I hope not, he hasn't made any other commit on his other projects but he has answered some questions.
I'm not a C++ developer, but I tried to recompile the project with the last commits that never were released. And I'm almost certain sure that he began to modify the FSR3 SDK to solve the UI problems that he mentioned, because the project was expecting new flags and functions that doesn't exist in the SDK. Or maybe I'm not skilled enough to recompile C++ lol.
I hope not, he hasn't made any other commit on his other projects but he has answered some questions.
I'm not a C++ developer, but I tried to recompile the project with the last commits that never were released. And I'm almost certain sure that he began to modify the FSR3 SDK to solve the UI problems that he mentioned, because the project was expecting new flags and functions that doesn't exist in the SDK. Or maybe I'm not skilled enough to recompile C++ lol.