by nullptr* Studios
Team members:
Project files are structured by object rather than by type. Example of a project structure:
|-- Project Name
|-- Assets
|-- Art
| |-- Industrial
| | |-- Ambient
| | |-- Machinery
| | |-- Pipes
| |-- Nature
| | |-- Ambient
| | |-- Foliage
| | |-- Rocks
| | |-- Trees
| |-- Office
|-- Characters
| |-- Bob
| |-- Common
| | |-- Animations
| | |-- Audio
| |-- Jack
| |-- Steve
| |-- Zoe
|-- Core
| |-- Characters
| |-- Engine
| |-- GameModes
| |-- Interactables
| |-- Pickups
| |-- Weapons
|-- Effects
| |-- Electrical
| |-- Fire
| |-- Weather
|-- Maps
| |-- Campaign1
| |-- Campaign2
|-- MaterialLibrary
| |-- Debug
| |-- Metal
| |-- Paint
| |-- Utility
| |-- Weathering
|-- Placeables
| |-- Pickups
|-- Weapons
|-- Common
|-- Pistols
| |-- DesertEagle
| |-- RocketPistol
|-- Rifles
Public variables MUST be named with PascalCase. Private variables MUST be named using camelCase
, putting a _
prefix on Non Serialized private variables
Constant are named using SCREAMING_CASE
Functions, classes and GetSet variables are named using PascalCase
and MUST have proper documentation with parameters and returns (if not void). Not having documentation with result on the dismission of a pull request
When using Debug.Log("message");
, a variable must be declared so it can be turn on or off. You MUST provide the name of the script that is calling the function. Warnings and errors don't need to have a variable to disable them as they are critical for development.
Variable MUST be declared like this:
[SerializeField] private bool log = false;
// Example of Log
if (log) Debug.Log($"{}: message");
Remember to put debug staff on compiler IFs so they aren't included on build
Do NOT commit on main without an aproved PR
Create feature branches for the group of issues you are working on and link them to the branch
When creating an issue provide a description and select a tag and a milestone for it