NullPxl / NullCTF

A Discord bot that provides ctf tools for collaboration in Discord servers!
GNU General Public License v3.0
132 stars 52 forks source link
ctf ctf-events ctf-tools ctftime discord discord-bot discord-py discordbot

A bot focused on providing CTF tools for collaboration in Discord servers ( commands, team setup + ctfd integration, utilites, etc)! If you have a feature request, make it a GitHub issue or use the >request "x" command.

Invite to your server

Please let me know if there's any issues with the link! This is one of multiple alternate instances because the original is over the 100 server limit Discord imposes for non-verified bots (verification requirements)

\ Join the support server

How to Use

If you ever forget a command, use >help!

After inviting to your server, it is recommended that you first configure the categories you want active and archived CTF channels to go into.

CTF Commands

The following commands are the ones you will most likely want to pay attention to, although if you do not expect to use this bot to manage CTFs you can skip this category and go down to CTFTime commands.

NOTE: the following ctf specific commands will only be accepted under the channel created for that ctf. This is to avoid clashes with multiple ctfs going on in the same server.

IMPORTANT: credentials are never stored outside of the pinned message on Discord. They are needed to pull challenge data and solve state from the CTFd platform.

CTFtime Commands

Utility Commands

Have a feature request? Make a GitHub issue or use the >request command.

Setup - General Overview

discord_token = "" mongodb_connection = ""

client = MongoClient(mongodb_connection)

ctfdb = client['ctftime'] # Create ctftime database ctfs = ctfdb['ctfs'] # Create ctfs collection

teamdb = client['ctfteams'] # Create ctf teams database

serverdb = client['serverinfo'] # configuration db