Nuovations / connman

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cellular ethernet ipv4 ipv6 linux network-control-plane network-management networking wifi

Connection Manager

Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Functionality and features

The following features are built-in into Connection Manager:

Various plugins can be enabled for networking support:

Also plugins with additional features are available:

Note that when ConnMan starts, it clears all network interfaces that are going to be used. If this is not desired, network interfaces can be ignored either by setting NetworkInterfaceBlacklist in the main.conf config file or by using the -I command line option.

Compilation and installation

In order to compile Connection Manager you need following software packages:

To configure run: ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var

Configure automatically searches for all required components and packages.

To compile and install run: make && make install

Configuration and options

For a working system, certain configuration options need to be enabled:


    Disable support for Ethernet network cards

    By default Ethernet technology support is built-in and
    enabled. This option can be used to build a small daemon
    for a specific system if Ethernet support is not required.


    Disable support for USB Ethernet Gadget devices

    By default USB Ethernet Gadget technology support is built-in and
    enabled. This option can be used to build a small daemon
    for a specific system if USB Ethernet Gadget support is not required.


    Disable support for WiFi devices

    By default WiFi technology support is built-in and
    enabled. This option can be used to build a small daemon
    for a specific system if WiFi support is not required.

    It is safe to build a daemon with WiFi support and no
    running wpa_supplicant. The start of wpa_supplicant is
    automatically detected and only a runtime dependency. It
    is not needed to build ConnMan.


    Disable support for Bluetooth devices

    By default Bluetooth technology support is built-in and
    enabled. This option can be used to build a small daemon
    for a specific system if Bluetooth support is not required.

    It is safe to build a daemon with Bluetooth support and no
    running bluetoothd. The start of bluetoothd is automatically
    detected and only a runtime dependency. It is not needed to
    build ConnMan.


    Disable support for cellular 2G/3G/4G devices

    By default oFono technology support is built-in and
    enabled. This option can be used to build a small daemon
    for a specific system where oFono is not used.

    It is safe to build a daemon with oFono support and no
    running ofonod. That start of ofonod is automatically
    detected and only a runtime dependency. It is not needed to
    build ConnMan.


    Disable support for Bluetooth DUN devices

    By default Bluetooth DUN technology (dundee) support is
    built-in and enabled. This option can be used to build a
    small daemon for a specific system where dundee is not used.

    It is safe to build a daemon with dundee support and no
    running dundee. That start of dundee is automatically
    detected and only a runtime dependency. It is not needed to
    build ConnMan.


    Enable support for Wireless daemon for Linux

    The IWD project does not have initial release so far,
    therefore by default IWD support is not enabled.

    It is safe to enable this option along WiFi support.


    Disable support for PACrunner proxy handling

    By default PACrunner support is built-in and enabled. This
    option can be used to build a small daemon for a specific
    system where PACrunner is not used.

    It is safe to build a daemon with PACrunner support and no
    pacrunner daemon. It will detect and start a PACrunner
    process if needed at runtime. The presence is not needed
    to build ConnMan.


    Disable setup of loopback device

    For distributions with a really minimal init system and no
    networking scripts this can take care of setting up the
    loopback device and enabling it.

    It is safe to leave this selected even if networking
    scripts are in place. It detects an already configured
    loopback device and leaves it as it is.


    Disable support for WISPr hotspot logins

    For systems with really minimal memory requirements, this
    will disable the support for WISPr hotspot logins. The code
    for WISPr will be still compiled into the daemon, but its
    requirement on GnuTLS for secure connections will be lifted.

    The missing GnuTLS support shrinks the memory requirements
    by about 30% and for systems that are more stationary and do
    not log into hotspots this might be a better trade off.

    Disabling WISPr support is not disabling the portal detection
    support. A portal will still be detected, but instead of being
    asked for login credentials, the request for a browser session
    will be made through the agent.


    Enable support for PolicyKit authorization

    This allows to check every D-Bus access against a security
    policy and so restrict access to certain functionality.


    Enable support for NetworkManager compatibility interfaces

    This allows to expose a minimal set of NetworkManager
    interfaces. It is useful for systems with applications
    written to use NetworkManager to detect online/offline
    status and have not yet been converted to use ConnMan.


    Disable support for the command line client

    By default the command line client is enabled and uses the
    readline library. For specific systems where ConnMan is
    configured by other means, the command line client can be
    disabled and the dependency on readline is removed.


    Enable support for compiling SElinux type enforcement rules

    The TE rules are needed if host environment is in enforcing
    mode. Without this option, the VPN client process cannot
    send notification to connman-vpnd via net.connman.Task
    interface. The compiled connman-task.pp module needs to
    also installed using this command
        # semodule -i connman-task.pp
    in order to enable the dbus access.


    Enable support for a DNS resolving backend

    Select a DNS backend to use. Supported values are "internal"
    and "systemd-resolved". If "internal" is selected, ConnMan
    will be build with a caching DNS proxy. If "systemd-resolved"
    is selected, ConnMan configures systemd-resolved to do DNS
    resolving. The default value is "internal".

Activating debugging

One can activate debugging prints in ConnMan using -d command line option. If the -d option has no parameters, then debugging is activated for all source code files. If the -d option has parameters, they tell which source code files have debugging activated. One can use wild cards in file names. Example: -d Activate all normal debug prints -d src/service.c This prints debugging info from src/service.c file only -d src/network.c:src/ipconfig.c This activates debug prints in src/network.c and src/ipconfig.c files. -d 'src/n.c' This would activate debug print from all the C source files starting with letter 'n' in src directory. Note the quotation marks around option, that is to prevent shell expansion. -d '/n.c:/i*.c' Activate debug prints for all C source files starting with letters 'n' or 'i' in any sub-directory.

Some components of ConnMan have environment variable activated debug prints. If the environment variable is set, then corresponding component will print some extra debugging information. Following environment variables can be used: CONNMAN_DHCP_DEBUG DHCPv4 related debug information CONNMAN_DHCPV6_DEBUG DHCPv6 related debug information CONNMAN_IPTABLES_DEBUG Extra information when iptables is used CONNMAN_RESOLV_DEBUG Name resolver debug prints. These debug prints are used when ConnMan resolves host names for its own use. Note that the DNS proxy debug prints do not use this environment variable. For that, one can use "-d src/dnsproxy.c" command line option. CONNMAN_SUPPLICANT_DEBUG Debugging prints for communication between connmand and wpa_supplicant processes. CONNMAN_WEB_DEBUG Debug information when ConnMan does Internet connectivity check in Wispr and 6to4 components.

Example: CONNMAN_WEB_DEBUG=1 src/connmand -n

If timing conditions are relevant then it is recommended command to get log traces as follows: connmand -d 2>&1 | ts '[%H:%M:%.S]' | tee connman.log

The 'ts' program is normally available in the moreutils package.

Kernel configuration

In order to support tethering, the following kernel configuration options need to be enabled either as modules (m) or builtin (y):


In order to enable CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_MASQUERADE, the following options need to be enabled also as modules (m) or builtin (y):


For routing and statistic support in Sessions, the following options need to be enabled as modules (m) or builtin (y):


In order to support USB gadget tethering, the following kernel configuration options need to be enabled:


wpa_supplicant configuration

In order to get wpa_supplicant and Connection Manager working properly together you should edit wpa_supplicant .config file and set:




This last option will enable the support of background scanning while being connected, which is necessary when roaming on wifi.

It is recommended to use wpa_supplicant 2.x or later.

If wpa_supplicant is configured to D-Bus autostart, then ConnMan will trigger the autostart of wpa_supplicant. However please keep in mind that this trigger only happens once. If wpa_supplicant stops or crashes, ConnMan does not periodically try to autostart it. It is up to systemd or similar service management tool to autostart it. In case wpa_supplicant is not started by ConnMan then make sure option "-u" is used in order to enable its D-Bus control interface and ensure ConnMan can communicate with it.


In order to compile pptp and l2tp VPN plugins, you need ppp development package.

To run l2tp you will need

To run pptp you will need

Both l2tp and pptp also need pppd.


Up to version 2.2 of OpenVPN, pushing additional routes from the server will not always work. Some of the symptons are that additional routes will not be set by ConnMan if the uplink is a cellular network. While the same setup works well for a WiFi or ethernet uplink.

Up to (at least) version 2.4.5 of OpenVPN getting information about private key decryption failures via management channel is missing. This will result in attempting with the invalid key over and over as the information about failed decryprion is not delivered to OpenVPN plugin. The following patch to OpenVPN is required for the private key decryption failures to be sent: 4f4b4af116292a207416c8a990392e35a6fc41af/rpm/privatekey-passphrase- handling.diff


When using GnuTLS be aware that depending on the configuration of GnuTLS does either an lazy or eager initialization of an internal entropy pool using /dev/urandom. On eager initialization the loading of ConnMan will be delayed by the link loader until the entropy pool is filled. On smaller system this can easily delay the startup of ConnMan by several seconds (we had reports of 25 seconds and more delay).

GnuTLS allows to switch back to lazy evaluation when the environment variable GNUTLS_NO_EXPLICIT_INIT. For more details please read the man page to gnutls_global_init(3).

Online check

ConnMan tries to detect if it has Internet connection or not when a service is connected. If the online check succeeds the service enters Online state, if not it stays in Ready state. The online check is also used to detect whether ConnMan is behind a captive portal like when you are in hotel and need to pay for connectivity.

The online check is done by trying to fetch status.html document from (for IPv4 connectivity) and (for IPv6 connectivity). The used URL looks like this http://ipv{4|6}

The online check operates in one of three modes:

where "one-shot" is the default and is governed by the "OnlineCheckMode" setting.

In "none" mode, there are no "online" HTTP-based Internet reachability checks. Any connected service and the manager state will terminate at the Ready state and will not progress to Online.

In "one-shot", the default mode, there is a single, one-shot "online" HTTP-based Internet reachability check for the default service (that is, the service with the high-priority (metric 0) gateway default route). When the check succeeds, the associated service and the manager state will terminate at the "online" state. When the check fails, subsequent checks will be rescheduled according to "OnlineCheckIntervalStyle", "OnlineCheckInitialInterval", and "OnlineCheckMaxInterval" and will continue indefinitely until one succeeds or until the service is disconnected.

In "continuous" mode, there are ongoing "online" HTTP-based Internet reachability checks for the default service (that is, the service with the high-priority (metric 0) gateway default route). As with "one-shot" mode, when the first check succeeds, the associated service and the manager state will terminate at the Online state. Thereafter, subsequent checks will be scheduled according to "OnlineCheckIntervalStyle" and "OnlineCheckMaxInterval". When the check fails, subsequent checks will be rescheduled according to "OnlineCheckIntervalStyle", "OnlineCheckInitialInterval", and "OnlineCheckMaxInterval". When and if "OnlineCheckFailuresThreshold" is met, the service and manager state will be demoted to Ready and the service will have its "Error" property set to "online-check-failed" while subsequent checks will continue. In the interim, if available, another service may be promoted to the default service and online checks will be initiated for it. When and if, for the demoted service, "OnlineCheckSuccessesThreshold" is met, the service "Error" property will be cleared and the service state promoted to Online, potentially causing it to become the default service again.

See connman.conf(5) for the "OnlineCheckMode" option, if you need to disable the feature. It is also possible to specify other URLs via "OnlineCheckIPv4URL" and "OnlineCheckIPv6URL" options. The range of intervals between two online check requests can be fine-tuned via "OnlineCheckInitialInterval" and "OnlineCheckMaxInterval" options as well as with the "OnlineCheckIntervalStyle" option.

As intimated above, for the "one-shot" and "continuous" modes, when an online check request fails (or, in the case of "continuous" mode, succeeds as well), another one is triggered after a longer interval. The intervals follows one of two mathemetical sequences, depending on the "OnlineCheckIntervalStyle" setting: "fibonacci" or "geometric", with a default of "geometric". The geometric setting is the square series of numbers in the range specified by "OnlineCheckInitialInterval" and "OnlineCheckMaxInterval". The default values for "OnlineCheckInitialInterval" and "OnlineCheckMaxInterval" are the range [1, 12], which correspond to the following "geometric" intervals, in seconds: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121 and 144 over that range. By contrast, the correspending "fibonacci" sequence over that range is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and 144. The "fibonacci" series and style is more aggressive in check rate up to 12 steps (its equivalence point with "geometric" at 144 seconds) than "geometric" but backs off far more aggressively past that point reaching an hour at interval 19 which "geometric" does not reach until interval 60.

During the online check procedure, ConnMan will temporarily install a host route to both the and so that the online check query can be directed via the correct network interface which the connected service is using. This host route is automatically removed when the online check is done. Note that the server expressly does not log any connection information, including IPv4/6 addresses of connecting clients. The server runtime logs cycle in RAM memory depending on amount of connections processed.

ConnMan sends this very minimal information in http header when doing the online check request (example): Host: User-Agent: ConnMan/1.23 wispr Connection: close

Currently following information is returned from if the connection is successful (200 OK http response code is returned): Server: nginx Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 09:25:42 GMT Content-Type: text/html Connection: close X-ConnMan-Status: online

The X-ConnMan-Status field is used in portal detection, if it is missing ConnMan will call RequestBrowser method in net.connman.Agent dbus interface to handle the portal login if the portal does not support WISPr. See doc/agent-api.txt for more details.


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