AltServer for AltStore, but on-device
./AltServer -u [UDID] -a [AppleID account] -p [AppleID password] [ipaPath.ipa]
./AltServer -h
for the newest):
Usage: AltServer-Linux options [ ipa-file ]
-h --help Display this usage information.
-u --udid UDID Device's UDID, only needed when installing IPA.
-a --appleID AppleID Apple ID to sign the ipa, only needed when installing IPA.
-p --password passwd Password of Apple ID, only needed when installing IPA.
-d --debug Print debug output, can be used several times to increase debug level.
The following environment var can be set for some special situation:
to specify custom server URLnetmuxd
, stop the original usbmuxd
, and run netmuxd
before running AltServer-Linux
. Enabling this would disable auto-refresh when plugged-in of USB devices~Preparation: git clone --recursive
Install dependencies (see notes below): corecrypto_static, cpprestsdk static lib, boost static lib
cd AltServer-Linux
mkdir build
make -f ../Makefile -j3
ls AltServer-*
My own build note for you
1. Run alpine docker (change --platform to corresponding architecture you want):
docker run --platform=linux/arm/v7 --name altserver-builder-alpine-armv7 -it alpine:3.15
2. Install dependencies:
apk add zsh git curl wget g++ clang boost-static ninja boost-dev cmake make sudo bash vim libressl-dev util-linux-dev zlib-dev zlib-static
3. Install corecrypto
download corecrypto from apple website, unzip; cd corecrypto; mkdir build; cd build; CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ..;
vim CMakeFiles/Makefile2, delete line starts with "all: corecrypto_perf/....." and "all: corecrypto_test/.....", then make; make install
4. Install cpprestsdk
git clone --recursive; cd cpprestsdk; mkdir build; cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0 ..; make; make install
(if you're compiling for armv7, you have to grep -Wcast-align, and remove it, or the compiling would fail)
5. Install libzip
git clone; cd libzip; mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0 ..; make; make install
6. Compile AltServer-Linux
git clone --recursive
cd AltServer-Linux
make -f ../Makefile -j3
(if you're compiling for ARM, i.e. armv7 or aarch64, you'll have to remove the -mno-default flag in Makefile)