Self-custody Bitcoin checkout for woocommerce. No middle man, privacy oriented, minimal maintenance, simple.
Get paid directly into your self-custody wallet without any middleman or any KYC'd APIs. No signups, no Terms of Service, nobody taking a cut. Make a sale on your site and it drops straight into your Electrum (or whatever) wallet. Payments are between you and the Bitcoin network (well and possibly the public API providers somewhat but you have a choice which to use).
PLEASE NOTE: Brian has created a much improved fork of this project which you should probably use instead:
Built with using Electrum in mind. Love it or hate it it's the on-ramp for many people. Should work with other wallets which also use the m/0/1 derivation path (most of them?), though not currently tested as such
This is not trying to be fancy and compete with BTCpayserver. BTCpayserver is an awesome product but the technical threshold is still a bit high for some people if you want to run your own, or you need to use a 3rd party service like BTCPayJungle. If you're wanting to do Lightning payments then just go and figure out btcpayserver. But if you just want nobody else taking a slice and don't have your own node then this might be an easy-to-set up and lightweight option. No "accounts" needed with anyone. Just you and your self-custody wallet.
This plugin uses public APIs which require no KYC, and self-custody wallets (e.g. Electrum). You just need your local wallet and your xpub and you can start taking payments which land right in your electrum wallet. Boosh.
Basic principle is that you drop your xpub (master public key, you can find this in electrum/wallet/information, starts "xpubabunchanumbers") into the plugin settings, from that we use the bitwasp library to locally (on the server) derive Bticoin addresses using m/0/n derivation path (like electrum) which means the addresses generated will line up 100% with the addresses which show up in your electrum wallet, BUT unlike the nomiddleman plugin (which was the only other/closest plugin like this I could find), you don't have to "load" addresses in manually one by one, which is a pain in the short term and only gets more annoying with time, especially in a busy shop. So this plugin refills addrsses semi-automatically..just has a "check addresses" shortcode [woobtc_addresses] which you drop into a page. You hit that page periodically and it scans all the addresses and tops up your address list.
Each address only gets issued once, and once issued is "tied" to the woocommerce order via postmeta, so that the two are linked
Addresses are pre-generated in batches in the background (either manually or via a cron/wget) so there's a list of 50 (or whatever) sat there in a textfile ready to use, so we don't have to do any heavy maths on the fly, just pop the next address off the "address stack". Once issued, that address is removed from the "fresh addresses" stack and pushed onto the "used addresses" stack, along with the corresponding woocommerce order number. That way hopefully even if somehow you lose the postmeta info with the address for the order, you would still have the address use log for reconciling addresses with orders.
Currently this plugin uses's public api to check address balances but will soon also be compatible with's public api which I believe can also be accessed over tor. User will be able to set a preference for which to use, but the other will be available as a failover in case the site gets rate-limited by either API.
I'm not a php ninja, I'm just persistent af and am copy & pasting and trial & error-ing my way thru this as I learn the maths/theory behind it, so before you judge my spaghetti code too harshly, please ask yourself with all the amazing coders out there, why it's fallen to little old me to actually write this. And if you can do better, join in ;)
I hope I got the licensing bit right, I have no idea really. It should be free and open source. That's the idea anyway.
Want it to work better in a particular way? congrats you just joined the team. Till then, IIWII :D
You should now be able to add an item to your cart, head to the checkout and with a bit of luck you'll see the bitcoin payment option. If you proceed with that it should then show you an address, QR-code etc which is now tied to this order and will not be reused. It's ok though, you can generate as many addresses as you like, all you need to do is re-visit that addresses page periodically to top up your stash of addresses. On a super busy site you might want to adjust the settings to pre-generate a larger number of addresses e.g. 200.
Since the /addresses page exposes all your addresses, you may wish to limit access to that page using something like my guestshortcode plugin, in which case your custom HTML block would look a bit like this:
[admin][woobtc_addresses][/admin] [guest] Sorry, access denied [/guest]
That would mean you as admin can see the addresses apge and generate/refresh them, but nobody else can.
Alternatively you could wrap the [woobtc_addresses] in some php and have it pass in a password via a url some sort of scheduled thing like cron hit that page to keep your addresses topped up automatically. So then you'd set your cron to hit /addresses?p=somelongpassword2340903852924 and only show the [woobtc_addresses] shortcode if said password is present.
PLEASE NOTE: segwit wallets doesn't seem to be supported by bitwasp, there's nothing i can really do about that currently.
This plugin requires the following php modules to work. Please note Mcrypt is no longer included as part of the standard php modules so needs a little extra work to install, I've included a link to a set of instructions which worked. Replace "7.4" with whatever version of php you're using. I've only tested up to 7.4 currently:
MOSTLY DONE? - make it also work with's api, allow user to set preference but keep the other as a failover in case of rate limiting
IN PROG - add a settings field to allow css hacks? or could this be done at the theme customer level. The css id's should be unique so why not?
IN PROG - idk, tidy it up a bit, remove any inline css
IN PROG (needs automating now) - auto refill addresses when running low, something like on payme page, self maintaining.
DITC - just before fresh address is linked to order in the postmeta, check past/present balances are still 0
install/setup procedure?
fee checking thing. So given the current fee situation and the threat of lowballing the fee and bouncing a 0-conf tx, perhaps enable 0-conf transactions up to the value specified as long as the fee is above e.g. a fixed value like 15s/b (low tech but easier to implement) or perhaps from some sort of fee estimating thing but it needs to be public api. check blockstream/ That way if the client cheaps out on the fee they have to wait for a confirmation, but honest users who just want it NOW get processed more quickly.
Automate the address refill process like on btcpayme
add mbtc as well as sats etc for ppl on default electrum settings (came up in testing)
figure out wtf's needed to get this into the WP repo once it's at that point
DONE - added "percentage discount for BTC payment" option (2021-11-02) DONE - integrate in SS (test) DONE - integrate in FDV DONE - integrate in MSL DONE - integrate in TG DONE - auto prune addresses which may have been used in the mean time (e.g. multiple instances?) NOPE - maybe allow user-definable derivation paths? Do other wallets use something other than m/0/1? << HA! How about no(t right now anyway) NOPE - give the option of QR from google images or local libary depending on privacy preference << meh, why?
In this case you can set the lookahead value (gap limit?) for electrum from the electrum console (tab) by typing the following and your payments will magically appear:
wallet.change_gap_limit(200) wallet.synchronize()
Big thank you to @orionwl for talking things through along the way and paitently explaining the maths side of it over and over till I get it :)
This uses the Bitwasp library for all the maths heavy lifting, address generating etc.