Numerios / ComplexWiring

Complex Wiring is a WIP tech-oriented Minecraft mod focusing on newbie friendliness, in-world interaction and creating a lot of opportunities and challenges for the player.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 0 forks source link



Complex Wiring is a new mod for Minecraft creating a lot of possibilities for the player. Things in this mod are supposed to be complex, but not impossibly hard or tedious as other mod do. Complex Wiring will also have an in-game documentation method with the final release so you know what to actually do.

Please don't use the very early unstable versions of this mod in modpacks - it may break your precious worlds!

For more info, look at our website -


Download HERE.


This mod - ComplexWiring is licensed under the Lesser GPLv3.


When contributing, you automatically accept that all code written for this software is licensed under LGPLv3.

Pull request

If you find a bug and have a fix or want to implement a new feature:

  1. Create a new fork of this project.
  2. Implement your desired changes. (Please use the same code style as the project does [just look at the code]
  3. Click on the Pull Request at the left of your project page (next to "Watch").
  4. Enter necessary title with description of your Pull Request and why it should be added - give as much detail as possible!
  5. Send the Pull Request


If you find any issue or bug or just want to suggest something:

  1. Make sure this issue has not been reported before and that it is relevant to this mod.
  2. Go here and click "New Issue".
  3. Enter necessary title with helpful description - give as much detail as possible!
  4. Send the Issue.