Nukelawe / slimefinder

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Slimefinder tool

Slime finder is a command line tool to search for locations in a Minecraft world with specific amounts of slime chunks within certain range of a player. It was designed to look for mobfarm perimeter locations where the number of slime chunks in the perimeter is either very high or very low.


slimefinder-1.3.2.jar\ slimefinder-1.3.1.jar\ slimefinder-1.3.jar


Run the jar file with the command

java -jar slimefinder-<version>.jar <command-line-options>

When running in for the first time, the slimefinder will generate the default property files and exit. Edit the property files for your needs and re-run using the same command. To understand what all the properties mean and how to use them please refer to the user manual.



The project can be run in development mode with the command

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="slimefinder.core.Slimefinder" -Dexec.args="command line arguments"

The jar-file can be built with the command

mvn package


Tests are run with the command

mvn test