletes the localized values for a specific enumeration value by ID (e.g. Continents) for a specific culture code in a specific entity (e.g. Country). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the enumeration entity to delete translations for. ``: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for. - **Response:** Returns no content. ##### PUT `/api////Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/Continents/1/Languages/en-US`) - **Description:** Updates or creates localized value of an enumeration (e.g. Continents) for a specific entity (e.g. country). Requires relatedKey and cultureCode in the URL and a payload with the new value of `UpsertLocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryContinentUpsertLocalizedDto`). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the enumeration value. ``: Culture code of the localized value. - **Request Body:** `UpsertLocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryContinentUpsertLocalizedDto`) object. - **Response:** Returns the updated or created `LocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryContinentLocalizedDto`) object. - **Query Parameters:** None #### Owned Entity Enumerations Endpoints ##### PUT `/api/////Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/CountryLocalNames/Continents/Languages/en-US`) - **Description:** Updates or creates localized value for a specific enumeration value by ID (e.g. Continents) for a specific culture code in an owned entity (e.g. Country Local Name). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the enumeration value. ``: Culture code of the localized value. - **Request Body:** `UpsertLocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameContinentUpsertLocalizedDto`) object. - **Response:** Returns the updated or created `LocalizedDto` (e.g. `CountryLocalNameContinentLocalizedDto`) object. - **Query Parameters:** None ##### DELETE `/api/////Languages/` (e.g. `/api/Countries/CountryLocalNames/Continents/1/Languages/en-US`) - **Description:** Deletes the localized values for a specific enumeration value by ID (e.g. Continents) for a specific culture code in a specific owned entity (e.g. Country Local Name). - **Path Parameters:** ``: ID of the enumeration entity to delete translations for. ``: CultureCode specifying language to delete translations for. - **Response:** Returns no content. 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