NyaMisty / AltServer-Linux

AltServer for AltStore, but on-device
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
946 stars 73 forks source link

Refusal to operate after removing device access from iCloud. #52

Closed tduxp closed 2 years ago

tduxp commented 2 years ago

Hey, AltServer-Linux works great. Although, there seems to be a problem for me. During some troubleshooting steps, I accidentally removed the 'iMac' created by this program within the authorized devices located in Settings. So, whenever I try to refresh or install any applications, it returns multiple errors:

Received auth response status code: 200 Received auth response status code: 200 Alert: Could not install YouTube-Custom.ipa to unknown. Unable to sign you in to your Apple ID. Try again later. (-36607)

I suppose the device is blacklisted from my Apple ID, is there anyway to spoof the device created so this program will operate normally again? (The password is definitely correct)

Thanks in advance.

tduxp commented 2 years ago

After some more troubleshooting, I tried setting up alt_anisette_server on a spare VPS laying around, except the fact that it refuses to launch...so, I guess, I'm stuck using my Windows VM to refresh AltStore then. Unless somehow I can do some packets capturing while refreshing AltStore on my MacBook or Windows, but I guess unencrypted communication is pretty rare...

Or Does anyone have an alternative to https://armconverter.com/anisette/irGb3Quww8zrhgqnzmrx? because that one appears to be blacklisted/broken for me.

Thanks again.

tduxp commented 2 years ago

After running docker container, the result is: this.

tduxp commented 2 years ago

Another update, I managed to retrieved the anisette data from my MacBook, and instead of showing the 'Unable to sign you in to your Apple ID. Try again later. (-36607)', the login page spins forever until it says, 'Failed to login, request canceled by user'. I thought this was a my-issue thing, but apparently Apple made a change. I was using this programs for months with issue, but RIP. I unless the docker-container works, I'm considering switching back to my old way lol.

NyaMisty commented 2 years ago

macOS anisette server aren't supported by me, so sadly can't help you. Wine anisette server should work fine tho.

NyaMisty commented 2 years ago

If still fails please submit a new issue in the alt-anisette-server repo